The online racing simulator
RandomCar - main info

Race Green Events events presents new racing concept - racers get their car for the upcoming race drawn by randomizer from a field of balanced cars from PL200 class accepted in the list of cars for RandomCar.
Racing will be held on tuesday evenings between RTFR and RTFR XL races.

The car class named PL200 (Performance Level of 200 BHP per ton) used in this league is based on LFS default TBO class performance - street legal cars with power to weight ratio of approximatelly 200 BHP per ton,running on Road Super tyres. To balance out faster cars,performance balancing will be used - cars lighter than 1100kg will receive primarly additional balast weight (if tyre performance allows) to reach 1100kg,then air restriction will be added if required. Cars heavier than 1100kg will receive primarly air restriction,if car is still overperforming at max restrictor,additional weight will be added. With time car overall performance during different tracks will be monitored,if a car is deemed to be over or underperforming,the balancing will be adjusted accordingly. Despite all the balancing,some cars will still have advantage on faster tracks,some - on slower tracks,that is considered to be part of the RandomCar spirit - racers have to make the best out of the car they received in draw.

To take part in RandomCar,signup will be required as it is needed to know who wants to take part,so we can draw a car for the participant. Signups will be made on yearly base - each year a new series will be run and with it new sign up required. Each year will also have it's own info thread with schedule,points system and yearly specific updates to series.

As a bonus for winning,the winner will be allowed to select the track for next race,however the selection will be limited to next 2 environments accoring to standard LFS list (refer to LFS track selection menu). Custom configurations/layouts will be allowed as long as they're deemed to suit the PL200 class. Both LFS ovals (KY1 and RO3),other very high speed courses and tracks partially or fully without pavement will not be accepted (too much advantage for specific cars). Additionally the winner will be allowed to suggest a mod car for the next car addition voting (held in Race Green discord server).

Event times:
18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET - 60 minutes qualifying
19:10 UTC / 20:10 CET / 21:10 EET - Race start
* During sunlight savings time in Europe the UTC time will be changed 1 hour earlier to keep the event in same time in area of main userbase Europe (accordingly 17:00 UTC for qualifying).

For this league we will use same server with same name as in RTFR - car restrictions monitoring app will be launched once the server is set up for upcoming round.
Click to join link: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race (pass=random)

Available cars and their restrictions:
2. ACOSTA STARLIN (20% / +180kg)
3. ADDA AR-EIGHT V10 (36%)
6. CAMMERA 730 TURBO (12%) - "Police" config forbidden
7. CZR LUXURY SEDAN (10%) - "Undercover"; "Police"; "Taxi" and "Taxi1" configs forbidden
8. DASH 46 (14%)
9. DORITO FD7 (13%)
10. DORITO FD7 SR (22%)
11. FEND TORUS (4%) - "TAXI"; "COP" and "MED RED UND" configs forbidden
12. FEND TORUS T (30%) - "TCPD" config forbidden
13. FRAUD 040 (18% / +180kg)
14. FRAUD WHEELER E2 (12%) - "Cop" config forbidden
16. FXO Turbo (6%)
17. FZ50 (20%)
18. FZ70 4GTS (41%) - "Police" config forbidden
19. GT-V34 (8%)
20. GT-V34 MINE9 (50%)
21. IMPREZZIVE B2 (21%)
22. MZ-S ROADSTER (+150kg)
23. MZG SEDAN (16%) - "Police" and "Taxi" configs forbidden
24. N.400S (23%) - "Lightbar" config forbidden
25. NORTZ XRT2 V6 BITURBO 2023 (18%)
26. PIRAN FIREFLY 200 (+80kg)
27. POSCHER CAYNAM 718 (17%)
28. Raceabout 06 (16% / +160kg)
29. RB4 GT (1%)
30. ROKU TROENO (+80kg)
31. SALIVA15
32. STELLAR K61 (+50kg)
33. TALOT SUNS LOMIS (11% / +102kg)
34. URC1 (50% / 180kg)
35. VPI-3 BASIC TURBO (39%)
36. VSI-V2000
37. XF COUPE TURBO (+30kg)
38. XF GARIS (7%)
39. XF TURBO 5 (+10kg)
40. XM-5 94 TURBO (8% / +120kg)
41. XR GT Turbo (+1%)

All cars are limited to use Road Super tyres only (Slicks are forbidden!)

