The online racing simulator
(12 posts, started )
#1 - JanNL

On the LFS discord there was a question about LFS colors, so I took a sheet with RGB colors and converted this from 0-250 RGB range, to the 10-160 LFS range.

LFS Colors spreadsheet

Have a nice day, and don't make ugly car colors, please! Thumbs up
Attached images
2024-08-02 17_03_03-LFS COLORS - Google Sheets — Mozilla Firefox.png
I used to wonder whether lfs 10-10-10 is equivalent to #0f0f0f or #000000
did you just guess or...
#4 - JanNL
Quote from macafmac :I used to wonder whether lfs 10-10-10 is equivalent to #0f0f0f or #000000...

Nah, just changed the range from 0-255 to 10-160 with a simple cell/sheet calculation.
[ =10 + (cell * (160 - 10) / 255) ]
Quote from JanNL :Nah, just changed the range from 0-255 to 10-160 with a simple cell/sheet calculation.
[ =10 + (cell * (160 - 10) / 255) ]

I understand what you did, but I'm still curious if the formula is correct or just close
#6 - JanNL
Quote from macafmac :I understand what you did, but I'm still curious if the formula is correct or...

Quite hard to determine, I think it's just 'close enough'
FWIW, I had a look at the colors corresponding to 10-10-10 and 160-160-160, they are respectively 12-12-12 (0c0c0c) and 200-200-200 (c8c8c8).
However, I believe mapping 10-160 to 0-255 is the way to go, as limiting to 200 would definitely wash colors away.
Actually it's more complicated than that.

The color of the box next to the color sliders does not correspond to the actual color of the car.

I have attached three examples of XFG in garage in the viewer mode where I switched to the uniform lighting mode. For white, 160,160,160 does translate to 255,255,255 on the car. Black shows up as 16,16,16 and yellow as 255,255,16.
Attached images
XFG white.jpg
XFG yellow.jpg
XFG black.jpg
#9 - JanNL
Yes, it is not perfect, nor did I claim that it would be perfect.
I took the 0-255 range and converted it to 10-160 range.

If you have a better understanding of all the colors, please contact me, and I'll add you as an editor to the sheet so you can make the color codes correct.
Given Flame's screenshots, it looks like you should only need to change the mapping so 10-160 maps to 16-255.
Checking a couple values by taking similar screenshots with diffuse lighting only would ensure it is correct.
So much disscussion over a simple linear function. I love this community Smile

(12 posts, started )