To reduce the level of realism to include a few cars would be lame, I completely agree. However, that's not what I was talking about. I think that the problem with the tire grip needs to be solved, regardless of what cars are added into the game. The point I was trying to make is that until that problem is solved, any muscle car rendered in the current physics settings (with its high levels of torque and body roll) would be nearly uncontrollable. I'm not the only one who thinks that there's a problem with the grip in this'll find mentions of the problem scattered all throughout this forum. I just wanted to say that while I feel that muscle cars in Live for Speed would be awesome, I thought I should say that I thought that any potential addition of a high-torque car should wait until this bug is squashed.
(And I know you weren't trying to flame me. There are many that think there is nothing wrong with the physics of LFS as-is, but there are also many who feel that there is room for improvement.)