Car draw:

Cars will be drawn in 2 waves:
1st wave - 24 hours before start of qualifying (all who have signed up until 17:50 UTC / 16:50 UTC during summer time)
2nd wave - 20 minutes before start of qualifying (all who have signed up between 1st wave and signups deadline)

~5 minutes before the draw a public link to scheduled draw will be posted and everyone can see the draw live (page reload required).
Currently (until there is better option) we will use simple numbers draw - the online randomizer will draw same amount of numbers as signups count in range from 1 to 29 (car ID number from cars list). The order of these numbers will be same as signups order - the 1st drawn car will be assigned to 1st signup,2nd car to 2nd signup and so on (a signups list will be added to draw link).

* though this is just a fun race, so rule book won't be as long as race distance itself, but everyone should follow basic car-racing rules (like rules of clean racing) and keep sportsmanship in mind, so everyone can have clean racing fun in this event!
  • Respect BLUE FLAG - you may not interfere passing maneuver of lapping car! In qualification - you may not disturb passing car in any way.
  • Be careful at YELLOW FLAG - slow down if necesary, be ready to avoid crashed cars. Crashed drivers must make sure that their return to racing won't cause other incidents.
  • No shortcutting in any way. 2 wheels must be on track every time. Track is defined by paved surface (tarmac/asphalt,concrete),curbs,green pavement (in Kyoto) and astroturf are legal extensions.
  • Don't cross the pit exit (blend) line with more than 2 wheels and make way for cars racing at full speed.
  • Be careful while racing, avoid any contacts with other cars. No crashing, ramming or any other unsportsmanlike behavior at any time.
  • Drivers with high and/or unstable ping will be asked to leave if not improving it.
  • No voting for restart/qualification/end race after qualification start (unless command is given to vote for start).
  • Chatting during race is not forbidden, but pressing binds and (especially - unnesecary) texting too often can result in penalty.
  • Not racing observers (including drivers who already have retired) may not use chat at all.
  • This is specifically an individual event - every driver has to drive himself,no driver swaps are allowed.
  • Manual clutch is allowed only when using axis clutch to avoid botton clutch misuse. Normally server is set up with an app to disallow button clutch.
  • Car configs with safety car or police lights are forbidden as they are not deemed suited for racing in our events. Using such during official session counts as using unsupported equipment.
* every participant can recommend any changes to these simplified rules to make them better in any way, please report any mistakes found

In case you have any protests (crashing,blocking etc.) against somebody,please post them in this thread or in our discord server as soon as possible (best - right after race)! All protests will be reviewed and reckless drivers will be banned for futher events to keep clean and fair racing!

In case you timed out, crashed, run out of fuel and you have completed full 50% of race distance, please spectate and don't join again - replay will be analized with LFSstats and you will be added to final results! If you did rejoin in such situation, but still want to be added to results, you will have to inform event admins in server or post request in this thread.

Good luck and have fun! Thumbs up

(picture from RandomCar 2023 round 2)
Attached images
Welcome a new addition to RandomCar cars lineup: NORTZ XRT2 V6 BITURBO 2023 - the initial restrictor is set to 17% air restriction.

The car won the voting in our Discord server by a single vote.
There are 3 changes in cars list before next race,here are these in alphabetical order:

Approved mods are added to list by default if fulfilling requirements,the N.400S has been updated recently to have skin support,therefor it's now eligible for RandomCar!
(to get skin template,you have to select the skinned default color setting!)
The car will start with 23% air restrictor.

After 2 wins in 2 races it's now sure that URC1 is overperforming and will receive additional 20kg ballast to reach a total of 50% air restrictor + 140kg ballast.

