The online racing simulator
(1578 posts, closed, started )
I share your views for some of the points, mainly the one about ffb wheels. We waited quite a long time just to get increased ffb resolution and ffb refresh rate. Lattest addition of live ffb graph bar is all that I needed really. But yeah, many new wheels have in my oppinion useless flashy things which LFS natively does not support. Can I balme devs for this, no, not really. There is inSim, wheel manufacturers can easily add support for their own product, if they wish to do so. It's just that their market is not the players who play LFS.

About airio, yeah, I rarely play on any server without it. When I first played LFS online, I did it at AirAttack servers with airio and I thought that this is an integral part of LFS, only latter I found out it's not and that it is just a c# app that is using inSim. I'm just glad EQ Worry made it for us and also very grateful to Scawen for making inSim.

All these decisions are what makes LFS appart from other titles and I like if because of it. Slowly, I think Scawen will add some of the features lazy has. I also like, that LFS has inbuilt self-filter, reppeling everyone who can't see beyond it's looks. Those who see past it, discover the greatness of it, are there to stay hooked. Many times before people described LFS as a nishe of a nishe, this is very true.

Making it more accessible may provide better income for devs, but it will generally and slowly become the same as a plethora of other generic racing sims. I don't want this community to change towards horny and toxic teenagers - who are the majority of playerbase in any game online.
LFS community in a nutshell:

Many ask to open LFS for modding and even make it open source,so people can improve it to make it much better.

Reality - opening LFS to car mods results in tons of junk mods with unrealistic values,many try to sneak in ripped 3D models from other games,while only a handful people do the modelling themselves,not all of them in good quality. After 2 years we have some good cars in the list,but most are useless for proper racing. As much as I would like to race in many other different tracks,I have to admit that I'm affraid from the mess what would be caused by track editor release...

Other reality - Airio has been abandoned by it's creator since 2011/12(?),still being used as best serverside stats add-on to LFS despite being outdated in many areas,there is still noone who has created anything better. Sorry,LFSLapper creators,I'm meaning insim add-on that can be configured also by narrow foreheads like me. Razz

So,where are the programmers,who would take the glorious work to make newer/better/more modern version of Airio? Or where are the programmers,who can create something similar to LFSLazy? (yes,I know,the french guys have something similar,but somehow people still come back this this one and expect to be revived)

LFS devs with their limited manpower and worktime have provided us a great racing simulator with insim protocol for community to create all the needed addons,if there is something missing,then it's the community's effort to make those.

(This was just a long version of Number's "Why dont you program it yourself")
I simply won't do it myself because I don't have the skills.

An application such as Airio should be integrated with the game.

Your quote: "LFS developers due to limited manpower."

Answer: “So why ruin what someone else did and worked well?”
Someone wrote that Lazy is close to introducing cheats in LFS. I don't know anything about it personally, so I won't comment.

I haven't personally seen anyone cheating using Lazy. In addition to many useful features for regular racing, Lazy helped to group drivers together without leaving the app, creating a nice closed community of useful features.

I believe that the person who created Lazy wouldn't mind importing their program into LFS - which isn't laborious or problematic for someone who knows how to do it.

A suggestion to LFS developers to help develop the game - just don't break what works well. Someone put a lot of time into creating something that took many years to achieve. Lazy worked great. My question is: who cared and why?
I think many people fail to see how small this community is. And that rather than ideas or suggestions, actual contributions are going to be more helpful in its current state.
The way lazy was developed, with forbiden techniques made it incompatible with every LFS update. If it was done the right way, it would not stop working after LFS update. Have a look at airio. It only partially stopped working, once a major change had been done by introduction of mods and how their names are handeled by inSim. I'm afraid with day night cycles, we'll see another compatibility problem, but we'll still be able to use it. My point is, it's the flaw of lazy and not of LFS.

Ofc no one cheated with lazy, that was not the original intent of its creator, luckily. Just the problem is that by supporting it, the LFS would be exposed with a huge backdoor loophole that could get exploited for hacking/cheating/ddos and what not - all destructive.
Quote from Dido bmw :A suggestion to LFS developers to help develop the game - just don't break what works well. Someone put a lot of time into creating something that took many years to achieve. Lazy worked great. My question is: who cared and why?

You are mistaken to think we tried to break Lazy.

The exact opposite is true, I tried to contact Daniel to see if he would update it. But sometimes people move on to other things and lose interest in some of their old hobbies. Who can blame them?

Anyway, I still stand by the fact that it is very problematic to allow these direct memory access programs. In fact, the very reason Lazy doesn't work any more is because it uses direct memory access. Many features from Lazy can be coded using InSim and that is why I have provided InSim, so people can make the requested features while I get on with other stuff for the core program.

I'm not interested in trying clone myself like Dolly the Sheep or or start hiring people and working in a large company. I already work a lot more hours than most people do, so it's not possible to step it up or something like that. The solution we provide is InSim and that is the way forward. And I might add the occasional feature here and there, as I have in the recent update.
(Dido bmw) DELETED by Dido bmw
I want to emphasize that I am not a critic of the LFS creators. My knowledge as a programmer doesn't allow me to grasp certain risks. Several times I've tried to contribute to LFS's development entirely selflessly. I've given out numerous S3 and S2 licenses to people, which can be seen in my shopping list in the LFS store - I hope that speaks to my honesty.

