what counts as inappropriate on skins?
"Skin regulations

DO NOT upload skins with offensive images!
If a skin that contains nudity, pornographic, racist or any other offensive content is uploaded, the skin(s) will be removed without notice and you will no longer be allowed to upload skins here.

Keep it fun, people of all ages play LFS."

Does skins that refer to media with nudity, but does not contain any of the above, count as containing anything of the above? (e.g. Zero Two skins, or literally any anime skin while that anime contains nudity)
Quote from Migi999 :e.g. Zero Two skins, or literally any anime skin while that anime contains nudity

Well, do the skin regulations mention "suggestive", if no then you're fine. It's like saying you'll put a decal of a random burger shop on your car expecting everyone to know it. Those who know that's... good for their health I suppose Thumbs up

If the material you're plastering over your pride and joy skin contains said nudity or partial nudity (e.g sexual in nature) then maybe reconsider your design. If not I don't see why not.
Quote from MicroSpecV :Well, do the skin regulations mention "suggestive", if no then you're fine. It's...

no it doesnt contain nudity so i assume im in the clear, i dont see why my skin is suggestive too