Winner of the montly vote is VPI-3 BASIC TURBO which won the voting by a single vote. The FWD hot hatch will start with 39% air restrictor.
For the 2nd month in row there are 3 changes in cars list:

The MZG SEDAN has received APPROVED status in mods list,therefor is added to RandomCar cars lineup by default,despite finishing 3rd in the latest voting (and 2nd in previous voting). It is the 5th AWD car in the list and will start it's journey in the series with 16% air restrictor.

The winner of the latest voting is the relativelly light PIRAN FIREFLY 200 which will enlarge the already largest engine/drivetrain layout type FR (front engined-rear wheel drive) and due it's light weight it will receive additional weight worth 80kg. The voting was won by quite comfortable margin of 6 votes and reached the highest ever supporters count.

The mighty URC1 keeps winning races and we keep slowing it down - it will receive additional 20kg ballast to reach a total of 50%+160kg restrictor and weight.
This time there are 4 changes in cars list,again let's start in alphabetical order:

The winner of the voting on our Discord channel resulted in win of a car,which is based on a Japanese classic from 90ies - 8JFZ Supercelestral. It will increase the already biggest engine/drivetrain configuration FR and with just over 1.5 tons weigth it will be the 5th heaviest cars in the field. The car will start with initial balancing of 11% air restrictor.

The Acosta Starlin was noticed of being a bit underpowered,best seen in latest race in faster course,that's why from now on it's restrictor is reduced by 1% to have 20%+180kg balancing.

Also Fraud Wheeler E2 showed lack of power in the faster racecourse,so gets it's restrictor reduced by 1% to have a 13% total restriction.

URC1 keeps winning races and once again organisation feels it's right to add another set of ballast - the ultimate road car's total balancing is 50%+180kg and has a chance to reach max possible restriction if it overperforms on upcoming round.
2 updates in cars lineup this time,one because of mod's update,other is a new voted car.

The Cammera 730 Turbo received an update,where both engine power and car's weight were changed - the restriction is corrected accordingly to keep the car at same performance,which will be monitored during upcoming races if the 10% air restriction is correct.

The new car which won the voting in our Discord server is XM-5 94 Turbo,which is a lightweight roadster based on a popular japanese car from 90ies. The car receives both weight and restriction,as the ruling is first to add weight until car reaches curb weight of 1100kg - the full balancing is 8% air restriction + 120kg added weight.
RandomCar's lineup has been joined by another version of the XF chassis - the all wheel drive XF GARIS,which is the first 3-cylinder car in the cars list. Even if the car did not receive a lot of votes in previous voting and ended up in tied 4th position,it was nominated by winner of previous race and won the voting by big margin. The initial balancing for this car is 7% air restriction.

With this addition the cars list has reached 25 cars - organization has decided to reduce the frequency of new cars additions to half,meaning that there will be voting for a new car only after every 2nd race,while it will feature nominations of both race winners. This has been decided due 2 factors - competitional factor in manufacturers championship (the more cars,the higher the chance that some cars will not be drawn) and selection factor as it was more and more difficult to find quality candidates.
The winner of latest voting adds the 5th mid-engined rear wheel driven car to the lineup,which a car with the oldest heritage in racing,hailing from the 60ies - FRAUD 040. Besides the Coquette,it's the 2nd car with a V8 engine,even if it's the street legal version of the LeMans legend,it still has quite wide rear tyres,so with 210 horsepower it should not struggle for traction too much. The car starts the journey in RandomCar with 19% air restriction coupled with max possible 180kg added weight.

This is the last new car for this season - next voting will be held in the intermission between seasons!
Between seasons there have been several changes in cars lineup,here is the overview:

First of all there was a car with rather low performance,which was supposed to be put on voting between the seasons if it should stay. However the car received update from it's creator,which made it heavier,thus rendering the car even more uncompetitive,therefor no voting was required as organization decided to retire the car from RandomCar by default.

