LFS Test Patch 0.7E15
(168 posts, started )
Quote from Scawen :Layout Square cameras now have 40m height instead of 4m

I'm wondering why is that change, is it because of the long distance between cameras or the jitter? Shrug
If you join the E-challenge server with the old version, you just see moving walls. You can never see a car. With the new version, you can see cars driving around. Smile
Do you plan also a command to set "Look sensitivity" and/or "Look centre reduction"?

Currently with the new command "/lookf" I can "only" switch to "steer" but can't set/change the sensitivity, right? And additonal for "mouse_x" the "Look centre reduction". Perhaps thats could be possible with additonal parameters like "/lookf steer 1.0" or "/lookf mouse_x 1.0 0.1"?

If not: That's OK too Wink

Anyway: Thanks for the new test patch
on the mouse steering topic, i feel like unifying mouse controls with controllers could be a good idea, i have been using the mouse for full car control since somewhere around 2012, i have my steering and the gas/brake mapped to mouse, so when i push up, throttle is increased, when i pull down, the car starts braking, to turn and throttle or brake, i pull my cursor to the required quadrant of the screen etc.

after all those years, i still end up accidentally applying the brakes a bit or wobbling the steering on straights when i am shifting sometimes (i use sequential with clutch help on keyboard) especially when i am trying to shift fast, i would appreciate a tiny bit of deadzone in the middle to prevent that and also make it easier to hold the wheel fully straight when i need to

for the people that like it how it is right now or dont use the mouse for gas/brake, i feel like they can set the center deadzones to 0 and edge deadzones to a number similar to the multiplier they were using to have no change in their habits (the system could permit out of range edge deadzones to emulate lower than 1x multiplier)

i also feel like adjustments of 0.1x are a bit coarse, this would allow finer adjustments too (i have my gas/brake at 1.1x and it leaves a bit more deadzone on the top and bottom than i would like, i was unable to fully brake or throttle just by a tiny bit with 1.0x after a mouse change a few years ago)
With all due respect I've been using mouse to play since I started and I think its perfect this way, if there are any changes made to mouse steering I hope there will be "legacy" mode as it is right now.
Quote from neonmateo :With all due respect I've been using mouse to play since I started and I think...

I've been racing with a mouse in LFS on and off since 2003, almost 30,000 miles worth, and I agree.
Some minor updates in E12:


Small change in calculation of free view camera smoothing
- only intended as preparation for a future change
- slightly more efficient calculation
- should provide identical motion


Support for new command to set number of stops completed
- requires updated host not yet publicly available


FIX: Multiple commands now allow more than 1 space between commands


More updated translations - Thank you translators!

Download: https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/106967
Hello. I joined to try the test patch. I made my server 0.7E12. However, players in the 7E version receive such an error when joining the server. The forum description says that players on version 7E can join the 0.7E12 servers.

host requires 0.7e12 or later

I did a quick test about the new command "/setstops USERNAME Y" and everything looks working fine.

(MicroSpecV) DELETED by Scawen : bizarre threats seemingly out of character
(Scawen) DELETED by Scawen : response to strange threats - let's stick to talking about the test patch
BIG ISSUE report with Patch E12

I got this error message at startup

The game exits when i load the track and car, and the anti-virus activates, detecting a threat.

Added LFS in the antivirus exceptions but the problem is still there
Never heard of that before.

Have you tried restarting the computer?
It's strange, never happened with any test patch before.

And as soon as i put 7E back (or even 7E8), no problems.
This DirectInput error sounds like issues with an ffb controller. Do you have any device plugged in? If you have, try unplugging it and see if error persists.
Quote from thegamer23 :BIG ISSUE report with Patch E12...

In 0.6Tx, I had exactly same error and the reason for that was because Avast did think LFS newest test patch was potentially dangerous. So for me, reason was hyperactive antivirus software. When you view your deb.txt-file, does it mention different LFS version when comparing to the version seen in the entry screen? For me, that did happen with this error.

Usually after a while, antivirus softwares will detect that newest test patch is not potentially dangerous and will not cause any more issues

Thread where I reported this same issue (all related posts are on page 1): https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/93144
Quote from tankslacno :In 0.6Tx, I had exactly same error and the reason for that was because Avast did think LFS newest test patch was potentially dangerous. So for me, reason was hyperactive antivirus software. When you view your deb.txt-file, does it mention different LFS version when comparing to the version seen in the entry screen? For me, that did happen with this error.

