The online racing simulator
Opinion needed
(23 posts, started )

Poll : What happens in this replay? (PLEASE READ 1st POST AND VIEW REPLAY BEFORE VOTING)

DonUschi created an unnecessarily risky situation in the 1st corner, which ended up in a crash
PLAYLIFE rammed and is directly to blame for the crash
DonUschi rammed and is directly to blame for the crash
Racing incident
PLAYLIFE created an unnecessarily risky situation in the 1st corner, which ended up in a crash
Opinion needed
Here's a short replay of a start crash after which a guy starts blaming me. He says he held a straight line and I rammed him 4 times... I say I held a straight line (as in straight with the track - watch my steering wheel) and that he rammed me untill I lost control and crashed into him.

So who is to blame... And please no racing incident talk... Especially after what this guy said to me and because I think here was no need to make it so close in the first corner, as we would have ended up drafting anyway...

Instructions: watch the first two guys (PLAYLIFE and DonUschi)
Attached files
PLAYLIFE vs. DonUschi.mpr - 26.1 KB - 309 views
Got a battle against a well known crasher!
It looks like your both holding a straight line untill he comes abit close and nudges, when you try and recover your line you bump into the back of him, making him spin
If this was the STCC:
Blue car achieved significant overlap. Pink car did not leave sufficient room. Pink car CAUTIONED.

I think the guy who logged off as the rest started had the right idea ...
The pink car crosses two lanes in the start, and smashes into the left car.
Pink car is 100% guilty.
#6 - joen
You had a better start, got enough overlap to get the inside. The pink car created an unnecessarily risky situation and is 100% at fault. If he didn't see you he should have made way after first contact to avoid a crash.
i think it was just an accident, he tried toi defend, came accross, realised u were there and turned away, but he had hit u so your car was all over the place and u lost control.

a race incident but it was because his lack of awareness
I'd like to hear/see the reasoning of people who voted that I caused the the crash by ramming...
Don is a freaking idiot. here is a tip... stay the hell off of the oval.
It's the pink car's fault, because it squeezed you so tight you would have had to make contact with the wall or go on the grass (= forcing off the road). The move would have been fine IMO if you would have been squeezed but not forced into avoiding the wall
DonUschi created an unnecessarily risky situation in the 1st corner, which ended up in a crash

Actually he doesn´t leave enough space for you. Block is what I call this. His fault.
well as Harry just put it ... Blocking. Plain and simple.
Could be also interpeted by me as a racing accident, based on the distance the both have l
Nothing special at my opinion, happens , and propably continues to happen
in LFS racing. Next !
#13 - Goop
Quote from Gabkicks :Don is a freaking idiot. here is a tip... stay the hell off of the oval.

+1. His fault, plain and simple I reckon... leave room
I think it was obviously Don's fault. Just watching from playlifes car, he suddenly moves over into playlife. He may have been trying to "cover" the line, but that seems kinda stupid on an you said you'd just draft each other anyway. Also he should have covered the line before playlife was along side him. I don't see any good reason for him to move over like that. Better to let playlife past and repass him on the next straight than crash into him.

If it wasnt on an oval my opinion might be different, but since you can both take that corner flat-out, side-by-side, it seems unnecessary to crash. Next time just race on a real track
Clearly DonUschi's fault. If he'd just shut up or said sorry instead of losing his temper and blaming others in a crash he caused, this topic wouldn't exist.

I'd like to get rid of that additude in LFS, put it back to CS and other FPS games where it came from..
The replay didn't show your verbal fight, but DonUschi's first impression somehow reminds me
The poll option "I couldn't care less and can't possibly be bothered to watch the replay is missing".
but you cared enough to share a pointless post in a thread you feel is pointless. good job
Quote from szyszek :The poll option "I couldn't care less and can't possibly be bothered to watch the replay is missing".

Yeah, you know your personal feelings of caring or not caring are irrelevant to the topic. That's why that particular option is missing. The world does not revolve around you...

A thumbrule for the future for you to follow would be: If you are not interested in a particular topic then don't post init to say just that. I mean... you don't see people going around, posting in all threads that they don't give a f*** about that thread...

Still waiting for the reasoning how I caused the crash, as 5 people have voted so... DonUschi, perhaps you are best to elaborate? You should, especially as I've been going through a lot of trouble every time trying to not misspell your name.
Because it can be a misleading accident if you dont know racing rules regarding overlap and so on, it's not worth getting het up over. People who voted it was your fault probably believe it was your fault because if you view it overhead one time from the pink cars perspective it can be misleading, until you consider that you had overlap and the gap left for you was too small. So they'll eventually do the same, and get moaned at, and one day, they'll learn.
1) PLAYLIFE Should have seen the rather bright car to his right ... 1st corner so I would have lifted ... not that important
2) After initial contact PLAYLIFE should have lifted
3) After initial contact, PLAYLIFE hit the wall and then bounced/steered away and that caused the Other car to Crash

BUT >>>> !!!! <<<<<<

1) Pink Car #1 Should have not moved in so tight
2) Pink Car #1 Should have noticed initial impact
3) Pink Car #1 Should have then given way as he was cutting up PLAYLIFE

My Analysis (Expert Of Course )

Who cares ... Its a game ... Your not going to win ££££ on it
People who get really peed off like that are just a bit childish imo

Have fun,
sometimes its not question of $$$$$win

but a question of ban .
I clicked the wrong one. yes DonUschi was 100% to blame, moved way down which caused the accident. Playlife just drove the straight line while DonUschi drove excessivly low and playlife had nowhere to go.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :1) PLAYLIFE Should have seen the rather bright car to his right ... 1st corner so I would have lifted ... not that important
2) After initial contact PLAYLIFE should have lifted
3) After initial contact, PLAYLIFE hit the wall and then bounced/steered away and that caused the Other car to Crash

Well... I was sure he was not going to hit me in the first place, as you have got to trust your fellow racer a bit. I thought he was just making it close. The first time he hit me I survived and thought that was it (still believing he at least now knew I was there). The second time he hit me caught me as much by surprise as the first time. But then I already lost control... Sry, but I just don't see how one can make a pass or race on an oval under the assumption that the other guy will hit me anyway. Also, lifting on an oval is risky. Especially in start.

Opinion needed
(23 posts, started )