The VGI-6 TEDAVI was drawn 17 times through the season of 2023,it's highest qualifying result was 6th position (achieved by S1DUS*FasT in round 4 at Kyoto National Rev.) and it's best finishing result was 14th (achieved by B2マ Rayman in round 6 at Lindoring). The car finished 24th in 2023 Manufacturers championship,scoring 23 points in 5 attended rounds.

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Between seasons 2 RandomCar eligible cars have received approved status,which grants addition to the series lineup by default:
First of those is FEND TORUS,an all wheels driven sedan which will become the most powerful and also the 2nd heaviest car in the list. It will receive 4% restrictor as balancing measure.

2nd approved status car is SALIVA15,a japanese coupe with pretty much equal performance to the LFS's standard TBO class,therefor it will join the league without any kind of balancing.

2 cars have been added via voting - one of those is an approved status car that has more than 300N@40m/s total downforce,which allows cars to be added by default,therefor the DORITO FD7 had to receive users approval first and it succeeded. The coupe with a simulated rotary engine will start it's journey in RC with 13% air restrictor.

The new addition from standard voting is the new lightest car in the list - STELLAR K61 tipps the scales to 841kg together with it's 80kg additional weight required for balancing,while with 190 horsepower it is also the least powerful car in the series.

6 cars have received update in balancing between the seasons:
COQUETTE Z5 - restrictor reduced to 27% (-1%)
FRAUD WHEELER E2 - restrictor reduced to 12% (-1%)
Raceabout 06 - restrictor reduced to 16% (-1%)
TALOT SUNS LOMIS - weight ballast incresed to 102kg (+2kg to balance out LFS update's caused difference)
XF COUPE TURBO - weigth ballast reduced to 25kg (-5kg)
XF TURBO 5 - weight ballast of 10kg (previously no balancing)

Votings to add new cars will be made only twice in 2024 - 1st is set between rounds 3 and 4,but 2nd voting will be held between rounds 6 and 7. Both these voting will feature 3 cars nominated by round winners,2nd best car from previous voting and 1 car nominated from organization.
These have been quite productive few weeks in mods department as there have been several waves of mod approvals,which per definition adds also the eligible cars to RandomCar cars lineup by default. A total of 5 cars have been added to the list,which consists now of 34 cars,however 3 are still not awailable due the strengthened checks. Here are all 5 new entries in alphabetical order:

FEND TORUS T joins it's heavier stock counterpart in the lineup - besides weight reduction,it has also wider tyres and reduced drag compared to stock version. It is set with 30% intake restriction for balancing.

Another AWD addition to lineup is the famous "Godzilla" - a replica of late 90ies japanese sports coupe,the GT-V34 was actually in the voting twice for being added to RC lineup,but did lost it to other cars. The car requires 8% restrictor to keep it in pace of other cars.

Coincidentally there is another car that joins it's model counterpart,but this time it's other way round - IMPREZZIVE C8 is the weaker version of B2 modification with less original power,slightly lighter and has narrower tyres. With 8% air restrictor it will be balanced to PL200 class.

The lightest car between newly added is ROKU TROENO,which received 80kg weight ballast to be on same performance as the rest of the PL200 class. It should benefit from low average speed twisty tracks with it's agility.

Despite being advertised as front-mid-engined car,we'll keep it simple and add the VSI-V2000 to the list of FR cars. The car is by default on same pace as PL200 class cars,so it will not be restricted from start,but we'll keep an eye on it's performance as with some setups developement it might be needed to slow it down.

If there are any new cars approved between now and next round,they will be added to RC lineup only after next round,however the 3 currently unpublished cars will be checked for republishing just before 1st draw wave before confirming them being suspended for next round.
The voting between 2024 rounds 3 and 4 results in addition of rather rare sports version of 80ies saloon car,in LFS known under name FREUD SERRA. With it's original power it is just a tick too fast,so it will start it's journey in RandomCar with 1 percent intake restriction. It is the 15th car in the largest drivetrain layout field of FR (front engine - rear wheel drive) and 35th overall (3 are currently still suspended).
These have been another productive 4 weeks as we have a total of 4 new cars in the list,while one having it's balancing adjusted,here are the updates in alphabetical order:

The first in list is DORITO FD7 SR,which is a sister car to base model and is featuring different aero kits. The classic FR layout car has been set to use 22% air restrictor.

