i played the demo for 2 months.. and from the very first second i started driving, my thought was... WOW, i must buy this !!!
but, as i was, many others are affraid of buying it, why ??
because the inevitable question that everyone asks... Will there be enough servers for me to play online ? will it be as fun as the demo ?? how hard is to drive the other cars, if i can barely drive the turbo with keyb+mouse ?? can i drive without a wheel ?
i can tell from my own experience.. i was frustrated when i bought it. why ?
it is too damn hard to drive a RWD car with keyb. and mouse... so i just stopped playing... got frustrated because i bought a U$45 game that i can't play. !!
it took me over three months to find and Buy a Logitech MOMO here in Brazil, and i paid over U$150 on it...
i can tell for my country where piracy reigns, and on every corner you can buy almost all games/softwares titles for as low as U$2 /piece, having to spend over U$200 for one game, isn`t very attractive...
the way i see it, LFS, rfactor, GTR, GTR2, GT Legends, all simulation games, they all suffer from the same problem.. will only be bought if someone really likes it and have $$...
thats the way it is, all we can (and i do) is show all my friends how fun it is, and encourage them to buy it.
BTW, Just remembered what VALVE did to promote the Red Orchestra MOD, it also costs U$25, they let steam users download and play it for free for whole weekend... after that, it locks up again, no purchase, no game...
that could be done in LFS.... with serious marketing over it, it can also be a disaster, a whole bunch of noobs racing and crashing. hauehuehuahae LOL