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Logitech G920 FF failure
(7 posts, started )
Logitech G920 FF failure
It was working fine last weekend, and haven’t touched it since. I tried to start it up today, and it wouldn’t even recognize the wheel. I uninstalled and reinstalled the wheel’s software, and now it’s recognized, but no FF
No clue why, no clue what to do to fix it.
Says “CreateEffect failed (1 axis)“ and says it cant set up the device; despite being able to steer with it
Attached images
What changed between the last time it worked and now?

Any updates to your OS/LFS or anything else that you can think of?

Does FF work in other software? Just to get an idea if it is definitely a LFS issue or a wheel or OS issue.

Your OS and LFS version info might help to narrow down the issue.

Surprisingly the only result searching for "creatEffect" in the forums is the follow; which is unfortunately unanswered.

Edit: Thank you Gutholz, I stand corrected.
Quote from Silverracer :Surprisingly the only result searching for "creatEffect" in the forums is the follow; which is unfortunately unanswered.

The error is "createEffect", he missed one "e" when copying from the screenshot.
From forum search it seems related to driver issues and Windows updates breaking something.

I would try to uninstall the Logitech software and install it again.
Usualy with logitech wheels, this kind of error is due to device drivers. Some say never use logi ghub it's crap, some say only use logi lgs drivers and so on. I'm using ghub with G29 and lfs works fine. Try uninstalling it again and then install again lattest ghub with drivers.

Not to go into too much details, lfs supports 2 ffb axis now, this change was done some updates before the lattest one, so if everything was working a few months ago, it should still keep working. Nothing in connection with how ffb is handeled has changed recently in lfs, so it's probably logi being logi and windows being windows.
Hi, was the issue sorted out?

Did it happen after the recent upgrade to LFS E12?

If so, try disabling (or making an exception to LFS.exe) your antivirus software and try again to see if it has any effect.
From what you guys have suggested; it seems to be a hardware issue
With and without the GHub; FF still doesn't work. There is nothing in the LFS controls menu that seems to show a fix.
Thanks for your help though
Quote from Silverracer :[...]try disabling (or making an exception to LFS.exe) your antivirus software and try again to see if it has any effect.

No difference relating to the above?

Does it work as expected in other sims? Or is it LFS-only issue.

Logitech G920 FF failure
(7 posts, started )