The online racing simulator
Crash Notification
Even though I've been banned from the Lapper forum, I think I should report some things about the crash.

Discord is no longer available in Turkey. That's why we found a way to learn the server logs without entering the game.

We tried to send all records related to the server to "Telegram" and were successful. This method is successful, but in some cases the lapper crashes. This bug has never been reported before. That's why I'm writing here.

My Lapper version is

ERR Log:

Nesne başvurusu bir nesnenin örneğine ayarlanmadı.
konum: LFSLapper.LFSClient.privmsg(unionVal val, ArrayList args)
konum: GLScript.GLApp.parseBackcall(SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, unionVal val, ArrayList args)
konum: GLScript.Parseur.getval(SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, executeParsedFunction BC)
konum: GLScript.GLApp.retrieveEvalVar(String funcName, TokenParse tkparse, TokenBuffer currTokenBuffer, SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakFunc, Char& breakCar)
konum: GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteTokensPart(Int32 level, String funcName, SetOfVars GCAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakable, Boolean inSwitchCase, Int32 start, Int32 end)
konum: GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteFunction(String funcName, String[] argsVals)
konum: GLScript.GLApp.executeFunction(String funcName, String[] argsVals)
konum: Configurator.lexConfigurator.executeFunction(String funcName, infoPlayer pcurrInfoPlayer, String[] par)
konum: LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection)
konum: LFSLapper.LFSClient.doloop()
konum: LapperInstances.LapperInstance.doConnection()
Void privmsg(GLScript.unionVal, System.Collections.ArrayList)
Closing Instance...

I don't really know what caused the error, but I think it was related to an http request we sent to Telegram. I'm sharing an example code below. I don't know what caused this problem.

Event OnNameChange($userName,$oldNickName,$newNickName) # Player event
$kullaniciadi = GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") . " kullanıcı adını değiştirdi. Eski Kullanıcı adı >> (" . $oldNickName . ") >> Yeni Kullanıcı Adı >> " . $newNickName . " -- " . GetLapperVar ( "LongTime" );
http("" . $kullaniciadi );


// GET parametrelerini al
$playerName = $_GET[&#039;player_name&#039;] ?? &#039;Bilinmeyen Oyuncu&#039;;

// Telegram bot bilgileri
$botToken = "**";
$chatId = "**";

// Telegram mesaj formatı
$telegramMessage = "️🆎* Kullanıcı Adı Değişikliği *🆎\n\n"
. " $playerName";

// Telegram API URL
$url = "$botToken/sendMessage?chat_id=$chatId&text=" . urlencode($telegramMessage) . "&parse_mode=Markdown";

// Telegram API&#039;ye istek gönder
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$response = curl_exec($ch);

// Mesaj gönderim durumu
if ($response) {
echo &
#039;privMsg("Log kaydedildi.");&#039;;
} else {
echo &
#039;privMsg("Log kaydedilemedi.");&#039;;