yea i mean in lfs
yea maybe bit less detailed
but some real racing rims like these or chrome rims would be great.
[/OffTopic End]
My first(?) reasonable skin. It's ok to use it, if you want to ride under my name
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A ficticious honda racing xfr
Skin is public so feel free to add number but please edit no further.
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XFR_RACE copy.jpg
Another ficticious honda racing skin, similar to one above yet different enough Hope you like it.
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XFR_Racing copy.jpg
Hi everyone. Thought i would show you my new personal skin for the xfr as i love racing it, as so you might hopefully recognise me in game i have attatched a preview

Thanks, cya on track!
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Nice work Adam. :up:
Quote :You mean in LFS? If yes...those rims and wheels are useless Big grin Those are just way to high quality.
My PC (Old barton 2500@2,2GHz, 1GB corsair xms, raptor) can't even change camera view in
3ds max smoothly Big grin One rim+wheel is about 60k poly...that's a LOT! Uhmm

I was just thinking, I would love to see that in game. Looks totally natural and beautiful. What an awesome render!

One day, perhaps..
Quote from Greboth :Another ficticious honda racing skin, similar to one above yet different enough Hope you like it.

Excellent job Really enjoy the 2 Honda
Amazing! :cry:
WRC ford focus skin
first i treid this for the fxo trubo, but it looked rubbish, so then i did it for xfr. although this is a rally car skin and the xfr isnt a rally car is kinda confusing but i think its a nice skin non the less. hope you like it. fedback welcome.

p.s., thres no number on the side as i left it for people to ad their own.

ill add preview when i can.
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xfg wrcford.jpg
Quote from Captain Slow :first i treid this for the fxo trubo, but it looked rubbish, so then i did it for xfr. although this is a rally car skin and the xfr isnt a rally car is kinda confusing but i think its a nice skin non the less. hope you like it. fedback welcome.

p.s., thres no number on the side as i left it for people to ad their own.

ill add preview when i can.

you may want to rename that skin as i already have one called XFR_WRC (ie XFR_CaptainSlow_WRC), and that will just cause confusion online
Quote from Jakg :you may want to rename that skin as i already have one called XFR_WRC (ie XFR_CaptainSlow_WRC), and that will just cause confusion online

its not on lfs world, but thanks for letting me know
heres a hint - rename it frmom XFG_LFSNL
(Captain Slow) DELETED by XCNuse : moving thread
Quote from Greboth :Another ficticious honda racing skin, similar to one above yet different enough Hope you like it.

Wow i really like them honda skins , nice work mate

lol noobed it up on the quote
My Own Alfa 147 GTA Skin

hope you like comments welcome

Prev and skin
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your render.jpg
(MC_Bob) DELETED by MC_Bob
M3 Inspiration...

Here it is.

There is my name on left door, so if U want to use it, chage that detail.
Redexx Gti
Ok this is the first skin ive done in about 10 month's so let me know what you think

P.S. Would someone be able to render it aswell please 1280x1024 so i can have a new wallpaper
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Next public skin from Pdanev.

Click on image to read more in our page.

Lordi Skin (XFG)
This is my first skin
Lordi Skin (XFG)
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This is new Lordi skin (Updated)
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This is new Lordi skin versio (Updated)
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XF Skins (All)
(2844 posts, started )