Your favorite LFS car.... what is it?
For me, I would have to say the XF GTR. Love that little thing!
#2 - Vain
FZ50 all the way.

(HittiS) DELETED by HittiS
I'll be in the minority I bet, but the UFR.

FZ50, changed my mind on the weekend when driving with FZ only server, not enough those servers out there thou
Should have made this into a pole with all the cars listed.

FZR all the way. Love the way it screams to 9-10,000 rpm. Don't like the XRR for some reason, don't know why. The FXR AWD is just for the wuss's who can't handle getting the tail hanging out in the RWD's.
This is more per user then in general.
#8 - bbman
Currently FXO GTR... May rethink when I finally got a wheel...
yeah, the FXO is easy, as is the XF GTR with a mouse but I cant drive the damn FZR worth a shit with my mouse. Damn digital throttle.
FOX and FZR, just like most people.

And of course, everyones favourite, UF1
LX6 for me. Really an awesome drive
It's the XRR for me
Quote from mrodgers :Should have made this into a pole with all the cars listed.

A pole? But we don't have pit girls yet. Or did you mean a poll?

Quote from mrodgers :The FXR AWD is just for the wuss's who can't handle getting the tail hanging out in the RWD's.

Nah, set the torque bias up properly and you get the tail out when you want it, but is extremely easy to control, so you feel safe, calm and relaxed, allowing you to concentrate on driving. Tis much fun.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken

Quote from CMoney86 :yeah, the FXO is easy, as is the XF GTR with a mouse but I cant drive the damn FZR worth a shit with my mouse. Damn digital throttle.

No, damn you because you don't have a wheel.
#16 - Gizz
FO8 all the way...........
FOX overall

liked the XF GTR a good bit, but FV8 more (on road courses)
The XRG. The most realistic car in LFS.
the gtt, gti, fz50 and FZR are the cars i use most. all the cars are fun to drive on the right course. the uf is fun for autox.
I've just begun racing LfS a few days ago and I like all S1 and demo cars a played so far. The XRG was interesting, because there you can learn a lot about making good set-ups. Little changes have already big influence on the handling.

At time I try to master the XRT. New tracks, or tracks with extrem narrow corners like cadet I almost try with the XFG in order to get a clue how to drive there. Sometimes I also like to drive the LX4 and the UF1.
All the road cars basically.
Maybe apart from the GT, which I find a bit dull

If I really had to pick a favourite, I'd say the LX6.
For now XFR...
FXR and FXO (rally)
Hum hard choise, but i love all the cars, it depends of the day