Dynamic Weather/Time Discussion
Here, we talk about News/Updates regarding Dynamic Weather, and Dynamic Time, game graphical Improvements, and news about when those features will be available in LFS.
Quote from Scawen :
If you want to know about the future version, check out this page: https://www.lfs.net/report-may2021-so

Hello. I'm not good at English, but I couldn't fully understand this. When you say future release, do you mean the next update or any future update?

I would be happy if someone could tell me about this article. I translated the text, but I made out more than one meaning.
Here's what I think about the weather and the day and night cycle.

I started LFS 1 year ago. I purchased a license within 6 months. The game is very enjoyable, but even though it is a 20-year-old game, it is in a very good condition.

Frankly, I have cooled down on some things within a year.

1) Weather. Most servers have weather set to clear daytime. Frankly, I cannot play games on servers with bad weather or sunset. Maybe this is psychological or visual related, but it's really bad.

2) Graphics. Graphics are definitely an issue that needs to be reconsidered. Object quality should be increased. Now everything looks pixel by pixel.

3) Objects. Trees and grass should be more realistic. Because visual pleasure is now at the forefront.

That's all I have to say. These are the issues that definitely need to be added and updated in the game. I don't know about other topics. Editor, physics etc. I'm not interested in these.

I hope we can test the previously shared work with the test patch as soon as possible. Time goes by so quickly. https://www.lfs.net/report-may2021-so
Quote from RealistAdam :Hello. I'm not good at English, but I couldn't fully understand this. When you...

I meant any future Updates.. Smile
Quote from RealistAdam :Here's what I think about the weather and the day and night cycle...

I definetly agree with you, but I don't think they will, because there are a lot of ppl using older machines that don't have good graphical power, So their computers would melt, either that, or they would have to get a new PC/Laptop to play LFS on.
I'm curious what progress Eric has made regarding the track updates and even the new tracks. Last report from him was in the 20th anniversary news article from 2022. Are the existing tracks fully updated now, or are there still some holes to fill? It would be nice to see some screenshots if there is something new to show.
#7 - gu3st
It'll be interesting with the day/night cycle if there'll be even a rudementary implementation of dynamic track temps. Making the track hotter in the afternoon versus night would make longer races a bit more dynamic (in the absense of rain or other shenaingans).
Quote from Flame CZE :I'm curious what progress Eric has made regarding the track updates and even the new tracks. Last report from him was in the 20th anniversary news article from 2022.

It might be the current post I found. It's been a year, but it gives an update on Eric's work.

It would be nice if an article and information were shared with the players about the work done.

I think we are not a minority demanding this. It is exciting to even look at the work done years ago. Who knows how nice it would be to see current works.

#9 - gu3st
Quote from RealistAdam :It might be the current post I found. It's been a year, but it gives an update on Eric's work.

It would be nice if an article and information were shared with the players about the work done.

I think we are not a minority demanding this. It is exciting to even look at the work done years ago. Who knows how nice it would be to see current works.


It also doesn't help that recently Scawen has needed to take more web development tasks on either. There's enough PHP knowledge in the community that I think a trusted group might be able to help directly or at least give some informed advice. I'm not really a PHP dev anymore (outside of some contract work on a popular livery sharing site), but I do have many many years of knowledge and expertise with web dev.
Quote from Flame CZE :I'm curious what progress Eric has made regarding the track updates and even the...

Yeah, I might have t look into that too. I think when they add new tracks, a lot of ppl from games like AC or maybe even Forza might hop on and take a look. Smile
Quote from CAM22b :Yeah, I might have t look into that too. I think when they add new tracks, a lot...

Open your eyes when you are dreaming
At this rate, it will probably be buried in history like Scirocco. Smile
I don't want to get involved in a conversation but I'll say a few things then I'll unsubscribe from the thread.

Quote from Flame CZE :I'm curious what progress Eric has made regarding the track updates and even the new tracks. Last report from him was in the 20th anniversary news article from 2022. Are the existing tracks fully updated now, or are there still some holes to fill? It would be nice to see some screenshots if there is something new to show.

I think Eric knows what I have been going through this year and probably didn't want to bother me with a progress report. And on the other hand he took on a pretty monumental task and so maybe he wanted it near complete before showing anything. I don't know really, I have not tried to discuss a progress report with him.

He did even more finishing of South City and has done repairs and updates on all the other tracks too. There's a curious thing about finishing things, as anyone knows who takes on big projects. The 'last few things' take a lot longer than expected.

But the biggest task he has been on for a long time, is Kyoto. Not only has the track had a lot of work done, but also the surrounding areas, it has had a treatment that could remind you of Westhill. I think he saw the potential and went for it. I'm sure you will be very happy to see a progress report about it when the time comes.

Quote from gu3st :It also doesn't help that recently Scawen has needed to take more web development tasks on either. There's enough PHP knowledge in the community that I think a trusted group might be able to help directly or at least give some informed advice. I'm not really a PHP dev anymore (outside of some contract work on a popular livery sharing site), but I do have many many years of knowledge and expertise with web dev.

I just want to make it clear, I didn't start this year saying, "OK, now I will spend the first 7 months of the year doing web stuff that is out of my comfort zone". I didn't know at the start of the year that Victor would be more involved with his other job and gradually become more reluctant to work on Live for Speed.

