The online racing simulator
Spinoff : Live delta request
(40 posts, started )
Quote from Viperakecske :Any updates on this ? Would be very useful in a racing game

I don't know why you always have to add a sarcastic comment at the end of what you say. It just makes me annoyed, and as I've explained before, that doesn't help me work.

So I'll give you another ban to help me keep peace of mind in these busy weeks up to the patch release.

Ignoring the second sentence, I'll answer the first sentence as if you were not an annoying wind up merchant. No, there are no updates on this, it's really hard to do in a short time and I have provided an InSim interface so other programmers can add such useful features.
Quote from rane_nbg :One thing that comes to my mind is to enable access to race line coordinates via inSim, if there is one available, it may be useful for calculations of time delta. Or access to other players' x,y,z car coordinates and vx, vy, vz velocities.

Insim can already read the coordinates and speed of every car. I believe it was the MCI package. I only used it during replays but if I remember correctly it also worked during races.

My personal opinion: Such feature might be useful, as in: It allows you to perform better. But I am unsure if it is realistic to have such precise real-time information.
Quote from Gutholz :Insim can already read the coordinates and speed of every car. I believe it was the MCI package. I only used it during replays but if I remember correctly it also worked during races.

My personal opinion: Such feature might be useful, as in: It allows you to perform better. But I am unsure if it is realistic to have such precise real-time information.

Most of modern simracing games nowadays have it, as it help you to improve, but mainly it help to people that were week/month/year and so on away from the game, its easier for them to get pace back, and that motivates them to play more, as lets say you return after 3years, you join a event, youre dead last and its hard for you to improve, you need hundreds of thousands of laps to get pace back. While with live delta you need a lot less time to adapt and find right lines and where you lose time. For me its just strange that we have such updates as fog lights, when we dont have such weather in lfs, while such essential thing as live delta that has big potential to improve racing and make it easier to return to it is being ignored as too complicated task.
As said before, it's pretty easy to think of 1000 things that you could say "why on EARTH is THIS feature not done". And let's suppose each of those things take 1 day or a week or a month to do. Assume on average each would take a week. And let's suppose there are 50 weeks a year.

Now we are talking 1000/50 so then in 20 years I could get those things done. And I suppose some people would say... YES! do all those obvious 1000 things, before releasing the new tyre physics and graphics system that has already been coded and that we are waiting for.

But, here's the problem, I do not agree with that. My plan is to release this really big update, 0.7E, with huge amount of mods support, that I have worked nearly every day for a couple of years on, long days, weekends and holidays. And then get back to the new physics and graphics update that I mentioned already. If you don't like that plan, that is your problem really, not mine. As also mentioned, there are other programmers who can write the feature you requested. I've already provided a solution that allows that to be coded. It's called "InSim".

There's only one programmer on the core game, so guess what... I don't have time to write every single peripheral that you could wish for. I did however provide an interface so you can make your own, so why don't you get cracking and sort it out yourself?
Quote from Gutholz :Insim can already read the coordinates and speed of every car. I believe it was the MCI package

Tnx, that's good to know. For delta to be calculated there has to be also some reference path in the track against which a car path will be evaluated. That is why I was suggesting that race line coordinates are also available through inSim. Car coordinates and velocity vectors alone are not enough.

Many of you have no real sense of how difficuilt this feature is as a mathematical and programing task. There are very many ways to do and it may or may not improve one's racing. I agree that is a nice luxury to have in lfs, but let's let Scawen to focus on important things first - new release, then gfx and tire physics.
You can use the .pth files in data\smx for the approx racing line.

I have a WIP live delta implemented for Simbroadcasts, though it needs work to be robust enough for our uses (I mentioned this in the other thread that asked about deltas).

All the data needed to do personal live deltas is available in InSim + .pth files.
Tnx Degats for this insight. Can you tell us, which method you used to calculate delta and what in your oppinion is missing from your curent implementation?
I can't remember exactly what the calculations are and I haven't got time to dig into it at the moment, but it uses a combination of speed and position of all cars from InSim, and measuring distances from the .pth node lines which are used as references.

