The online racing simulator
Cross pattern tyre placment
(13 posts, started )
Cross pattern tyre placment
Hey so i was wonderin since so less simulators add this kind of stuff i decide to ask you guys would this be a good and inovative change for sim racing and rally racing, by example adding for formula car 2 r1 at F-left + R-right and 2 r3 or r2 at F-right + R-left. I havent checked if somebody has recommended this before because it just came into my mind just now. IT could be something game changind in sim racing or trash in general.
sounds undrivable
Car would be insanely unbalanced and makes it undrivable
wrc drivers have been doing it for years, couldn't hurt to add i guess
Look at me im a washed rally driver yipeeeee
I'll have to vote -1 for this idea.
poor student nissan altima budget chinese tire treatment
Not sure if the cross pattern is a good idea,however ability to select tyre type/compound on each wheel individually could bring benefits on specific tracks and/or cars.
I only see this work in situations like KY1 or similair tracks where one side of the car is heavily loaded while on the other side tires stay always cold. Maybe it would be worth a try to have asymetric tyre compound placement option included when togling it on for tyre pressure..
Even if it wouldn't benefit me, having the possibility wouldn't hurt.
Quote from rane_nbg :I only see this work in situations like KY1 or similair tracks where one side of...

actually +1
I mean NASCAR has, at various points, used different left vs right compounds to create desired handling characteristics, including super hard tyres on the left (which teams immediately cheated and put them on the right).

Cross pattern tyre placment
(13 posts, started )