I'm missing LFSWorld a team statistic. We have a lot of teams here but they are not really saing anything.
There should be a statistic for the teams, how good it is (wins), how fair it is, and so on......
This would make it really interesting to join a team and to keep the spirit up.
I hope it will be implemented really soon
Yet again, I know they will argue against this and bring up the whole "oval bashing" thing :rolleyes:, but I agree Tukko.
I would like this option if the oval teams could be seperated honestly. But it shouldn't be seperated with "race teams" and "oval teams". You should be looking up stats for ALL teams, however there should be "road racing" and "oval racing" stats to filter by. One or the other, and never both.
I don't think that statistics will ever be able to display the spirit of a team.
And there is no way to compare "how fair a team is".
Is a Team who shares setups more fair then a Team that doesn't do it? etc.
The other problem with bigger Teams is when drivers can't race for a longer time (due to real life matters). Then their stats will bring the whole Team down etc.
And there are many Teams that doesn't win much Leagues or big events but they do a lot for LFS in the background. You'll only know if you read different forums or their websites. Stats wouldn't say much about it.
Sorry I know Bernd is my team m8, and very good friend, But I have to agree here. T7R and also alot of other teams, are having a quiet period atm, due to holidays, and such things ( DSL Upgrade don't mention them ) So online stats would indeed bring a whole team down, if say 3 or 4 drivers was racing 24/7 and the rest was not racing at all ( yes me included )
Being with LFS for 3 years almost, I have noticed a major pattern, a quiet period of say 3-4months where major teams go quiet. I mean, who can stand up and say, WOW saw a OCR driver online tonight in a plublic server, and I saw a /\/\ driver in a public server, and wow t7R driver also. Its a very good case of hit and miss. Depends on to many factores to produce stats from ( i.e. timezones being the major one I can think off )
I don't really see why this matters, stats would just provide something interesting and i don't think it's worth people worrying about. Maybe there should be the option to remove your own team from team statistics (if ever they came to exist).
Look right now at the whole team thing. There is nothing on it. They are there to be there to be there.
When I think about a TEAM, I think about some people who try to achieve something. Right now now it isn't the case in LFS.
You talking about all the work behind you are not going to see in a statistic. And this is right, but you see it in the moment just as little. If you would have kinda team competition, people who do all the background work, get a bit of compliment, because the drivers of the team place the whole team (also the guys who doing the other work)in the spotlight. It's the same in real live. Everybody talks about Schumacher, he is the man at Ferrari. But aren't there people who do a lot of precious work at the back without Schumacher couldn't win anything? But they get honored when Schumacher wins?!
You talking here about "the spirit of a team". What is the spirit of a team in LFS? Isn't LFS all about racing? So should not the main team spirit all about racing!? And to diyplay racing fact's aren't hard.
I don't know what the exchange of setups has to do with fair and unfair. It's like Ferrari would not use new knowledge about something for Massa and this part of the team has to work this out on their own.......
The first think would be, to put a maximum of members for a team so that you not have a team with 50 drivers and they make easily N°1. On the other hand you could just use a ratio.
Of course you will have drivers who maybe can't race for a time but you will have this at every team, so the outcome will be quite the same. An other solution would be an option to put a driver on hold. This means that he is still a member but if he does drive he will not be counted in to the statistic. And therefor you can put for a time an other driver on his spot, like in real live.
The statistic should not be just 1to1. This means when you drive a race aginst 2 others and you win, the team will get a small amount of points. When you drive a big race against 20 other racers and you win the team will get more points for it. And the number of own teammates in the same race should also change the gaining of points for the team.
When I talk about fairness of a team I mean the kick's and ban's which a team gets. The consequence should be that teams are interested how the drivers are behaving and if they not, the have to leave the team. And this should improve the whole behavior in LFS because drivers have to, otherwise they arte not in a team.
PS: thats right, wrong area. maybe a mod can replace it
i prefer or i would like to have the "team competition" on track and not on a statistic web page. Stats are good as long as they contains every single value but thats not possible. So it would be just another useless overview but i may be wrong with that.