The online racing simulator
LFS France Endurance Series | Sign-up

Before signup, be sure to read this

For signup, complete the following line. If information miss, it's will be consider incomplete and you can't take part of the championship

Entry number :
Entry team Name :
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) :

Don't hesitate to add Entered driver line if you have more than 1 driver. You can add driver after. Be careful about the number if it's already pick

Number taken :

5 - 9 - 13 - 15 - 21 - 23 - 42 - 57 - 59 - 73 - 77 - 82 - 87 - 91 - 95 - 123

Entry number : 73
Entry team Name : Master Race Car LMP
Car: Prototype 2
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) : (johneysvk/[MRc] jsk/Slovakia)
Quote from johneysvk :Entry number : 73
Entry team Name : Master Race Car LMP
Car: Prototype 2
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) : (johneysvk/[MRc] jsk/Slovakia)

Entry number : 15
Entry team Name : Master Race Car Endurance
Car: Prototype 2
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) : (adal/[MRc] bruhmomento/Turkiye)
Entry number :95
Entry team Name :Growler Racing
Car:Prototype 2
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) :

Driver 1: GR™Gumixtoo / Savitar25 / Colombia
Driver 2: GR™ZMaty14Z / ZMaty14Z / Chile
Added with number 91
New entry :

num 77
Frenily Racing by FSR Team
Car : Fera
FSR Kriss - kristofferandersen - norway
Adrian - APlant641 - norway
Entry number :05
Entry team Name :doofus racing team
Car:Prototype 2
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) :
Driver 1-Krisztián/kriszti_09/hungary
Driver 2-[DRT]Doofus / Joe mama1256 / France
(Joe mama1256) DELETED by Joe mama1256
Entry number : 13
Entry team Name : LRI
Car: Prototype 2
Entered driver (Andrew McGarrigle / drewdrew2900 / USA)
Entry number : 87
Entry team Name : TOS (Twister OS Racing)
Car: Fera
Entered driver: Nex_ / NENE87 / Belgium
Quote from Drewdrew2900 :Entry number : 13
Entry team Name : LRI
Car: Prototype 2
Entered driver (Andrew McGarrigle / drewdrew2900 / USA)

Added !
Entry number : 82
Entry team Name : TD (Texas Drivers)
Car: Ford Mustang
Entered driver: Papator / Papator / France
Entry number : 59
Entry team Name : Team Pél!can
Car: BMW
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) : Neron / neron59 / France
Quote from neron59 :Entry number : 59...

Added, don't forget to update your post for the car you pick
Entry number : 21
Entry team Name : TD (Texas Drivers)
Car: Audi R8
Entered driver: LeManchot / LeManchot / France
Entry number : 57
Entry team Name : Team Pél!can / FSR
Car: GT3
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) : Project / The_Project / France
Entry number : 23
Entry team Name : NFR Team 2
Car: Mustang GT3
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) :
NFR_Nanex / Nanex / France
NFR_Thorghos / Suricate117/ France
Entry number : 123
Entry team Name : NFR Team 1
Car: Audi Evo 2 GT3
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) :
NFR_Proxima / nfr proxima/ Belgique
NFR_Geraxi / geraxi/ Belgique
Quote from The_Project :Entry number : 57
Entry team Name : Team Pél!can / FSR
Car: GT3
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) : Project / The_Project / France

Don't forget to update the post with the GT3 you pick later

Both NFR car added !
the car for Texas Drivers team change :
we use the Ford Mustang GT3 now
(my post for sign-up is edited)