ATi X850XT resolutions?
(7 posts, started )
ATi X850XT resolutions?
Hello, quick question.

For the price ($115 New US dollars) the X850XT seems like quite a good deal. I play mostly LFS, but occasionally CS:S, and would like to try Farcry.

I play on a Dell 17" HD display, 1280x768 via DVI, so resolution is fairly low. I intend on getting a new 20" 1680x1050 LCD before too long.

Do you think the X850XT will be able to accel at this higher resolution on these less GPU-intensive games, or would it be worthwhile to spend the extra 40-100 dollars to get a 7600GT or 7900GS?

Mainly, if you have one of these cards, do they perform well at high resolution?



PS I'm probably purchasing within 24 hours... so get to the responsing!
I have a friend who has that card with a 20odd inch Dell monitor and it runs native just fine on all the games he plays. Though most require a manual config editing to get the resloution.
#3 - Bean0
I have an X800 and that copes fine with LFS at 1600x1200 with full AA and AF, frame rates range from 30-40 at the lowest (start with full grid) to about 80-100 when lapping depending on the track.

This is with an A64 3500+ & 1GB of RAM all at stock speeds.

The X850 should handle CS:S pretty well with the options cranked up, but I think Farcry would push it a bit if you wanted max detail on.
Cool, thanks for the responses! I think for my needs the X850XT should be plenty, and it will probably be the first thing I would need to upgrade anyway!
The card will certainly handle LFS very well at higher resolutions, since it mostly relies on the CPU for graphics work. Only when you start piling on AA/AF does the GPU really come into play.
#6 - WIGGA
Have you PCI-e or AGP?
If you have AGP it's the best GFX Card you can get for this Price!
But if you have PCI-e than better buy a X1800XL/XT it cost not much more but the performance improvment is BIG(X1800XT)!


PS:What kind of PSU you have? It's very important!
PCI-e, combined with an Antec 500Watt PSU.

My aim was the x1800xt 256, but all those sold out a few weeks ago...

BTW, the cost of the x1800xts were all 200-230 for the 256MB, and now all 300-500 for the remaining 512MB... Major rip-off IMO, thats the same pridce as X1900XTXs... I never saw anything close to x850xt price ($99 after $15 Mail In Rebate...) for the X1800---...

ATi X850XT resolutions?
(7 posts, started )