This could be a bit of fun..
List your 3 favourite, fun, memorable or in your opinion most interesting/important (in any order, or however you like) car/racing games from any era on any platform. Arcade or sim or anything in between or outside- any game where you control a car or a heavy car focus is apparent. Give a short (or long!) description why you liked it. Let's see what we can come up with.
PS- let's try to keep LFS out of this discussion. We'll assume that everybody here loves LFS. Most would probably want to put it in first position. I'm trying to open things up a bit. If you really want you can put LFS. But then you only get 2 more goes... hehe.
edit:- include screenshots if you want to, descriptions or no. There's bound to be a few strange games popping up in this list...
I'll go first...
1. Pole Position. (C64)
This was the first racing game I ever played. I loved the way the cars got bigger as they approached you (awesome sprites
), the funny, pompous blimp that drifted across the screen at the beginning of a race, and how the cars just exploded(!) when you crashed into them. Watching the track curve and twist as you rounded the corners became mesmorising after a while. Oh, and it had oil slicks you had to watch out for. Not even LFS has that! File more under "memorable" than "favourite" for this one. It wasn't really a great game- too slow and repetitive, but my 7 year old brain lapped it up anyway. And it had Mount Fuji (I think).
haha, just found this on the net..
Of course we do!
2. Stunts/4D Sports Racing. (PC)
A true classic from the time when home PC's were just climbing out of the limitations of the awful CGA colour palette and the PC speaker 'beep boops'. This one was in VGA and had Soundblaster support, thereby rocking hard. It also rocked hard because it was a great, fun game. What set this one apart from the other racers of the time were the crazy tracks- jumps, loops, corkscrews, mazey bits, etc. And it had a track editor. Which was the best bit. You could have fun racing against the other opponents (anyone remember their names?) but more fun was making the most diabolically hellish track imaginable and setting the poor, hapless AI loose on it- with their inferior electronic brains it wouldn't be long before a nice and sometimes spectacular accident ensued, which always generated a few giggles. The best part was trying to be as creative as possible with the tracks- my friends and I were always trying to outdo each other in this area. And there was a funny bug in the physics where after coming off a loop from a particular angle- the car would sometimes hover above the ground and spin around in the air like it was caught in an invisible vortex. Hmmm... LFS physics are much better... File under "Fun"!
3. Trackmania Nations. (PC)
A newey and a goody. Just like 4D Sports Driving really but seriously updated. Everything about this game works and I think it's probably about the most fun you can have while staring into an LCD monitor. It's not realistic, the physics are superficial and arcadey. But that's not the point. The game is arcadey but in a way that still demands precision and intelligence from the driver. To get the best times you really need to put your brain to work- creative (and I mean creative!) shortcutting is a necessary skill here if you want to be able to ride with the best. There's a lot of joy in figuring out a track, discovering it's secrets and uncovering the hidden logic. The twin strengths of the game are the online competition racing and the track building. A third strength is the wonderful community, who have proven themselves a very talented and dedicated group when it comes to churning out insane tracks for peoples amusement. Great graphics round the whole package off nicely- lots of bump mapping of surfaces and good lighting effects throughout. A truly wild ride!
File under "FUN!!!"
List your 3 favourite, fun, memorable or in your opinion most interesting/important (in any order, or however you like) car/racing games from any era on any platform. Arcade or sim or anything in between or outside- any game where you control a car or a heavy car focus is apparent. Give a short (or long!) description why you liked it. Let's see what we can come up with.

PS- let's try to keep LFS out of this discussion. We'll assume that everybody here loves LFS. Most would probably want to put it in first position. I'm trying to open things up a bit. If you really want you can put LFS. But then you only get 2 more goes... hehe.
edit:- include screenshots if you want to, descriptions or no. There's bound to be a few strange games popping up in this list...
I'll go first...

1. Pole Position. (C64)
This was the first racing game I ever played. I loved the way the cars got bigger as they approached you (awesome sprites

haha, just found this on the net..
Of course we do!

2. Stunts/4D Sports Racing. (PC)
A true classic from the time when home PC's were just climbing out of the limitations of the awful CGA colour palette and the PC speaker 'beep boops'. This one was in VGA and had Soundblaster support, thereby rocking hard. It also rocked hard because it was a great, fun game. What set this one apart from the other racers of the time were the crazy tracks- jumps, loops, corkscrews, mazey bits, etc. And it had a track editor. Which was the best bit. You could have fun racing against the other opponents (anyone remember their names?) but more fun was making the most diabolically hellish track imaginable and setting the poor, hapless AI loose on it- with their inferior electronic brains it wouldn't be long before a nice and sometimes spectacular accident ensued, which always generated a few giggles. The best part was trying to be as creative as possible with the tracks- my friends and I were always trying to outdo each other in this area. And there was a funny bug in the physics where after coming off a loop from a particular angle- the car would sometimes hover above the ground and spin around in the air like it was caught in an invisible vortex. Hmmm... LFS physics are much better... File under "Fun"!

3. Trackmania Nations. (PC)
A newey and a goody. Just like 4D Sports Driving really but seriously updated. Everything about this game works and I think it's probably about the most fun you can have while staring into an LCD monitor. It's not realistic, the physics are superficial and arcadey. But that's not the point. The game is arcadey but in a way that still demands precision and intelligence from the driver. To get the best times you really need to put your brain to work- creative (and I mean creative!) shortcutting is a necessary skill here if you want to be able to ride with the best. There's a lot of joy in figuring out a track, discovering it's secrets and uncovering the hidden logic. The twin strengths of the game are the online competition racing and the track building. A third strength is the wonderful community, who have proven themselves a very talented and dedicated group when it comes to churning out insane tracks for peoples amusement. Great graphics round the whole package off nicely- lots of bump mapping of surfaces and good lighting effects throughout. A truly wild ride!