The online racing simulator
İnsim Circle Help
I want to connect the insim circle in Insim and emit a command when I hover over it.
That's not possible.
A command can only be issued when a car drives into the circle.
Quote from Yisc[NL :;2098075"]That's not possible...

Then can you do as you tell me?
There's an Event for that.

Search your LFSLapper.lpr file for "Actions to do on Insim Checker/Checkpoint (AutoX object)".

Alternatively, you could probably use a Zone or Node if you're more used to these.
Quote from sinanju :There's an Event for that...

Please note that you have not seen what you are talking about in lfslapper.lpr, but could you please write an example command here?
From LFSLapper.lpr ...

Attached images
Insim Checker.png
Quote from sinanju :From LFSLapper.lpr .....

I didn't understand at first but now I understand, thank you