The online racing simulator
Its a shame there will be no shadows from streetlamps, it could've resulted in some cool things, such as streets mainly lit by those, i wonder if there will be another type of light entity usable that does cast shadows, maybe a spotlight entity too
Quote from Krunal_01 :Its a shame there will be no shadows from streetlamps, it could've resulted in some cool things, such as streets mainly lit by those, i wonder if there will be another type of light entity usable that does cast shadows, maybe a spotlight entity too

If a spotlight could exist and cast shadow maps then the street lights could.
Quote :Its a shame there will be no shadows from streetlamps, it could've resulted in some cool things,

Nobody says it will never happen.

Let him finish what's already there for release. After that, there's still a lot for Scawen to do, to improve, and to engage with the community. He only has two hands, after all. Smile

Quote : I am making decisions to get to release without getting hung up on details.

The new version will be a huge step for LFS. Whether such details are implemented or not, there will ALWAYS be something to improve... especially with such a complex program! And Scawen himself sets the bar pretty high (code optimization, resource-efficient handling, and so on). I find his work truly impressive and look forward to every update, no matter how small it may seem.
Quote from Scawen :A quick update today, centre-weighted metering prioritises pixels nearer the...

Not a lighting question, but, the aliasing in the screenshots made me wonder.. will new version come with new anti-aliasing options? Not a high criticality thing just curious. (currently rendering the game at 6880x2880 for my 3440x1440 display, in addition to the in-game AA, to get rid of jaggies as much as possible)
Quote from Drifteris :i noticed street lamps don't cast dynamic shadows inside the car (like sun does), is that for performance or will there be an option to have it?

This makes me wonder how the car's headlights will behave in this regard. For example, if they shine at a wall, will the light be visible on the ground behind the wall as well? I assume it will be like that based on Scawen's answer to Drifteris.

Of course, it's totally fine if it's not so advanced in the upcoming update - it's still gonna be way better than what we have now Big grin
Some method for ray or path tracing has to be implememted in order to support such features..not gonna happen any time soon.
Shadows for dynamic lights are definitely possible without ray/path tracing, using cubemap or dual paraboloid shadowing, which is basically shadow mapping for omni/spot lights (spotlights being cheaper than omni lights). However, after re-watching the night time video from the South City progress report from December 2019, headlights were not casting shadows, not sure what the plan is going forward.
Quote from OmegaX :Not a lighting question, but, the aliasing in the screenshots made me wonder....

DLAA would be amazing, however I'm not sure that's possible with DX11.
It also comes at a huge performance cost, I would rather see dynamic lights used exclusively for cars themselves, I must admit it bothers me a little to see the whole interior being illuminated when other cars are tailing you.

But again, it's one of those things that could be improved gradually with time.
Sometimes you can't afford wasting time by rushing out things heh

Altho patienceless kid in me is happy to know that there's an exe that is already building and running(ish).

I keep coming to this forum every month for last couple years to check the progress and am posting just to say thank you to Scawen for finding time to post this.