Sounds good

I did find two issues, first one is just minor/cosmetic one, but the second one is, let's say, semi-important.
The minor one: Right now, if your season is set that users don't need to signup, there is a text "No signup required" in LFS Entry Screen and it's located above that clickable Join-button and server name.
However, if your season is set to "Invite only", you can see in LFS Entry Screen that the Join-button is now non-clickable. However, there is no text above it about signing up. I was wondering, should in these types of seasons there be a text "Event is Invite Only" (or something like that) in that position? Because right now, there is no other indication in LFS Entry Screen, that the event is invite only type of event, other than that non-clickable LFS button
The more important one: You can add multiple hosts that will be used in your season, but you cannot:
- Reliably choose the order of them. I understand the first server is the main/primary one, and in case its offline (or, apparently, hidden), LFS Entry Screen chooses the second one in the order. And if that one too is not online, the third one, etc. However, I just tested with this:
I tested this by making this season having five hosts. Even though I added host "LFS BRASIL" (for testing purposes) last and at the bottom of my host list, for some reason, after saving my season settings, this website did put it straight to the top of hosts this season is going to use.
But when I added "Just A Ride" after "Sport Racing Team Finland" and "Sport Racing Team Demo", it did automatically assign it to between those two. After that, I added "Freedom Factory", and it assigned it between "Just a Ride" and that demo server. But when I tried to change order of "Just A Ride" and "Freedom Factory", after saving it, it still kept "Just a Ride" above "Freedom Factory".
So, it seems like the order where these hosts are listed is not reliable. It seems like there's a chance it will change the primary server at random. So choosing order of those hosts used in a season would be quite essential.
- Choose which host(s) used in a season are used in individual rounds.
This is probably not that important, but would be nice to have as we have ability to list multiple hosts in an individual season. Could also be an alternative solution to that more important problem
EDIT: Added two screenshots, one choosing the order I listed those hosts and the other one choosing the actual order in my season page after saving my season settings