The online racing simulator
Stadium SUPER Trucks Trophy

WHEN: Tuesday, November 26th
WHERE: Rony's Tuesday's Fun Race Server
WHY: Special event with super trucks = lots of fun

SERVER: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race

It's time to jump high and race hard!!

Off-week from the RTFR duties, so it's time for a very special race!
This tuesday, on Rony's Tuesday Fun Race Server, it's time for a special event!

Welcome to the South City's Stadium SUPER Trucks trophy!

The drivers will push the spectacular FRAUD PRE RUNNER 019 to its limits in a special South City Stadium Super Truck configuration!

BASE CAR SETUP: download

High jumps, long jumps, chicanes, challenging bits, these machines will take some beating and the drivers will have to work hard at the steering wheel and on the setup to be fast and bring the car home!

Are you up for this spectacular challenge?


Track: South City custom config

Tuesday 26th November

18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET - 60 minutes qualifying
19:10 UTC / 20:10 CET / 21:10 EET - RACE 1 (7 laps)
19:30 UTC / 20:30 CET / 21:30 EET - RACE 2 (7 laps)
19.45 UTC / 20.45 CET / 21.50 EET - FINAL (5 laps)

This event will be composed of a 60 minutes qualifying, followed by 2 race heats and a final!
The first race starting grid is based off the qualifying times, while the second race will see the Reversed Top 10 of Race 1 at the front.

Points will be assigned for quali and the races, and the TOP 5 drivers overall will proceeed to the BIG FINAL, where they'll fight for the Trophy's Victory! Thumbs up


1. Position – 25 points
2. Position – 22 points
3. Position – 20 points
4. Position – 18 points
5. Position – 16 points
6. Position – 15 points
7. Position – 14 points
8. Position – 13 points
9. Position – 12 points
10. Position – 11 points
11. Position – 10 points
12. Position – 9 points
13. Position – 8 points
14. Position – 7 points
15. Position – 6 points

Pole Position: 1 point


The race will be broadcasted by Baptiste DLV!

Be sure to check out his channels:


Available for download, you can find the track sponsors attached below!
Just copy and paste them into your lfs/data/pic folder (be sure to backup your original files)


- Respect BLUE FLAG - you may not interfere passing maneuver of lapping car! In qualification - you may not disturb passing car in any way.
- Be careful at YELLOW FLAG - slow down if necesary, Crashed drivers must make sure that their return to racing won't cause other incidents.
- No shortcutting in any way. Both wheels must be on track any time. Track limits are defined by paved surface (tarmac),curbs are accepted extention of track.
- Don't cross the pit extit line and make way for cars racing at full speed.
- Be careful while racing, avoid any contacts with other riders. No crashing, ramming or any other unsportsmanlike behavior at any time.
- Riders with high and/or unstable ping will be asked to leave if not improving it.
- No voting for restart/qualification/end race after qualification start (unless command is given to vote for start).
- Chatting during race is not forbidden, but pressing binds and (especially - unnesecary) texting too often can result in penalty.
- In case you have any protests (crashing,blocking etc.) against somebody,please post them in this thread as soon as possible (best - right after race)! All protests will be reviewed and reckless riders will be banned for futher events to keep clean and fair racing!
- In case you timed out, crashed, run out of fuel and you have completed full 50% of race distance, please spectate and don't join again - replay will be analized with LFSstats and you will be added to final results! If you did rejoin in such situation, but still want to be added to results, you will have to inform event admins in server or post request in this thread.

Attached images
loco super truck trophy.png
Attached files
10FA3D_base.set - 132 B - 70 views
Stadium SUPER Trucks Trophy || TONIGHT!! Na-naThumbs up

SERVER: Rony's Tuesday Fun Race

Updated Schedule

18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET - 60 minutes qualifying
19:10 UTC / 20:10 CET / 21:10 EET - RACE 1 (7 laps)
19:30 UTC / 20:30 CET / 21:30 EET - RACE 2 (7 laps)
19.45 UTC / 20.45 CET / 21.50 EET - FINAL (5 laps)

Standard 60 minutes qualifying will be followed by 2 race heats!

(first one with the qualifying grid, second one with Race 1 grid reversed Top 10)

Points after both races will be counted, and the TOP 5 drivers overall will proceed to the BIG FINAL, where they'll fight for the Trophy's victory! Thumbs up


The race will be broadcasted by Baptiste DLV!

Be sure to check out his channels:

Attached images
Server password: supergreen
dang, can't believe I missed this! Hope everyone had fun Smile

ZFRL Thehemuli takes the Stadium Super Trucks Trophy!!

One of the most versatile drivers on the live for speed community: Thehemuli managed to bounce back after a troublesome Race 1, getting a spectacular and hard fought win in Race 2 and dominating the Big Final, where the 5 best drivers of the day competed against each other!

2nd place for BWG_CLennon, already on podium in Race 1, he managed to access the final thanks to a Top 10 placement in Race 2, before bringing the car home for a prestigious 2nd place in the Big Final!

RG^RONY completes the podium: the Race Green veteran was ultra consistent all day despite the challenge of this combo: 4th in Race 1, 2nd in Race 2 and 3rd in the Big Final, compromised by an early roll!

[WCL] Koivunen, another big protagonist of the day crashed out of the Big Final.
Same fate for Cyk, who was the heroic winner of a dramatic Race 1, driving his Fraud Pre Runner till the chequered despite heavy suspension damage!

The event was action packed from the get go, with more than 30 drivers taking part in qualifying and in the first of the race heats!

Given the extreme nature of the combo, the attrition rate was high, expecially in Race 1: the longest heat of the day put the Fraud Pre Runner under extreme stress, any many drivers ended the race early due to suspension damage.

But the drivers adapted quickly to the challenge, taking less risks on the jumps and driving cleaner: in fact, the following heats were much cleaner, with some memorable on track battles!

Like this 4 way battle for the win in Race 2!

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great video edit with nice effects !
too bad it is full of ads, those look ridiculous and u dont even get money from them.
#7 - cuni
Great idea and great execution by LorenzoNa-na

I did not see any ads on the video, neither embedded or in youtube pageBig Eye

Congrats to everyone who participated, despite the chaos and the nature of the event, it provided some good racing moments in a style that is unique.
that is the most amazing answer ! lol

So I believe u didnt get my point. Am not about ads before or cutting the video.
Simply look the screenshots above, and see those ads I am about, soft drinks, courriers, watches, you cant miss them.
Those are unnecessary brain washers, you could replace them with fictional brands at least.
Still a good job, only this.
Greetings nosle Smile
I use custom sponsors on track just for the immersion/realism of the event, couldn't care less about brain washing stuff and for sure nobody is paying me

Thanks for your feedback anyway Turbofan! Thumbs up
Quote from turbofan :lol that is the most amazing answer ! lol

So I believe u didnt get my point. Am not about ads before or cutting the video.
Simply look the screenshots above, and see those ads I am about, soft drinks, courriers, watches, you cant miss them.
Those are unnecessary brain washers, you could replace them with fictional brands at least.
Still a good job, only this.
Greetings nosle Smile

I realize my post is maybe too much for you ppl in that context of "realism".
Now, please understand that when watch that vid, those ads distract my eyes, I need some time to adapt and actually focus on the action. And I am most probably not the only one.

Greetings guys.
Sounds like a you 'problem' honestly Smile
Anyway, i'm not gonna spam Lorenzo's thread anymore