The reality is I encountered a barrage of emergency situations (and growing problems) which needed attention. To list a few:

1) Mod hacks that were destroying the online experience
2) Mod submission spam that was overwhelming the reviewers
3) Bugs in mods system e.g. archives of deleted mods never being removed
4) Apparent leak of passwords that LFS users had given to a pirate website years ago Face -> palm
5) Bugs in hosting system causing crashes, slowdowns, etc.
6) DDoS attacks on web server
7) DDoS attacks on game servers

This is not a complete list, it's just off the top of my head. Each of these things took days or weeks to resolve, but at the start of each task I couldn't really delegate the task to community members. I just had to look into the issues and figure out what is going wrong, although the relevant systems were not written my me, and at the start of this year I really had no idea how it all worked. After figuring out the issue, either fix it (sometimes simple) or implement new systems as required (not usually simple).

I'm just explaining how one task after another has come my way, preventing me from doing whatever was planned, and this has sometimes been very frustrating, but it's not something that could be delegated to community members.

This new patch is intended to be a stable release. With all the fixes done, I hope that our systems may be stable for a while. This should let me focus on the tyre physics, to complete it to a good condition so it can possibly be released, along with some remaining graphical tasks. I can't give a time frame for this, as so far this year I've had almost no time to look into it. It seems like now I'm where I thought I would be at the start of January.

At least with all the delays on my side, Eric has had more time to do extra good work and keep up the detail. I have also learned a whole lot about PHP and SQL and understand how our web systems work. For example I was able to do this whole 0.7F update release alone without Victor's help. Smile
Quote from Scawen :I don't want to get involved in a conversation but I'll say a few things then...

Unplanned work really is the worst. A few times I've been in the thick of having to run off and spend months rewriting systems where a flaw was discovered was big enough to need to drop everything and address it. People always seem to think that because features stalled that work wasn't being done but if they ever knew the half of it they'd change their tune.
Quote from gu3st :It'll be interesting with the day/night cycle if there'll be even a rudementary...

Yea that would be cool, or even like AC, where you have a slider for the time of day, track, and ambient temp.
Quote from CAM22b :Yea that would be cool, or even like AC, where you have a slider for the time of...

AC have dynamic day but without night (I mean vanilla).
Quote from Scawen :I don't want to get involved in a conversation [...]

It is my understanding that these sort of interactions do not go well in the forums. At least for your peace-of-mind and mental state. Thank you for being open about these matters lately.

That said, I find the following comment incredible.

Quote from Scawen :I think Eric knows what I have been going through this year and probably didn't want to bother me with a progress report. And on the other hand he took on a pretty monumental task and so maybe he wanted it near complete before showing anything. I don't know really, I have not tried to discuss a progress report with him.

Scawen, Eric and Victor (including Geraldine) - your LFS has been nothing short of amazing. In terms of numbers, imagine the number of individuals who's played LFS. If you were to add up the number of hours of gameplay... staggering. And thankfully there's much more to come.

I find it incredible that you and Eric do not seem to work closely on your projects as I would have imagined. Yes, I would expect him not to trouble you with progress reports and more demands, but hey, at least a quick call or email to share updates? I hope he does not work in complete isolation (from you) and the two of you do brainstorm, plan and discuss about the content that would benefit LFS in the long run.

I recall Rockingham came right out of the blue. There was not word about it until boothy's post in 2009. Shook our world.

I would love to Scawen's and Eric's input on new tracks/environments. Are there any that's already created over the last 15 or so years, but held due to whatever reasons? i.e. awaiting new physics/S4 etc.? Are there any plans to release a track editor in any capacity? Or are the track/environments going to be strictly Eric/LFS-developed?

Quote from gu3st :[...] if there'll be even a rudementary implementation of dynamic track temps.

Are the temperature variations completely based on tyres at present? The track/ground is completely disregarded? How about the grip levels? Does it vary on and off the racing line or dynamically change "as more rubber is put down"? Keen to learn as I'm not savvy with the topic. TIA.
Quote from versiu :AC have dynamic day but without night (I mean vanilla).

Yeah, that's true.. Smile
Quote from Silverracer :It is my understanding that these sort of interactions do not go well in the...

The groove is purely visual. It's only updated on our client side and we all have our own version of the "groove", which we can even setup to be updated by only our car or by all cars on track. There should be consistent grip be it lap 1 or lap 101 with the only variance from surface types (assuming asphalt vs concrete have different grip). Additionally, the track has a constant temperature (although I can't seem to find what the LFS temperature is).
Given that track temperature is constant - it should be the same as the ambient air temperature, and that should be the same as the tire temperature when the car is not moving for a while, so there's your value. I didn't check it this is correct, but if there is any thermodynamics in the physics engine in lfs, it should be like that once everything is in thermal equilibrium.

It's an easy thing to test. Join track and wait for about 1h without moving a car, then see tire temps.
Quote :I don't want to get involved in a conversation but I'll say a few things then I'll unsubscribe from the thread.


Sorry for asking, but is there any chance that we'll receive updates on the progress of the new update in the https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/101348-Development-Progress thread?

The thread hasn't been updated in over a year Frown
Quote from CarlosSainz55 :The thread hasn't been updated in over a year Frown

If you read the post that you quoted, you will find out why there hasn't been anything to report.
Quote from Scawen :I don't want to get involved in a conversation but I'll say a few things then...

I hope this holiday season you are enjoying every moment and without any burden or stress.

Thank you so much for the update as well as all your immeasurable gifts to the world in Live For Speed!

Thank you and may you have the most amazing next year and decade.

If you ever need any development hands to lessen the frustrations, I'd be honored to help.

All the best, and all the greatest joys!