91st RTFR XL

A reminder - server will be password protected 1 hour before qualifying start to keep not knowing crowded server jumpers out of way,pass will be always the same: green

Pitting rules:
Race requires a minimum time spent in pitstall of 10 seconds. That can be done either with single pitstop or sum of multiple pitstops. Driver who has spent less time will receive penalty time added to his finish time,which will be calculated by tripling the missing time to complete neccesary minimum time and adding additional 5 seconds. Drivers failing to pit at all will receive 1 minute penalty added to finish time (10s*3 + additional 30s).

Some historic stats:
Last race won by: S1DUS*GáboR
Last FZR race won by: [WCL] True Alpha - 2 wins in row (83rd RTFR XL - AS Historic Rev.)
Most FZR race wins: [WCL] True Alpha - 2 wins (Finland - 4 wins)
Last South City race won by: B2マ M (88th RTFR XL - LX6 @ SO Chicane Route)
Most South City race wins: S1DUS*Botsi - 5 wins (Finland - 8 wins)
Current rating leader: S1DUS*R.Kardol (+20.5 points)

2024 standings after 6 of 12 races:
B2マ M - 131
S1DUS*R.Kardol - 104
S1DUS*uNite - 84
Event rating and other statistics

Server link: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race
Race Green Discord: https://discord.gg/E37R5vD
Attached images
Official results



Race statistics / RTFR XL .mpr folder / Event rating and other statistics (will be updated during the week)

R.Guy - receives 60 seconds penalty added to his finish time for failure to serve the mandatory pitstop. The penalty results in loss of last completed lap.
#29 J.Coetzee - receives a final warning for low awareness of surroundings and low driving standards.
[PACT] tBug - receives a final warning for multiple avoidable contacts. A driver with incidents records in many series still proves lack of ability to learn - while others are racing a 64 laps race,taking care of material and recources required to finish race without repairs,this particular driver seems to be interested in passing others by any means necessary without care of damage and retires when realizes that good result is not possible. This kind of behaviour is not welcome here!
AA™| Goico - receives a warning for chatting while not participating in race. We don't need commentators or wannabe helpers - other drivers are well aware of blue flags and if not,your repeated impersonal binds will not help either but just distract others.

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The most used car in RTFR XL returned once again - this was already the 8th race in series with FZR. Another repeat was South City Town Course,used already in 58th RTFR XL with this car,however yesterday we run the track in reversed direction,so at least this was an unique combo. With 24 drivers in qualifying this was pretty much average attendance this year,however 4 of them left server and did not start the race.

Just like in other RTFR version,Gábor also here started a winning streak (his 3rd in RTFR XL) - he used his own selected combo and run away from competition finishing 47 seconds ahead of everyone,not lapping just 3 others. The hungarian started the event by tying Botsi for all time most pole positions (11),the race win is his 10th,the fastest lap of the race is his 11th (now sole 2nd most) and the top5 finish - his 20th (4th driver to reach this count). Winner's teammate completed S1dus duo on top in results in both qualifying and race - however Unite needed some luck to finish 2nd,which is his 27th top5 finish. This was only the 2nd RTFR XL for Doktor and his previous attendance did produce a rather low result as he finished 23rd,however yesterday he improved his achievements here to 4th position in qualifying and 3rd place finish in race. Sean was the last driver on lead lap,4th place finish is repeat of his best result here and 3rd top5 finish in total. Also for Madjester this was the best RTFR XL - it was his 9th event and 6th place in qualifying was and improvement by 5 positions and 5th place finish - improvement by 4.

Having races in both directions we can compare times - world record lap is 0.48s faster in original direction,while the 64 laps race was completed 47.56 seconds slower than in 58th RTFR XL or 33.81 seconds slower when comparing same driver Gábor,which is 0.52s per lap difference - that is just 0.04 seconds more when compared to world record difference.

Again it was rather unlikelly to complete the race without pitwork (except for one driver who did not pit at all finishing all but 2 laps),so the mention goes to one with simply shortest pitstop - Rony changed only 3 tyres compared to most others with full new set,recording pitstop with 10.27 seconds length.

There was not much advancements - most were done by Ayoub Maroc,who started (technically) 16th and finished 10th,making 6 positions progress in the race,which is 2 more than 2nd best.

VOD at Youtube:

Since noone may select combo for 2 races in row,the selection has been relayed to 2nd place finisher Unite - he is yet to reply to message,so currently combo for 92nd RTFR XL is unknown. Also unknown is combo of 337th RTFR (which is also 2024 season 2 opening round) scheduled for next week - this will be announced only this weekend.
Attached images