The online racing simulator
I think I can speak for the community, that these updates are a powerful reminder of how development should be done. Excellent documentation, your candor and realism at all angles is incredibly thoughtful and appreciated. Dedication to quality and making a working product is a dying art, and we only find it in awesome independent developers like you all.

We are so excited for the future of LFS, good on you dev team, keep up the good work, keep the faith, we are with you ❤️

ps: thank you for the modding system, it's truly a pleasure to be able to enjoy this and to be able to contribute to it. If we can see a track editor in the future, I know it's a lot of effort, but you can figure it out once you get time to sit down with the problem.

The juice is worth the squeeze, great updates, keep going 🔥
speaking of these reports, Scawen, I wonder if you ever set a deadline about when this massive overhaul being released, I mean, people with deadlines sometimes doing more than what he's capable to, just wonder if that might also applies to you, or even made you overwhelmed with it instead Big grin
Quote from RealistAdam :I'm really curious about the time wave. How will time progress in the game? Will...

Well, I guess some of those weather properties will be adjustable through inSim. There may be some initial default values, like fixed or automatic 6x or whatever, while any manipulation with it may be through a corresponding inSim weather packet.

I'm sure that this will be a topic for a debate once it comes to that and our oppinion/input may be relevant. Such things are really just a matter of convenience, there is no rocket science in it. I'm glad you mentioned it, I was thinking about this a few years ago when wheater concept was first introduced in one of progress reports. How can we potentialy integrate it in airio without its source code will be a real puzzle. To be continued..
Wow!!! incredible work, thank you developers Thumbs up

on a side note, can you tell us a rough estimate of the area that the new maps will cover? or how much of it will be drivable?

Thanks Big grin
Looks amazing!

Not sure if this has already been answered or not, will we get Bancroft and Fairfield with the update, or are they still WIP?
Eric mentioned "2 other tracks" in the Kyoto progress report thread that won't be included in the update, he most likely meant Bancroft and Fairfield.
Where did you get the names for these other 2 tracks that are in the works from? They sound so cool Smile

Edit: To johneysvk, I usually read all progress reports quite thoroughly, but I'm not sure how I missed to see mentioning these new track names..anyway, it's great that we'll have new race environments.
is the dash supposed to be that bright in tunnel or its a some sort of bud due to brightness change?
Yes, it's due to the new lighting method. It's simply too bright at the moment, but it will be fixed when auto-brightness of self-illuminated displays gets implemented.
Quote from rane_nbg :Where did you get the names for these other 2 tracks that are in the works from? They sound so cool Smile

progress reports
Quote from rane_nbg :Where did you get the names for these other 2 tracks that are in the works from...

im so ready to doma gti lobby with my bois in FA3
then trolling a bit with BA1 doing stunts and shesh
Thank You
Quote from Scawen :Hello Racers...

This may add nothing of substance to any discussion here, but thank you.
You and your team are a shining light in sim development and LFS has brought me so much joy ever since the Mouse/Keyboard playing on the family PC days.
I hope you feel appreciated by this community and proud of your work.

Much love,