InSim checkpoint
(12 posts, started )
InSim checkpoint
Editor needs InSim checkpoint with index.... like that circle.
Related to this topic, it would also be nice if you could specify which tire to drive to the checkpoint.

Like now:
UCO_CIRCLE_ENTER, // entered a circle
UCO_CIRCLE_LEAVE, // left a circle
UCO_CP_FWD, // crossed cp in forward direction
UCO_CP_REV, // crossed cp in reverse direction

These may be useful to programmers. Like Drifting clipping points.
// crossed/entered FL tyre
// crossed/entered FR tyre
// crossed/entered RL tyre
// crossed/entered RR tyre
#3 - R-to
Also would be really usefull to allow crossover the insim circle waypoint each others or make them even more smaller than 2 meters and with thinner circle line.

Is it possible to add insim square waypoint also?
Quote from R-to :Also would be really usefull to allow crossover the insim circle waypoint each others or make them even more smaller than 2 meters and with thinner circle line.

Is it possible to add insim square waypoint also?

In additition for programmers need line type of insim objects.
UP! Take this in consideration
Does any other programmer have opinion about this?
Quote from tumes925semut :Simply:
Editor needs InSim checkpoint with index.... like that circle.

It is already possible to place InSim checkpoints with indices.
#8 - Racon
Top tip: If you ever need an index for something that doesn't have one, hash whatever it is about the object that is unique and use the hash as an index.

I'm using ~100 checkpoints for a project (I can't see a way to set indices in the layout editor, other than the first 4) and I've just hashed the X and Y coords together to use as the index as none of them are going to overlap.
Quote from Flame CZE :It is already possible to place InSim checkpoints with indices.


Quote from Racon :(I can't see a way to set indices in the layout editor, other than the first 4)

I think that same and them is already in use.

I made long post you can see it Big grin
Firs thing. Location of the first car on the race track in the area.

Now the insim points detect the car from somewhere in the middle, which is not accurate enough if you want to track the car's movements based on the location of the tires.

If you drive through the clip at a small slip angle, the other tire of the car may not fit inside the clip box. It is practically impossible to build such situations into the scope of automatic judging at the moment. So, for example, this season the driving lines are sort of speak "indicative", although it is the same for every driver and the aim has been to place them as well as possible.

Second thing. Index for insim checkpoint.

Below you can see how many indices we use for different clip points and each of them has its own purpose.
Example clip 4 is coded that way, index 4 is hit with both tires, index 44 is hit with one tire and index 40 is no hit.

Now they all are circles, but straight lines or checkpoints with indices would allow the track builders to have many more measurement points and more precise placement. And if the driver drives out of the clip box "from the side", you could use your own index for that too.

Quote from Racon :I've just hashed the X and Y coords together to use as the index as none of them are going to overlap.

And if we have 50 different layouts and each has 5-8 clips, all of them with three different hit accuracy (both tires, one tire, no hit). How many coordinates do we have to retrieve, if every cordinate needs to be programmed separately (750-1200)? The are 15-24points in one track layout .
It would be easier just move that checkpoint in the auto x editor than enter cordinate values ​​into the lapper code.
With checkpoints, anyone could build drifting tracks based on the Lapper code, and there would be no need for a Lapper programmer.

Of course, this would also require an update to Lapper if the game were to have tire-specific triggering from indexcircle and if indexcheckpoint were added to the game.

Nothing is easy, and it is good to live in Toivo(hope) and die in Rauha(peace), said the tapeworm.
Attached images
I'm just talking generally about insim programs rather than lapper-specific.

Mine can be setup with a separate insim if I follow a couple of rules when building the layout, that one just populates the database for the main insim to use.

It looks like you could automate the layout setup you've got though: read all the checkpoints in as the track loads and determine which ones are for clips from the coords/widths/headings automatically?

If you can get at, there's enough data about the car and checkpoint in the packet to work out a pretty good check with trigonometry just as it is, and with a little setup per mod I reckon you could make it really good.

(If only I didn't have a million other things to code, that's my kinda challenge Big grin )

InSim checkpoint
(12 posts, started )