Race Green Events will keep the relativelly new tradition alive - few weeks after the demanding car race on roads of Westhill also a bike competition will be held. Even if the attendance and especially the effort of riders last year was rather dissapointing (only 4 finished the distance,few others attempted),we're gonna try once again. Especially because the bike control has been updated since then and now - handling of the 2 wheel vehicles have been made somewhat more user friendly.
Format and track of this competition has not been changed compared to last year - still the same Westschleifenring,the simplified version of the annual car endurance race venue and still 2 laps ride around it to have a distance of 21.83 kilometers,which last year was completed in 9 and a half minutes. The organization has selected 26 bikes from various ages and bike types,removing full spec racing machines from selection and sorting out low quality or unrealistic performance mods. Again - despite the performance differences between these machines,all what will matter will be the skill of a rider - slower machine will be earlier in finish without falls than faster one which spends a lot of time getting up from falls.
To help out riders to finish their runs,we will offer once again insim help - an application that will put your fallen bike back to wheels without repairing damage and if needed - also turn the bike 90°. This is to ensure realistic possibility of real bike riding - poeple can back on bike after simple falls and continue the run despite some bruises. Still it is highly suggested to everyone willing to participate to join the event server before actual event and have some practice,set up the bike[s] and get to know the track!
Sunday,16th June
16:30 UTC / 18:30 CET - start of 3 hours open track time trial mode
19:30 UTC / 21:30 CET - end of session,no new runs can be started,all riders on track can still finish their runs
* the shown CET time is current (summer) time - if not residing in CET time zone,always refer to UTC for correct time zone convertion!
Guidelines during the event:
* Server will be password protected and password will be posted in this thread. No signups required.
* Riders will be allowed to start their runs with approx. 30 seconds gap.
* At the start of the session all riders will be called out in connections order,after the order has been complete,riders have to request a run by clicking on host's name (Race Green Events) in connections list and type "requesting a run". Riders will be queued in requests order and administration will allow them to join track,riders will have approx. 10 seconds time to join. Run request will be ignored if rider is still on track.
* There is no limit how many runs a rider can take,however it can be limited by amount of other participants and their run requests.
* In case of a fall,riders can put up the bike on wheels with command ";flip" (semicole+flip),there will be 2 seconds delay between command has been typed and executed. An additional command ";turn" (semicole+turn) will turn the bike 90° to the left direction. Note that commands are available only when the bike is stationary!
* There are no restrictions in bike or it's setup usage,however slick tyres are strongly suggested. In final results rider will be scored with best time of the session and the bike the time was set with.
* It is expected riders are familiar with the track and the bike they have selected,make sure you have at least some practice before the event.
* As per standard LFS rules,touching movable objects will add 2 seconds penalty,false start - 30 seconds penalty. These penalties will have affect the result of the run.
* In case a faster rider has cought a slower one,the slower rider has to act similary as under blue flag - rider may not block an overtaking attempt,while faster rider has to pass in safe manner.
* It is forbidden to change name during event - participants should select their name (the one you usually use and wish to be identified with) before start of the event.
* Absolutelly no stopping on track - if for some reason a rider cannot continue his run,spectate and request a new run when it's possible again.
Other info:
*Event server - server is online,is set in practice mode with pratice layout (no time trial start) and has an Airio for laptime tracking (due hexadecimal code,most mods laptimes cannot be shown on simple !top table). Airio can spectate connections with very high and unstable ping for safety reasons (stable connections even from Australia should not be affected). Server will be open for public use until event day. For private practice feel free to use the attached layout. Server link (click2join): Race Green Events
*Event will be held using the latest version of LFS - 0.7E12.
*All information here can be changed,if so,notification will be posted about changes.