Just yesterday FZ70 4GTS made it's first and most likelly last appearance in our annual endurance race,now it's time to add the recently approved car also in RandomCar lineup - it will be the first car with the engine/transmission layout of RA (rear engine/all wheel drive). The car was in voting few times,but always lost out to other cars,now it's added by default due approved status and will start it's journey with 41% restrictor.

Soon after addition of the original,also the tuned version joins RC thanks to approval of community - GT-V34 MINE9 might look similar to it's original,however it's 100kg lighter,has wider tyres and more aerodynamic help. By default this car is so fast it will be restricted with max possible 50% air restrictor and carry additional 10kg ballast to keep it with PL200 class pace.

IMPREZZIVE B2 has been struggling latelly with it's top end speed,therefor it was decided to help it by reducing air restriction by 1% - from now on it will use 21%.

Last in the list is car which was expected to be approved quickly as it's made with a lot of attention to details - POSCHER CAYNAM 718 is the 6th MR (mid-engined/rear wheels driven) car in RandomCar and the restriction is set to 17% for it.

When other cars have been added,some dissapear from the list - unfortunatelly due some weird behaviour of several modders,also one of RandomCar's vehicles were deleted. COQUETTE Z5 was the 1st car voted in the RandomCar between the 1st test race and 1st official scored championship round. The car is the 2nd retired car in RC,first which was still competitive as it was known for it's outright straight line speed. Best results of COQUETTE Z5 were achieved by B2マ 136,who qualified 3rd and finished 4th in this season's 3rd round at Blackwood,while it was scored in rather low 21st position in last season's manufacturer's championship,however this year it's currently holding 4th position in it with destiny to slip down.
Between 2024 series rounds 5 and 6 there are only 2 updates regarding cars,however another recently approved car is currently in approval voting in our discord server and currently it looks like it will make the race to get added in the series.

If cars with downforce needs to be accepted in series by community,cars without it can make into lineup by default of they get approved - the most recent addition to RandomCar is a relativelly small coupe 2020 HIRO CCF2 which is however a modern car and by no means a lightweight. Being 75kg heavier than the well known XRT,it features a 2.5 liter 6-cylinder engine with close to series average power. 4% intake restriction is required to balance it with other cars.

The lightest and least powerful car STELLAR K61 has been updated recently and due changes it was required to adjust balancing - instead of 80kg ballast it will now carry just 50kg.
Another productive 4 weeks between 2024 rounds 6 and 7 - total of 4 cars have been added to the lineup,coincidentally all based on cars hailing from same region,3 of them even based on same manufacturer. With cars list exceeding 40 cars,we will start to slow down a bit new cars additions as all new approved cars will now have to go through approval of our discord members,while unapproved car voting will be done only between seasons.

The alphabet starts with A and so the descriptions will start with ADDA AR-EIGHT V10 - it is the 2nd supercar type car in the cars list besides the URC1 and also the 2nd car with double figure count of cylinders as it has 10 of those. With AWD system,wide tyres,paddle shift and some downforce help it's rather easy to drive,the 37% intake restriction results in the lowest power to weight ratio (172.6hp/ton) in the field,but still might be restricted more once setups have been developed.

B for Bavaria is added twice in this addition - first one is the smaller BAVARIA A30 N POWER EVO,a 2 door sedan type coupe hailing from late 80ies. Being pretty much on similar pace as rest of the PL200 class,this car requires just 1% restrictor for balancing.

The other one is BAVARIA A34 N POWER - a slightly younger and bigger brother of previous car. It's a 4-door sedan with rather high weight and it joins the series as the 4th car with 300 or more horsepower engine power and that is with already added 5% air restrictor.

