The online racing simulator
Hello Scawen, how are you? I'm doing a big and very important project with a studio (Can't spoil too much right now 🙃), i really need your help, i am making a formula but im having problems with my rear suspensions: i'm getting too much damage on the dampers and much more damage on high speed corners(EX: We2 Turn 1). it has a lot of downforce and i wonder if is possible to make stronger suspensions, if its not possible what else can i do to fix it? Here's a video:
Thank you!
Quote from Pengiyin : if its not possible what else can i do to fix it?

U can fix it. There's some Single-Seaters cars with aero that work and XF GTi Rally that have suspension prepared for huge jumps. IDK what exactly u need to do, u need to ask physics guys.
Try to play with Half Uprights, Max Up and suspension hardness in setup.
I found that bigger rim sizes fall underground in a specific place on Westhill's track. Maybe you can inspect the difference at some point between the other road and this specific location of the road. (image is attached)

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What do SA and SR mean in the suspension diagram? They must be tyre-related since they are affected by the tyre compound, pressure, width and car mass. I thought it could be the peak slip angle and slip ratio, but the grippier the tyres are, the less the SA angle is, so I'm a bit confused about these.

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First thing I should say is it only relates to the new tyre physics system and not the public version, in any way.

They are supposed to be an estimate of slip angle and slip ratio at the peak of lateral or longitudinal force. But it is just an estimate based on an earlier version of the tyre model. In fact there is a comment beside the function:

// TYRE TODO - very inaccurate

This function is currently only used in these diagrams and in some estimates for AI drivers and keyboard steering. It's not actually used in the physics, although it should represent it to some extent.

It is based on a simple function with a few multiplications and a division. It doesn't take a reading from the actual output forces and really it shouldn't be displayed in the editor at all at this point.

Anyway, that function is supposed to report an increase in the estimated slip angle (and ratio) at the peak, as grip increases, and also as tread stiffness decreases.

That's what I'm seeing with the Formula XR rear tyres:
R1: mu 1.61 SA 1.8 SR 3.2
R2: mu 1.52 SA 1.3 SR 2.3
R3: mu 1.47 SA 1.0 SR 1.7

But that doesn't correspond with what you said. In this case the inaccurate formula predicts that grippier tyres will produce a wider slip angle at peak lateral force, which is what I would expect.
Thanks for the explanation!

Quote from Scawen :But that doesn't correspond with what you said. In this case the inaccurate formula predicts that grippier tyres will produce a wider slip angle at peak lateral force, which is what I would expect.

I checked again and it works as expected, you're right. It must've been an oversight on my side before. Shy
Hey i hope this isn't a dumb question, but i've a load of mappings with triangles mapped to them that i cannot seem to unmap. My ultimate goal is to delete all mappings, cutouts and textures, and start from scratch, but i dont seem to be able
Quote from XSANITYX :Hey i hope this isn't a dumb question, but i've a load of mappings with triangles mapped to them that i cannot seem to unmap. My ultimate goal is to delete all mappings, cutouts and textures, and start from scratch, but i dont seem to be able

You can create a new mapping, then select all tris and assign these tris to the new mapping. Now everything is unmapped without texture and you can start from scratch.

Then you can delete the cutouts & mappings in the tabs if you want to.
Running into issues with creating my own pages from my own png.
I get hit with 'Invalid texture TR_interior1 - Invalid file'
Properties include:
Location - C:\LFS_EDITOR\data\png
Dimensions: 512x512
Bit depth: 24
file type: png

(tbh this is probably an issue with the fact that I'm new to the mod-making scene, if so, tips would be appreciated)
The message "Invalid file" comes up if a dds file or a png file has the wrong header (the first few bytes of the file). Are you able to open that file using other software?

One possible cause (other than a corrupted file) is that a file of one type was renamed to another file type, by changing the filename extension. That cannot work, of course. LFS will create dds files from png files when required. You should use png files in the LFS editor and just forget about the dds files because LFS will create them for you when you do an export.
Quote from Scawen :Can anyone else remember seeing this message "MOD : Could not save file" and if so, do you know how to resolve it?

Looking in the code, this should mean that the file was downloaded but could not be saved to the hard drive. To me it seems quite strange, as if maybe LFS is not installed in a good location, or if there is a file "mod_temp.7z" in the LFS folder that is set to read only, or if some other program has mod_temp.7z open.

Does the same thing happen if you try to select a mod in the mods screen, in single player?

And to to check I need to ask if you restarted the computer. I know it seems obvious but sometimes people never restart the computer these days. That can resolve issues such as the operating system thinking that a file has been opened by another program that is no longer running.

Getting same error
Reinstall, removing read-only from all subfolders in LFS and other basic troubleshooting did not help. I'll update if I find a solution. Version 0.7D62

Edit: Happens, when LFS is installed in F:/LFS or D:/LFS.
When LFS is in C:/LFS works.

Edit2: Nevermind, reinstalled in C:/ to double-check, getting the error again. Will update in here
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(any333) DELETED by any333 : duplicate
I'm getting unexpected behavior in the following scenario:

1. Made FZ5 2023 mod in editor 0.7C
2. Shared , copy pasted share folders into data of updated editor folder (separate independent install/folder)
3. Mod opens up in editor 0.7E without issue, able to edit publish etc except:

Issue: every time I replace the steering wheel subobject (select subobject, load other subobject) I get either part of the steering wheel to load or none with some seemingly random points.

The steering wheel subobject I used(made) is working fine on all my other mods.

I tried to see if my saved subobjects were simply old and not supported or something so I saved from a loaded mod again and tried to replace but same behavior.

Lastly I tried to replace the default FZ5's steering wheel and it worked first try with any of the subobjects (old and newly saved)

Also saving my fz5's default steering wheel and modifying it then replacing it with the modified one works.

So I guess this is a report and a request for help incase I'm missing something.
I have a dumb question - how does favorites work for mods? I cannot find how to favorite a mod for easy selection next time. How can I favorite mods? Thanks
Quote from Artis89 :I have a dumb question - how does favorites work for mods? I cannot find how to favorite a mod for easy selection next time. How can I favorite mods? Thanks

In the in-game mod browser, click the star icon in the top right corner of the mod thumbnail.
Quote from Flame CZE :In the in-game mod browser, click the star icon in the top right corner of the mod thumbnail.

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Hello, I would like to ask a question about tire design in LFS editor. During work on a rally replica I went through some real rally tire catalogues and picked a few realistic tire sizes to test. Unfortunately I was not able to replicate those tire sizes. For example I have found a 205/60 R15 gravel rally tire with thread 7.76'' and radius 322mm, but when I adjusted a tire in the LFS Editor to 205/60 R15 I got thread 5.66'' and radius 314mm. Not a game-breaker, just curious, if I did something wrong, or it is a LFSE limitation Smile
Quote from stuchlo :Hello, I would like to ask a question about tire design in LFS editor. During...

I think it could be specific tyre construction or measurements standard.
Sometimes if u install tyres on a rim, put air into them and measure dimensions, they can be different to ones from tire catalogues. Air pressure also influences that but Editor doesn't show that for some reason.

Mods Technical Assistance
(393 posts, started )