The online racing simulator
(16 posts, started , go to first unread)
Vehicle mod: FAT GTR
Details page:

Quote :Racing truck

Quote :Somewhat underperforming racing truck. Rated at 720bhp/2200nm, it is far from the real racing trucks, but as there is no way of limiting the top speed of the car for everyone, i felt limiting the power was the next logical step. It's fast enough even with that amount of power. Big grin

This is still a work in progress, there is still things to do such as the interior details, skinfile fixes and some mesh improvements here and there. I'm getting slower at making mods since i have less free time than i used to, so that's why i'm releasing this in it's current state.

Most of the work has been put into optimizing the model itself, as the original FAT-TX is around 65k triangles, i've managed to reduce it to less than half of the triangles, at 28k.

Physics of the truck aren't propably realistic, as i do not know at all how these things are supposed to handle, so the priority has been to create a believable experience that is enough fun for any control methods. Thanks to kurkku87 for testing it out with keyboard. Big grin

i a m looking forward to test this truck !
i search about a well handling and fun racing truck for a Cup !
#3 - yaper
Tried it with AI, lots of fun. Keep it up. Smile
loving the truck, huge fun, can't get enough! Is there a skin template available for it?
you can export it from within LFS under the colours tab

it is currently a bit glitched and has some overlapping areas on the mapping though
there is too much mapping error (overlayering of triangles)
so skinning correctly is impossible

see attached file please ;-)
Attached images
great fix for the skinning mesh !
thanks a lot, we will organise a Cup with that beast !
(Tomfuel) DELETED by Tomfuel
Please update skin map!
no Confused

the skin map is ok now, all skins for the Cup is already made with
Oh okay, I need to create my own skin now Wink Good mod Smile

the first round video :

hello, nice work
we met a disturbing reaction during our Truck Cup last year with the COG
the truck made rolls without any help
we made 8 races with

sometimes, the simple fact to engage a curv (especially Westhill) put it on the side, seems like all weight is in too high position
Why it doesn't have the slick tires anymore?
Quote from Kova. :Why it doesn't have the slick tires anymore?

Hi sorry for not seeing this any sooner, the main reason was to help keep it from flipping over and i'm not sure if R4 has too much grip compared to the tyre ETRC and such use. The real reason is that the truck is too tall so the CoG is also a lot higher than it should be, race trucks are significantly smaller than the road going counterpart but i'll consider adding R4 back if it drives any better after addressing the issues Big grin

(16 posts, started )