The online racing simulator
New Tires
(10 posts, started )
New Tires
Hi, I am a huge LFS fan, and I really like the game, especially the drifting part of it. Question for devs, are we ever gonna get tires that last quite long? Or if that's too difficult for them, make a LOCK TIRE TEMP, something that servers can enable, and it's OFF by default, that would be really good, for example you lock it at 80 C and you can literally drift until the end of time. Idk, would love to see change. Still my favorite game EVER made, after Super Mario obv. Big grin

Written with Love,
Limiting tire temperatures is an interesting idea.
Just curious; if you were to compare to real-life drifting conditions, are the LFS tyres way off?
IMO locking tyre temp is the worst way because it's basically avoiding problem instead solving it.

New tyre compounds would be better idea.
#5 - Pukyy
Quote from versiu :IMO locking tyre temp is the worst way because it's basically avoiding problem...

Locking the temps would be a very easy solution however, so other more important things can be worked on first, then sometime later down the line we could get new compounds. however the new compounds may come with the new tyre physics Scawen will be working on
Quote from Silverracer :Just curious; if you were to compare to real-life drifting conditions, are the...

It comes down to how the tires behave, comes down how tires are made and what tire compact. It's old tires mostly... Long story short, it needs a change, and these days you have tires designed specially for drifting.
Quote from versiu :IMO locking tyre temp is the worst way because it's basically avoiding problem...

Yeah, you're right... It's avoiding the solution, but man, I would play LFS 10 times more then AC for example if they had normal tires... this game has special place in my hearth
Patience young one. LFS will get there someday.
Quote from rane_nbg :Patience young one. LFS will get there someday.

yea maybe after like 5 years.

New Tires
(10 posts, started )