If you need general information, click here
Hi everyone !
Next week will be the test round of the LFS France Endurance Series !
For this test, we will go to the classic endurance track Kyoto Ring GP Long, maybe one of the favorite track of everyone due to his natural complexity and a really nice flowing around corner and the ring !
We will for this use this round as much as needed to have information, and improve rule and our way to build the race. Thank to New Dimension Racing, who provide us the Server, the race will can be follow with their tracker
For driver, a briefing will be available here. Feel free to ask before the race. We recommand to join our discord if you have question. We also do a vocal briefing for those who don't read or missunderstand some rules !
Don't forget to tell us if you are in for the race, and for those who wasn't register, to do it on the right topic !
September 28th
RACE (60 minutes) || 19:00 UTC / 21:00 CET / 22:00 EET
Grid will be free, due to lack of qualification time, we just regroup LMP2 and GT3 to have a clear. If you need information about start procedure, check the briefing. Anyone who don't follow the rules will receive race penality.
As it's say on the rules, 1 pit is mandatory. You can do a splash pit if you want.
You can join the server with this link
A password will be send 2 day before the race on you LFS Inbox, don't forget to check. You can also contact admin on the LFS France discord if you miss the information!
Have a nice end of week, and see you soon on the track