Usually after a while, antivirus softwares will detect that newest test patch is not potentially dangerous and will not cause any more issues

Thread where I reported this same issue (all related posts are on page 1): https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/93144

Thanks man, it was definetely AVAST causing some troubles.

Disabled it temporarily and it worked! Thumbs up
Hello, today i have found a small bug on the engine damage display, i was specating the driver Wooyek when i saw sometimes hi's engine damage display was turning yellow and then came back to white. I've noticed that was happening when he was downshifting quickly. When i asked him if he was with engine damage he told me he wasn't. At some momment he get engine damage and was white for me, so, something is not working properly. I was parked on the pit lane with engine damage, i told him to spectate me and surprise, he could't see my engine damage.

I send a video which shows what I explain. https://youtu.be/vStWse5BEWs

It's not a major bug, but I want to let you know about it 🙂
I think what you saw was down to 2 different things.

1) You saw damage on his car, but he did not. This could be that on your computer, damage was inflicted on his engine due to differences on your computer calculating the physics, compared with the 'real' case on his computer. Soon, some info came from his computer correcting the engine damage your computer had estimated too high.

2) Later, he and you had engine damage but the other could not see it. This could be due to granularity due to compressed data. Your engine health would have to be worse than 99.8% to be visible on a remote computer. But it only has to be worse than 99.95% to be visible on the local computer.
Quote from Scawen :Your engine health would have to be worse than 99.8% to be visible on a remote computer. But it only has to be worse than 99.95% to be visible on the local computer.

Thanks for explain Smile
Quote from Scawen :It's an interesting thought...

Pardon, should have elaborated further, prior to this test patch I was able to fully press the throttle / brake pedals using Throttle / Brake combined assigned to the mouse Y Axis.

Right now its different:

Max brake:

Max throttle:

So as mentioned, probably worth looking into this for the few of us that use Mouse Y to control the pedals Big grin
Try to set wheel/joystick as controler, set the brake axis calibration values to 0% and 100% then switch back to mouse. Not sure if it's even possible without any game device, but give it a shot and let us know.
Although I agree that is not ideal, I don't think it has changed in recent times. I tested using 0.7E and the same thing happens, the mouse axis doesn't seem to reach the absolute limit.

But you can solve that by setting the multiplier on Mouse Y to 1.1 which may be a reasonable solution.
Quote from Scawen :Although I agree that is not ideal, I don't think it has changed in recent...

Oh that solves it, thanks!

Quote from rane_nbg :Try to set wheel/joystick as controler, set the brake axis calibration values to...

Also tried this, it did unlock the range but setting them to 0 and 100% made no difference.
I've rebuilt the E12 patch as an installer instead of a self-extracting archive.

Also, as a well tested patch, and now that some hosts are using the improved E12 hosting version, I have put this update on the auto updater system for everyone.

This is experimental, it's a different way of doing things. I'm sure it cannot be done for all test patches but it seems OK right now as this one is well tested.
Hi Scawen!

I installed E12 via the auto-update thingy (when trying to connect to a host). On the first start up after the update, my antivirus was blocking LFS. LFS showed a sound error (with some numbers). Surprisingly, my Windows 11 sounds stopped after that as well. No sound from Windows and even YouTube showed an error when attempted to play something.

At the time I did not think it was related to LFS, so I didn't bother taking any screenshots etc. OS sound worked after a restart.

It was repeated when I launched LFS again and antivirus blocked again.

The issue was resolved after adding an exception to LFS.exe in the antivirus software and it stopped blocking.

I thought it was an isolated incident; but a similar issue was reported here: https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/108164-No-Sound
They say the error was: 'Sound Error (play:b-2147221164)"

Elsewhere, there was another report on the error: "DI : DirectInput8Create - DIERR_GENERIC"

This is linked to the error reported earlier in this thread: https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/108146-Unplayable-Error-0-7E12

Just a heads up. Please disregard if its a known issue with new patches causing all the antivirus software to throw hissy fits.

LFS Test Patch 0.7E15
(168 posts, started )