The online racing simulator
Minor updates:

FIX: Signup options appeared on "Edit Season" when set to "No Signup" or "Invite only"

Removed "Sign up" button from in-game event list if the season is set to "Invite only"

Removed "Racer 1" display above every racer if set to 1 racer per entry (not team entry)
More updates and fixes for the on-site signup system:

Now possible to remove a signup entry (from season or round signups) on signup edit pages

FIX: Information about round signups was not visible on the individual round details page

For signup per round, added button to sign up for round, on the round signups info page

In-game signup link now goes to season or round info page instead of direct to signup
I thought I would write a summary of the on-site entry system, for anyone who is interested. I list the features and recent updates. I might post this list somewhere else, maybe the leagues section. Please let me know if I've missed some important features to mention, or if my description is unclear. I still want to add one feature, for admins to be able to send a message to all racers who are signed up.

On-site entry system for league seasons or individual rounds

Additional administrators can be specified by the owner of the league
Admins can setup a customised race entry format, for individual or team entries
Entries can be set to be for the whole season or for individual rounds
Round or season entries can be seen by anyone who visits the round or season page
Any number of required fields may be set, per team or per racer (e.g. name, country, number, etc)
For team-based entries, a maximum team number can be set
An opening and closing time for entries can be specified
There is an option for entries to require approval by an admin
Entries can be deleted by an admin (or the person who signed up)
The person who signed up can edit their entry at any time or remove or add team members
Admins can download a CSV file containing the info of all entrants, to paste into a spreadsheet

Recent updates:

Removed "Racer 1" display above every racer if set to 1 racer per entry (not team entry)
Now possible to remove a signup entry (from season or round signups) on signup edit pages
For signup per round, added button to sign up for round, on the round signups info page
FIX: Information about round signups was not visible on the individual round details page

Download a CSV file containing the info of all entrants, to paste into a spreadsheet
FIX: Signup options appeared on "Edit Season" when set to "No Signup" or "Invite only"

In-game signup link now goes to season or round info page instead of direct to signup
Removed "Sign up" button from in-game event list if the season is set to "Invite only"
Hi! Thanks for these updates. There is one thing however that has catched my eye:

- When you are editing league information, there are two fields where you can tell is there an entrance fee and can users win a prize. However, when I select that "Yes"-option for both of them, there is no mention about them anywhere in the league page. There is also no filter to those when viewing list of leagues, even though you can filter leagues by type, region, experience and licence.

Those two options feel like they could be useful, but since they're not displayed anywhere, they kinda feel redundant at the moment.

I was wondering that if user selects yes in those options, could they be allowed to type in text what is the entrance fee/prize for the league and then display those in league information. Or should league admin able to toggle those options when doing a season, rather than a league as different seasons under same league may have different rules regarding those?
Good point, I think those options (fee and prize) are not needed and as they are never displayed, I have removed them from the league edit page.

If a league has prizes or entry fees, the organisers can express that in text somewhere.
OK, I have completed the to do list now, including "Send message to all" participants. Smile

Added links 'Website' and 'Discussion forum' to season and round pages
- Info is there for anyone who gets to the page from the calendar or by clicking signup in game

Improved some button placements for consistency of navigation around league section
- Trying to make it easier and clearer for participants and admins

Admins can now send a message to participants on signup administration page
- Send message to all participants
- Sent message to a single participant
- The list of recipients can be adjusted
As mentioned, the signups can be seen by anyone, so could be linked from a forum discussion thread.

Examples: (the required fields per entry are all editable)

1) Here is a list of signups for a test season in which you can enter as a single racer (1 per team).

2) Here is a list of signups for a test season in which you can sign up in teams of up to 4 racers per team:

3) Here is a list of signups for a test season in which you can sign up for individual rounds:
Thanks for your continuous work, it is greatly appreciated!
The league administrator should require some information for those who register. For example, team name or real name. The league administrator should be able to mark optional information and mandatory information. In this way, the boxes are not left empty.
Quote from RealistAdam :The league administrator should require some information for those who register...

well an admin doesn't have to approve the sign-up if it is incomplete Shrug
Instead of dealing with this, it makes more sense to mark mandatory information.
Thank you all for the feedback. I've finished this work for now, other than minor updates that may be needed.

I've written a new thread in the Leagues & Events section, talking a bit about the updates and reasons for them, listing features and including a few example screenshots.
I have signed up for the Test Season, when will it start?
Well, little practice cant hurt LFS
I signed up for your test event, but when i click on My Signups. I dont see to which event i signed up for.
Do the signup need to approved by the organiser?

