First, I have read the threads and the docs. 
I searched the forum but didnt find a clear answer.
I manage to retrieve OutSim data and want to
calculate the forces acting on the driver during
different driving situations of a race.
But there is one question remaining:
Are all Vectors related to the world coordinate system?
Or is any vector in car orientation?
Orientation has to be world related. Position also has to.
Only 3 vectors remaining.
Many thanks in advance.

I searched the forum but didnt find a clear answer.
I manage to retrieve OutSim data and want to
calculate the forces acting on the driver during
different driving situations of a race.
But there is one question remaining:
Are all Vectors related to the world coordinate system?
Or is any vector in car orientation?
Orientation has to be world related. Position also has to.
Only 3 vectors remaining.

Many thanks in advance.