The online racing simulator
Release: LFSLapper V7.0.9.5
Hello Lapperusers,

This version is nothing special, it only contains a few fixes.
I've used this version to play around with the Turkish Character bug, but still not managed to fix it. So thats still on my list.

I also played around with the http() function, to see how that works.
More info here:

|Changes from to
1: Lappercrash when a player disconnects (normal/kick/ban) from the server while LFSLapper is not connected with a discordbot.
2: Lappercrash When changing discordbotstatus when Discord Bot isnt connect with LFSLapper.
3: RegisterZoneAction() : Leave Zone not triggered when pressing Shift+S (Spectating)
4: Disabled Debugmessages from Version

Attached files
LFSLapper - 6.6 MB - 155 views
Hello, in your last update, our problem with Leave Zone was solved, but I think you tampered with the http() related codes because almost many of our http() codes do not work. Can you please tell me which codes we need to fix from version 9.4 just for the changes related to Leave Zone?
Ill convert the changes
Check out the new version in 30 min

EDIT: New version available in the first post.
Thanks for the new version it works better now.
I need command (suicdff) DELETED by suicdff
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