The online racing simulator
you could use an S1 -> S2 upgrade voucher, which is 100% similar to an S1 voucher.

A practical question : how does one pay the 1 pound? And to whom?
Im not one in a big hurry for a Lisence, i have the money to do it, its just ive never got round to it yet.

i cant win the lisence, seeing as im the one that will be hosting and watching over each race.

the money will be paid securly via paypal into a seperate LFS "S2 for £1" Donation? Service, and will be paid out to purchase the winners lisence. (plus an addition 10p or 20p for paypal fees and such)

yes, ill pay the extra £1.50 for them to enter the race, nothing really big.

as i said, i dont intend to make any profit from it, i just want to create a nice, little competition that will get advanced demo users into the more advanced S2 Servers like they deserve.

Now i have this Sub-Forum set up, ill begin to organise it more freely and tider beginning tomorrow nite.

Hope this answers all your questions
Quote from djgizmo68 :Im not one in a big hurry for a Lisence, i have the money to do it, its just ive never got round to it yet.

i cant win the lisence, seeing as im the one that will be hosting and watching over each race.

the money will be paid securly via paypal into a seperate LFS "S2 for £1" Donation? Service, and will be paid out to purchase the winners lisence. (plus an addition 10p or 20p for paypal fees and such)

yes, ill pay the extra £1.50 for them to enter the race, nothing really big.

as i said, i dont intend to make any profit from it, i just want to create a nice, little competition that will get advanced demo users into the more advanced S2 Servers like they deserve.

Now i have this Sub-Forum set up, ill begin to organise it more freely and tider beginning tomorrow nite.

Hope this answers all your questions

For the licence, could you not just buy the winner a "S2 Voucher" so then he simply applys it to LFS, thus the money goes to his licence and he doesn't win it, get it in his paypal and just run with it.

A rather good concept, and it could (emphasis on could) possibly make the demo servers a bit cleaner racing wise.
Thats what i will do, once the winner has well, won. ill contact them via PM's or email, and give them their lisence.

you can also make sure im not using this money for my personal use by checking "Demo Racer" is still under my name.
thats why the winner will recieve a voucher, not the actual money. the competition is for a lisence, not for £24.

Well, entrys are now open for anyone who wants to enter.

spread the news of this league around.
That is an awesome idea, you should make this annually or a 3 month time event.
I will do that, aslong as this one is successful.

i plan to have 1 race per week, some which will be double headers (2 Races in 1 day, or 1 race one day, and one the next following day)
Hi djgizmo68!
I find your idea great and would like to participate in it but I have a suggestion towards it: there is the possibility that a racer cannot attend a race for some reason which would make their chances of winning a prize very small. My suggestion for this is to erase the worst achievement of every racer to allow one missed event for everyone. What do you think?

i guess. you can have 1 missed event, worth 1 point, and 1 point only.

but if you want the license, im sure you would find the time to race.
very nice ideea i tell you. this will make demo racers more abitious to perform better on the track...although i think there will be some cases of "fight on the track during racing" and unrispecting other racers...but this hapens in s2 to, so... Anyway again v good ideea! hope it will turn out just fine !
well you need to drive cleanly to win, otherwise youll be all over the place.

the only thing im worried about is converning the Rally-X, where you skip over the gravel pit. hum..

Just announce before the race, that anybody, who cuts there, will get disqualified instantly. I doubt, anyone will cut then.
but still, hosts can only watch 1 driver at a time. unless i get another scrut and eer, but that would limit each server to 9 racers, which is no good.
You can save the replay and disqualify the cutting racer afterwards.
Good Point!

I was originally gunna post each replay down, and have a set people watch them for errors etc
Wow, the leagues very first driver!

And it all begins now
The reason why i set such a time is because its when im free, thursday and friday nights.

i can maybe push 5 or 6pm even if im not free. its that or i will have to shuffle the race dates to a suitible time so i host at 2pm
i need to adjust my router atm before i can host, i have meanwhile been trying to set up a dedicated host with crash warnings etc
lol. I guess it's a rat race
Race Calender
seems to have gone a bit quiet on here

Please post a race calender when it is ready I know of 2 demo racers who are looking to get a full license.

p.s. - great idea
Quote from djgizmo68 :Good Point!

I was originally gunna post each replay down, and have a set people watch them for errors etc

yeah thats the way to do it and if you need help with the replays just tell me i have alot of time on my hands at the moment.
Quote from anttt69 :seems to have gone a bit quiet on here

Please post a race calender when it is ready I know of 2 demo racers who are looking to get a full license.

p.s. - great idea

its gone quite because of the lack of entries, i have succesfully received 1 entry fee, and if no more people sign up, ill have to refund all the people who signed up.
I struggled getting entries for my completely free demo league with an S2 license for the winner so I'm not surprised you're having trouble with this one. Demo users just don't seem to go into the leagues section
great idea m8
I am more than happy to pay for a S2 license for the winner.

then maybe, the price payed can go to 2nd, 3rd etc.

Thats if enough people are interested.