Recently, I had the idea to give away a few Fanatec sets (wheel + pedals) to support the development. Unfortunately, despite my attempts to organize a tournament and the desire for more visibility through your side's promotion, I was ignored. I simply wanted to selflessly give away a few items in exchange for people playing your game. Now, these sets are waiting - maybe a better time will come
Attached images
We are way off topic now.

I can't remember any ignored tournaments. Was it this?

I think it's hard to arrange events and tournaments and a lot more likely to succeed if you team up with established race organisers.

It's not something the LFS developers can get involved in. Three busy people, trying to work on the core game. We can put out a tweet or accept news items when things look credible but we aren't really going to drop what we're doing and start marketing campaigns for tournaments that may or may not happen. Having an idea is one thing, turning it to reality is quite another!
You can send me the prosche, then I'll code lazy, airio or what ever you want Smile
Quote from Scawen :We are way off topic now.

I can't remember any ignored tournaments. Was it this?

I think it's hard to arrange events and tournaments and a lot more likely to succeed if you team up with established race organisers.

It's not something the LFS developers can get involved in. Three busy people, trying to work on the core game. We can put out a tweet or accept news items when things look credible but we aren't really going to drop what we're doing and start marketing campaigns for tournaments that may or may not happen. Having an idea is one thing, turning it to reality is quite another!

This was a message for your team
with a request to pin the post with all the information to the home page - it would probably help to reach more drivers.
And this message was ignored. Smile - but that's a thing of the past

I think everyone understands that when you spend a few thousand you want to involve a lot of people, not just the 10 drivers I talked to,
but I'm only saying this because I really want to help promote this game.
I have devoted several years to her and I am simply attached to her.
Quote from rane_nbg :You can send me the prosche, then I'll code lazy, airio or what ever you want Smile

Rofl live demonstration of how to solve principal-agent problem
Quote from Dido bmw :I want to emphasize that I am not a critic of the LFS creators. My knowledge as a programmer doesn't allow me to grasp certain risks. Several times I've tried to contribute to LFS's development entirely selflessly. I've given out numerous S3 and S2 licenses to people, which can be seen in my shopping list in the LFS store - I hope that speaks to my honesty.

Recently, I had the idea to give away a few Fanatec sets (wheel + pedals) to support the development. Unfortunately, despite my attempts to organize a tournament and the desire for more visibility through your side's promotion, I was ignored. I simply wanted to selflessly give away a few items in exchange for people playing your game. Now, these sets are waiting - maybe a better time will come

Ok, sell me csl dd + formula 2.5. can do in pm Big grin
LFS players: yell every now and than about open sourcing LFS game,
Also LFS players: stuff all the way in to the closed source InSim program with uncertainity about it's maintainibility.
meh (BeNoM) DELETED by BeNoM : meh
Is it possible to update lFSLazy to 0.7E?
Yes. But please read about 20 post or so before to know more, why it will never actualy be done.
Quote from rane_nbg :why it will never actualy be done.

It was done until Scawen took it down.
Quote from BeNoM :It was done until Scawen took it down.

What does that mean?

What have I taken down? Please explain.

It's an honest question, I have no idea what you are talking about. But I don't like the apparent insinuation that I am trying to spoil your fun, when actually I spend many hours every day trying to make this game better, more flexible and so on.
Quote from Scawen :What does that mean?

What have I taken down? Please explain.

It's an honest question, I have no idea what you are talking about. But I don't like the apparent insinuation that I am trying to spoil your fun, when actually I spend many hours every day trying to make this game better, more flexible and so on.

I think hes talking about the cracked/reverse engineered LFSLazy, iirc the cracked version is floating around somewhere outside of the forum
So the 'official' version made by Daniel became incompatible as it depends on memory hacks.

The only way to keep that compatible would be if I never make a patch, at all. And LFS stays as is, without further updates.

I don't think it's fair for BeNoM to accuse me of "taking it down" when all I did is release a patch for LFS.

Unofficial versions floating around, I have no control over, though my personal opinion is it's unacceptable to hack someone else's program and quite obviously we will not host that version here.

This is not the first time BeNoM makes unwelcome remarks. I'm not a person to hold a grudge at all easily but when the same person does it again and again then it starts to become hard to forget.
Quote from Scawen :I don't think it's fair for BeNoM to accuse me of "taking it down" when all I did is release a patch for LFS.

the "taking it down" was taking down the cracked lfslazy when it was uploaded to the forum, which is understandable. but the one which was uploaded and taken down on forum was for a patch I think, wouldn't even work on the current version, so I even more don't understand him
Quote from Latvian Video :the "taking it down" was taking down the cracked lfslazy when it was uploaded to the forum, which is understandable. but the one which was uploaded and taken down on forum was for a patch I think, wouldn't even work on the current version, so I even more don't understand him

That was long time ago (feels like it) for the 7D release.
Strange for him to bring that up, wouldn't work with 7E regardless Big grin
(BeNoM) DELETED by BeNoM : meh
Quote from NumberTwo :Ok, sell me csl dd + formula 2.5. can do in pm Big grin

no need, got it from other source
I'm slowly working my way through making various LFSLazy features in PIE, and I'm finally at the nearly-ready stage with the one I'm most interested in - the radar.

It's more like AONIO's than Lazy's and it's not quite right yet, but I know some people are crying out for one and I have got to the "more useful than annoying" stage Wink

uhhh the LFSLazy doesn't work with 0.6R version, how do I make it work with that?
Does it work on 0.7F?
This thread is closed

(1578 posts, closed, started )