The 4th car is actually 2 generations younger version of BAVARIA A30 - the DASH 46 hails from very late 90ies and brings modern features to help the driver keep the car under control. It had to be tamed with 14% intake restriction to be on same pace as rest of the cars.
This time no new cars added to the list,however there is one minor update regarding restrictions between 2024 series rounds 7 and 8 - after winning 2 races in row,the LFS home grown RB4 GT confirmed that it is overperforming in certain conditions so it needs to be slowed down,so we're starting with a single percent of air restriction.
Before the final round of 2024 there are several changes in performance balancing:

CAMMERA 730 TURBO proved itself as very fast in straights,so it should be slowed down a little - it receives additional 1% intake restriction to reach total of 11%.
FREUD SERRA could not keep up with other cars as good as expected,so it's 1% restriction is now removed.
FXO Turbo is still one of the fastest cars especially with years of setup developement,so it will get another 1% intake restriction - new requirement is 6%.
XF COUPE TURBO is beating competition with it's agility,so it will receive a minor weight addition of 5kg - the new total is 30kg.
Between seasons there have been several changes in cars lineup and balancing:

ADDA AR-EIGHT V10 could not keep up with other cars,so it's restrictor has been reduced by 1% - new restrictor is 36% for the high performace sports car.
CAMMERA 730 TURBO with it's low drag is still pulling on straights away from everyone,so it needs to be tamed a bit - +1% air restriction to reach 12%.
FRAUD 040 still hasn't shown any signs of competitivity,so it's restriction is reduced by 1%,the new balancing is 18% + 180kg.
GT-V34 MINE9 also struggles to keep up with competition,so it's 10kg weight ballast has been removed and the car is balanced only by the max possible air restriction of 50%.
NORTZ XRT2 V6 BITURBO 2023 has been performing strong latelly,so it received an additional 1% of air restrictor,18% is the new needed value.
TALOT SUNS LOMIS also has been performing well,so it also gets an extra 1% restrictor,it's new balancing is 11% +102kg.

2 cars have left the RandomCar lineup,each for different reasons:

BZ30 ROADSTER has been changed by mod creator as an optimization between several versions of the chassis - it has become a base version with much less power,therefor not competitive in PL200 class anymore. As a possible replacement the BZ30 ROADSTER SPORT is listed as candidate,however it has to go through voting to be added.
IMPREZZIVE C8 "won" the voting for most unpopular car between seasons (voting planned to be held between each season),so it has been retired from RandomCar,allthough theoretically it still can be nominated for voting to be added back again.

Currently a season interval voting is being held for addition of new car - 5 candidate cars are listed and the winner of voting will become on next sunday the 42nd car in RandomCar series that will start season in just over 2 weeks time. If you want to cast your vote,please join Race Green discord server and do so in RandomCar-voting channel!
Just before season opener there are another 2 updates to cars lineup.

BAVARIA A34 N POWER has been updated,gaining some weight,but not enought power to keep it on same performance level,therefor the restrictor has beed reduced by a single percent - new balancing restrictor is 4%.

MZ-S ROADSTER won the voting held in our Discord server and is now the 42nd car in RandomCar cars line up. The lightweight roadster does not have much power (it's the 3rd car with power below 200hp),but compensates the lack with great agility. The car will start it's journey with additional weight of 150kg.
There is one change between 2025 rounds 1 and 2 - sadly it's a removal of a high quality sporty car. The 2020 HIRO CCF2 has been updated with lower performance,making the car uncompetitive in PL200 class,therefor we have no choice but to retire the car from RandomCar.

In it's short time in the RandomCar Series,the 2020 HIRO CCF2 was drawn just twice (additionally it had another 2 draws in the pre-season test race),used just once - Houssem.221b qualified it in 18th position in 2025 season opener and raced it up to 13th position in finish,which happen to be marked as car's best results that might never be beaten.