The online racing simulator
All My Suggestions In One Post
1-ERS System:

LFS already has an energy recovery system in electric cars, so why can't we have ERS in formula cars? We can have a button for it and while we press is it uses energy and then under braking it turns temperature to energy. We can have display for it like the steering gauge as well.

2-8 Gears for Formula:

This one is there for realism and so formula cars can be quick in straights and maintain cornering speed.


A Button that enables DRS in our car and opens rear wing. We can have detection points and activation points in the layout editor.

4-Championship Setup:

We choose what position gives how many points and based on that we get points and so does the AI. We can choose to end season whenever. We get driver result and Team result and a tally of all our stats from the season. Speaking of teams, that leads us to the next suggestion.


We can choose team name, team car for season, team logo, team suits and helmets and then we can choose their AI or Player drivers and create championship with it.

6-Updated AI:

Basically a screen like the Player screen for the AI. We can choose their helmets, name, Number plate and in addition to this, I have created an example screen. Its not the best but it shows idea on how we can modify individual stats of the AI such as rating, experience, awareness, race craft and pace along with nationality and logo to display on mini map.

It'd be very cool to see these suggestions being implemented however some are easier than others so Its certain We won't see all of them.

Here is example for Suggestion No.#6
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Tnx for putting this together. I support suggestions 1 and 3.
Quote from rane_nbg :Tnx for putting this together. I support suggestions 1 and 3.

Why not 8th gear? Would be really effective to increase the transmission. As well as open wheelers it can also be used for semis, which have a very large transmission

I disagree with the last points though, because you're essentially asking to turn LFS into an f1 game, at that point just buy the game, LFS is a simulator which can currently be used for all kinds of things, so it would be smarter to focus improvements on all aspects, that could also bait a larger community to play
Scawen already addressed the increasing amount of gears. He would like to do it, but not at this moment due to complexity of backwards compatibility with car setups and replays.
Thanks for the responses and I agree with subUwU as most of the races I hold are with F1 cars and even though I have the F1 game, I have always wanted to have a healthy amount of games at my disposal as a sim racer.
In support of all points.

1-3 make sense for modding for sure.

Regarding 4-6:
Last update already saw an (much needed) improvement to AI. I hope Scawen will have time to improve the AI further (some time after time physics / graphics update).

A simple "championship" game mode were you can create (and save/load) a "season" with on which tracks will be raced and individually how many laps (or time) will be raced would be already great (editable point system would be great too).

Always was a fan of how the old Papyrus NASCAR / INDYCAR games had the possibility to setup a custom championship and how each AI driver had diffenrent strengths, depending on track type (short oval, speedway, super speedway, road course) and for performance in qualification and race. There was even a strength setting for the pit crew if I remember correctly.

Also their strenth varried from race to since the strength values were set as a range (min, max) and an average value within this range.
This made the whole season less predictible and gave each AI driver sort of a character.
Quote from ksa_land :In support of all points...

Would sure be very cool to see! AI does need an overhaul as right now it only drives. What I mean by that it that if youre beside it, it just ignores you and pushes you off. It ignores Blue and Yellow flags as well.
Quote from HooHee :1-ERS System:


A Button that enables DRS in our car and opens rear wing. We can have detection points and activation points in the layout editor.

We actually already have it on Formula car mods (Formula RC14, & Formula RC11). By pressing 3 on keyboard or your headlight lowbeam binding on your wheel or controller, it will open DRS. For cars like the BF1 probably would never have DRS since it came out before F1 added DRS (added in 2011). Detection points and activiation point would be really cool on certain tracks/configs, and on certain long straight (like Westhill front straight, Blackwood back straight, etc.), and have it automatically close when you hit the brakes (like in Assetto Corsa).
But those DRS are only visual and do not affect the actual downforce.
Oh yeah.. forgot..
For #1 I'm already reminded of old cheats that used negative handbrake force to act as a turbo boost
I should also mention that for the AI improvement point, I'm not saying to copy the AI ranking system of the F1 games or anything, Its just that it would be cool to see how different stats of AI change an AI. I would also like to add on that if those changes aren't possible which I understand, Then it'd be another suggestion from my side to improve 3 main things about the current AI which are :

1-Smarter AI

with every LFS update, its great to see that the AI becomes a bit faster and smarter how ever they sometimes act very weird as they sometimes ignore other cars and if the AI are driving faster cars, usually into turn 1 there's a massive crash because they all brake at the braking point even though the cars in front have already slowed down . This cause a massive pile up into turn one. The AI also just sits in the slipstream and when it gains speed it brakes and just sits behind the car. They abasically don't go for any overtakes after Lap 1.

2:Tyre wear for AI:

If AI is using lets say R2 tires on a car with high power, they'll face tire wear until to a point where the temperature and tire wear just remains the same which makes the tire pressure difference basically none. It'd be cool to see if the AI also faced tire wear like the player does.

3-AI mistakes

The only times I've ever seen the AI make mistakes is related to point 1 where they sit behind the car in front and due to dirty air and lack of downforce the either spin or lock up into the back of the car. If in clean air the AI basically makes 0 mistakes and drives almost perfectly which means if it's a short races, Lets say 5 laps where there's no chance of lapping a car, Whatever happens after the turn 1 carnage and whatever is the order then is what the order will be at the end. It'd be great to see AI make mistakes within races and while I'm not saying every lap, I just want to see while they are rare.

These In my opinion are the core changes the current AI of LFS need to make for a more Human-Like AI system and better racing. For point number 2 it can be waited till when the highly anticipated new tire model comes out, then we can see if it needs further improvement or it's fine as it is.
(HooHee) DELETED by HooHee
pretty sure tyres behave exactly the same on AI cars as they do on player
Quote from johneysvk :pretty sure tyres behave exactly the same on AI cars as they do on player

They do up until a certain point, for example they'll heat up to around 120 degrees like it does for the player however after that the temperature and wear remains the same for the tires for the entire race unlike the player who still gets tire wear beyond 120 degrees
this is an example of showing how the tire deg is close to none after a certain point in a race
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2024-08-10 (3).png
2024-08-10 (4).png
Try longer races, surely they do wear out.
Quote from Flame CZE :Try longer races, surely they do wear out.

ok let me do 50 laps and check on lap 10, 25 and after race
Did a 50 lap tire test and these were the results of the wear. The time was gradually slowing down however not because of tire wear, but because of the suspension damage the car sustained over the course of the 50 laps. This meant that the car was slowing down which meant that the tire wear also slowed down but even on tracks with no suspension damage, the tire wear stays the same after a certain point. I would also like to mention that the reason I'm using Aston North track is because it is a high tire deg track and it is fairly even on all 4 tires, however you can test for yourself on other tracks and see that the results are similar to this test. I will now go over details of the tire test.

AI difficulty=5
Pit Stops allowed= Only to repair car damage, never change tires.
Low wind
Slick R2 tires
1 pitstop made at lap 39
Mod Used= FORMULA RC14~007
Setup used= Default with R2 tires(170 F, 155 R)
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2024-08-10 (9).png
2024-08-10 (10).png
2024-08-10 (11).png
2024-08-10 (10).png
(HooHee) DELETED by HooHee
(HooHee) DELETED by HooHee : oops
not sure what i'm supposed to see here, tyres are visibly worn.

maybe you mean tyre temperature, that tends to drop as tyres get more worn and thinner, they cool down faster.
But the lap times get faster
thats unrealistic with wear
that's a limitation of LFS' tyre physics.