The online racing simulator
.TXT File use in hosting
(2 posts, started )
.TXT File use in hosting
Hi everyone, just wondering where I should be placing any .txt files if I want to place either hosting commands, things like pit commands or welcome .txt files for hosting. I can't seem to find where to place the files I've made, and I only ever get the response "File not found" when I try it in-game. Can anyone tell me where to store these?
I could be wrong, but i think you're speaking of the old local hosting system using the dedi exe files etc.

But if you have bought a host in these days/started a new host (free/temporary) your welcome message before joining the host will be in the section "Extended settings" in your host page

Pit commands? Are you speaking of something like Airio? thats a seperate topic Big grin

.TXT File use in hosting
(2 posts, started )