LFS limitations for Simbroadcasts usage are mostly described here I don't think they're show stoppers, just make for more edge cases and added complexity that I will need to deal with.
I don't think they'd stop you from recreating LFS Lazy type stuff though.
Ah yes, tnx for reminder.I did read what you wrote there back then, but by now it was forgoten unfortunately. I just did read it again and this is impressive stuff man, big thumbs up for making it available for us at some point Smile
Quote from Gutholz :Insim can already read the coordinates and speed of every car. I believe it was the MCI package. I only used it during replays but if I remember correctly it also worked during races.

My personal opinion: Such feature might be useful, as in: It allows you to perform better. But I am unsure if it is realistic to have such precise real-time information.

i think most modern racing cars have this capability to at least some degree
Quote from rane_nbg :Tnx, that's good to know. For delta to be calculated there has to be also some reference path in the track against which a car path will be evaluated. That is why I was suggesting that race line coordinates are also available through inSim. Car coordinates and velocity vectors alone are not enough.

Raceline coordinates are one way.
Another option is to record your own racing line.
Just record the coordinates over a few laps and eventually you will have enough data. If LFS's path node system is not accurate for your needs, then you can make your own system.
The advantage would be that it works on custom configs, too.
Here is my racing line over a full race on a custom layout:

So during a race, one could compare current speed etc. against such recorded data. Just needs to squeeze that data in some useful data structure.
One way could be to divide the map into grid fields with size 1x1 meters and for each grid cell you save the average speed.

In general, lots of features can be implemented by anyone via Insim.
(Many already are)
It is a very powerful feature. I believe it is more useful to ask the developers of tools like LFS Companion etc if they want to implement new features.

For me, the blocker to write such delta-time tool is:
1) For whatever reasons, I can no longer get the c++ library to compile/link.
2) Personally I do find this delta-time feature not so useful and I am not so interested in it.
My logging code is pposted somewhere on forum, if somebody wants to build on that or needs a starting point.
(Viper Cake) DELETED by kristofferandersen : ..
Quote :Im quite surprised on this ban

I am not surprised. Shrug
Viper: shitposting is sometimes funny but you use too much toxic sarcasm.
All the jokes about mods, cruise servers, VW have been posted hundred times. It is not clever anymore and annoying to skip over when reading forum.
Quote from Gutholz :Another option is to record your own racing line.
Just record the coordinates over a few laps and eventually you will have enough data. If LFS's path node system is not accurate for your needs, then you can make your own system.
The advantage would be that it works on custom configs, too.

This is pretty much what the LFS pth files are, it's a reference lap with nodes/lines saved at regular intervals (with additional geometry that isn't required for deltas).

For each lap you care about: save the position, direction, speed, and time since the start of the lap in whatever interval is useful. Compare that reference lap against the current lap/latest IS_MCI data and you can calculate the delta.
hi. any update on this?
Henlo Racers and Devs
I have 2 suggestions, one more simple way to make a time delta work instead of using Positions and Speed to make maths and one extra suggestion that normally works correlated with the Time Delta

1: The Simple way to make a Time delta. you will need a reference for this, a good one in my opinion would be to the game save a SPR of your fastest lap and only the fastest lap, if it gets beaten, then it gets deleted and the new PB SPR is put in place
with it, the game would run it live while youre also driving, makinf that SPR a kind of "Ghost Car" and the time delta is simple, make 1 time point each 1 meter on the track, acting like Mini Sectors (that exists in a few sims and also in formula 1 nowadays) and then, if ghost car is ahead of player car, then just measure the time it takes between the ghost car coing thru that point and the player car doing the same, If player car is ahead, then its the same math but reversed, the player car crosses the point and a mini timer starts to count to see how far ahead it is from the ghost car.
i think this is easier and more precise than Maths and Predictions made with XYZ and Speed.

2: The Speed Delta. this is even easier, simpler and just as useful, it just compares the Speed diference between your PB and your current lap, literally works the same as the Time Delta but just comparing the speeds instead.

Sorry for big text, have a nice day y'all Smile

Spinoff : Live delta request
(40 posts, started )