The online racing simulator
TOO LOW FPS : shwitz :
(14 posts, started )
TOO LOW FPS : shwitz :
:schwitz:hello people,I have too low fps I wish someone can help me fix it

I have:
Intel Celeron N4020 @1.10GHz
4GB DDR3 2400 MHz
Integrated Intel Graphics card on cpu with 512mb VRam

I know my specs are below todays standards but Im sure someone can help me,I wish that the developers see my post Looking I just want to get LFS above 40 FPS now because I only get around 40 and 45 fps all the time and when Im racing in big races like in AA games sometimes it stutters so badly

Please help me I just want to be able to run Live For Speed at 60FPS on my computer I really love live for speed so much and its my favorite game,I have been playing it non stop for a few months now and everyday I play it I love it so much.

Thanks in advance guys!
Have you tried graphics options like:

Textures: low res
Texture filtering/AF: 1x

Misc options:

Full physics for remote cars: [no]
Make sure both anti-aliasing options are set to off, they really kill fps on integrated graphics
Quote from Scawen :Have you tried graphics options like...

yes I have done that and I still get 40-45 fps
Quote from Latvian Video :Make sure both anti-aliasing options are set to off, they really kill fps on...

yes everything is mostly on low or off,even for the miscellanous section
guys how do I send pictures of my settings here on the website?
Have you tried running lower screen resolution like 1280x720? On max settings at 1080p LFS uses about 800MB of vram, so this is really a fps killer in your case. Lowering screen res will reduce vram usage and then you should be able to see +60fps I think. I'm running lfs on intel 4th gen i7 mobile cpu with HD4600 gfx, it runs perfectly fine even on 1080p, but I had to disable antialiasing completely from windows driver control panel.
I'm not sure if this is a welcome suggestion but have you checked the price of second-hand PCs? A old PC good enough for LFS can be very cheaply bought. It's not like you need an up to date computer. Not recommended for delivery but local pickup type of options could work.
Your cpu and ram seem a little clapped to run LFS at any decent graphic setting. Try custom building a budget rig. With new Windows 11 coming a lot of chipsets are going unsupported soon, so you might be able to grab something. I've been running an ancient i7 2600K forever since I got the PC used in 2018. From there I just bought a bronze fan, Nvidia 1080ti and some clearance stock ram, totalling 12gb now. Runs LFS at decent graphics and most FPS shooters with ample headroom. Build's only at like 315USD total, with the initial pc and mb used...

Quote from HKS Custom Tuning ::schwitz:hello people,I have too low fps I wish someone can help me fix it

I have:
Intel Celeron N4020 @1.10GHz
4GB DDR3 2400 MHz
Integrated Intel Graphics card on cpu with 512mb VRam

I know my specs are below todays standards but Im sure someone can help me,I wish that the developers see my post Looking I just want to get LFS above 40 FPS now because I only get around 40 and 45 fps all the time and when Im racing in big races like in AA games sometimes it stutters so badly

Please help me I just want to be able to run Live For Speed at 60FPS on my computer I really love live for speed so much and its my favorite game,I have been playing it non stop for a few months now and everyday I play it I love it so much.

Thanks in advance guys!

Hell, a refurb Steam Deck is relatively inexpensive (to me at least) and can run Windows along with many other games at 1080p. Can install the OS to an external drive as well as drive an external monitor.
Quote from rane_nbg :Have you tried running lower screen resolution like 1280x720? On max settings at...

ohh yes yes my native resolution is 1366x768 and I run LFS at 1280x720 and everything on the lowest settings (even mip bias at 0.0) and I use the compressed textures as well.

What is Z buffer depth? I have that at 16 Uhmm
Quote from Scawen :I'm not sure if this is a welcome suggestion but have you checked the price of...

yes everyday I go on to the local used PC market website and stuff is a bit expensive for me considering my parents had to buy me this computer,hopefully by the end of the year I could afford an OK enough refurbished pc or even a brand new pc,because I really want to enjoy lfs and all its glory its the best game honestly (Im hooked onto it haha Razz )
Quote from gu3st :Hell, a refurb Steam Deck is relatively inexpensive (to me at least) and can run...

woahhhh steam decks are sooo expensive broo well I dont blame them for pricing it that high since it can run all games haha but definitely not for me,thanks for the suggestion Thumbs up )
Options - Graphics - Shadow type-off, Full-scene AA and mirror AA-none, textures-low res
Options - Misc - Maximum buffered frames 2, Full physics for remote cars-no

Ctrl+Alt+del after u start the game - task manager - details tab - right click lfs.exe - set priority-high
Killing background processes like browser, discord and etc will also help
And finally a must-have for weak integrated gpus (install in LFS/dds folder)

TOO LOW FPS : shwitz :
(14 posts, started )