CRT with 100Hz @ 1152x864 (and mostly 100fps) here and my eyes get all weird after too much hotlapping. I've tried using AA/AF from control panel and reducing brightness/contrast but no real effect, really.
No eye strain for me thats with hours spent in front of pc. 60hz monitor about 40 fps in lfs and have lpayed for about 6 hours in one go. Also for uni i spend alot of time in front of pc (easily 2 hours + in one go) still no problem.
Do occasionally get a headache if really close to monitor, for long period, when doing small details for uni or photoshop for example
Never experienced any eystrain since I got me my TFT. Before with CRT it was an issue, no matter how I set the refresh rates etc. I even got head aches sometimes...
And: I didn't want to sit hours in front of a device anymore that is constantly emitting x-ray to my head, even if they were TCO certified or whatever.
does anyone know any techniques that can let you "train" your eyes for long sessions. cos i have a longish race coming up soon and im worried im going to kill my eyes.
you might want to get yourself some eye drops, these will keep your eyes moist and should help during your long race. Also when you race dont forget to blink, often we dont blink enough while playing and this dryes the eyes out. You may also try as you are going down the straight close one eye to give it a short break and keep alternating between eyes each lap.
no no, aparently it is mean to reduce glare. I dont wear them personally but i know a few people who do and they say it eases the strain on their eyes..
when i have the house to myself. either that or barricade the room.
EDIT: IDEA!!!!!! ill but a real helmet with a tinted visor, to add realism. and wear my ovaralls so they can act as a sort of racing suit :S