Sorry, i never signup for an event before, so forgive my stupidity. Schwitz
Attached images
My Signups.png
My avatar stands out
Quote from Bass-Driver :I signed up for your test event, but when i click on My Signups. I dont see to...

That is because my whole league is marked as "inactive" which I have set so it doesn't appear in the calendar.

For ordinary leagues, you would see your signups there.

I have just changed it so you can see signups in inactive leagues too, so now you can see your signup to my league, in My Signups section.

I'm not sure if that is a bad idea or not. Uhmm
Thanks for the explanation.
I do see the event in My Signups.

I think its a good idea. Atleast you know which events/leagues you have signed up for, even when its inactive.
You can remove the signup if you want to.
Quote from Scawen :I have just changed it so you can see signups in inactive leagues too, so now you can see your signup to my league, in My Signups section.

I'm not sure if that is a bad idea or not. Uhmm

This got me thinking about two possible solutions to this:

1) What would be your opinion about having an additional setting "Hidden" or "Private" in league (or season) settings?

It would work like how your league works now. Users can view its page and sign-up, but only if they know the URL for it. It would not appear on calendar, LFS Entry screen (except maybe for signed up users) for the general public

If league is not active, then signing up would not be possible, regardless if league/season is hidden or not

2) Alternatively, one thing you could add to inactive leagues is a cursived and/or greyed out text "Inactive" next to the name of the league. Right now, there is no indication if league is inactive or not when viewing its page.
You are right, it needed to be made clear if a league is inactive (which basically means hidden). I also was wondering about a separate switch to make each season hidden or not, but I decided not to do that in a hurry, as it's not really necessary for now.

Anyway, along with that I found a few more presentation issues and did a few more updates today. Don't worry everyone, I'm aware that this has dragged on a few more days than hoped, but I've been thinking about the next updates to get the Retro model ready for release.

Minor updates:

Added avatars to the signup administration pages
The text (inactive) is displayed beside the name of inactive leagues
Links to league, season, forum, website on signup info pages (as on round or season pages)
FIX: Confusion around first event and number of events on round signup pages
FIX: After editing a round it went back to season page instead of round page
(tankslacno) DELETED by tankslacno : Posted accidentally too early
Sounds good Smile I did find two issues, first one is just minor/cosmetic one, but the second one is, let's say, semi-important.

1) The minor one: Right now, if your season is set that users don't need to signup, there is a text "No signup required" in LFS Entry Screen and it's located above that clickable Join-button and server name.

However, if your season is set to "Invite only", you can see in LFS Entry Screen that the Join-button is now non-clickable. However, there is no text above it about signing up. I was wondering, should in these types of seasons there be a text "Event is Invite Only" (or something like that) in that position? Because right now, there is no other indication in LFS Entry Screen, that the event is invite only type of event, other than that non-clickable LFS button

2) The more important one: You can add multiple hosts that will be used in your season, but you cannot:

- Reliably choose the order of them. I understand the first server is the main/primary one, and in case its offline (or, apparently, hidden), LFS Entry Screen chooses the second one in the order. And if that one too is not online, the third one, etc. However, I just tested with this:

I tested this by making this season having five hosts. Even though I added host "LFS BRASIL" (for testing purposes) last and at the bottom of my host list, for some reason, after saving my season settings, this website did put it straight to the top of hosts this season is going to use.

But when I added "Just A Ride" after "Sport Racing Team Finland" and "Sport Racing Team Demo", it did automatically assign it to between those two. After that, I added "Freedom Factory", and it assigned it between "Just a Ride" and that demo server. But when I tried to change order of "Just A Ride" and "Freedom Factory", after saving it, it still kept "Just a Ride" above "Freedom Factory".

So, it seems like the order where these hosts are listed is not reliable. It seems like there's a chance it will change the primary server at random. So choosing order of those hosts used in a season would be quite essential.

- Choose which host(s) used in a season are used in individual rounds.

This is probably not that important, but would be nice to have as we have ability to list multiple hosts in an individual season. Could also be an alternative solution to that more important problem Uhmm

EDIT: Added two screenshots, one choosing the order I listed those hosts and the other one choosing the actual order in my season page after saving my season settings
Attached images
Nice bug finding again. Big grin

About the important one:

First time I've seen this code, but what happened: it stored the servers in the correct order but extracted from the database in a basically random order. At the same time, passwords were extracted preserving their order, so in fact if you had more than one host with different passwords, the passwords could be assigned to the wrong host.

I've changed the code to reassemble the list of servers in the order they were stored, so this should fix the problem. I recreated your test in my Round signup season and the bug appears fixed. Also my fake passwords have remained with the correct hosts, if I look in Edit Season.