My name is Mike. Many know that now. I usually have a signature or manually sign forum posts with Mike. I try to register all forums and stuff with mrodgers. From now knowing my first name of Mike, you can figure out my last name is Rodgers. I am registered at LFS, LFS forum, theuspits,, wspilots, avsim, CRC, RCGroups, RCUniverse,, and many others as mrodgers. If I can't use mrodgers, I stick an 88 at the end because my first internet login experience, mrodgers was taken, so I stuck 88 on the end. Why? I use to have an 88 Toyota 4Runner and I was joining a Toyota 4x4 internet mailing list. I use NightHawk|CRC as a nickname in LFS. It comes from my bike, an 83 Honda Nighthawk. I sold the bike and someone on the servers the other night said "now you have to change your name." So I changed it to non-NightHawk|CRC for a little laugh (yea, just a little one). I forgot about it and it was still non-NightHawk|CRC last night.
No point really in all that. I use my real name in almost everything I register for. It's real easy for me to type quickly. The nicknames are interesting and I like them. It's easier to remember most of who I race with when the names are Banshee, th84, Turbo-Love, Cropsy, Tweak, Marsh2a, etc. But if it were Joe, Brian, Jim, John, Paul, and Henry, then it may be more difficult to remember who is who.