Guessing game - how rich am I?
(82 posts, started )
#51 - dev
45.5 pounds. I know I'm gunna win I can feel it

cmon Bobby Boy!
hmm i think theres 76.35 pounds exactly :P
Quote from dev :Argh! Stop chating, and start counting

Word for that.
I'd say £19.53 - I've had £12 from my grandparents in coppers and silvers and it was quite a lot of change lol..
I'll go with £85.00 since no one has guessed in the eighty's yet.
75 pounds.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
@twenty quid
I say one dollar, Bob.
#63 - mr_x
#64 - SamH
If you wanted to show off your Zalman heatsink ass/y, you coulda just said so!

Quote from thisnameistaken :Dammit Bob, we demand an answer.

He is on his way, popped round mine to pick some stuff up so he will be revealing all later

Damnit, hurry up!
Sorry for delay, I got sidetracked eating dinner.

After stacking, counting, bagging, and depositing the money, I can confirm the figure:


Evidence the winner is Bradracer, who was just 6p out.
lol... looks like some army paraid! thats quite a bit of cash from all that useless money!
Quote from Bob Smith :
Sorry for delay, I got sidetracked eating dinner.

After stacking, counting, bagging, and depositing the money, I can confirm the figure:


Quote from Tweaker :I usually save a lot of change in a jar too, and have had well over $100 before. But that there is not my currency, and I don't know what is more valuable. I assume it is the larger coins that are worth more?


I am probably way off heheh.

Christ tweak, either thats a bl**dy good guess or you bribed him!

edit: hmm, surely tweak is closer if its 5p out?
looks like tweak edited his answer a few hours ago so maybe that was his original guess that you've wrote down?

Theres definately some funny business going on here, i can sense it
DAM, just 2p more and i would have won :weeping: :weeping: :chairs: :scared:
Dam cheating, i should have won

EDIT: New Rules: First guess counts, Tweaker is disqualified... I WON
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#72 - dev
#74 - Jakg
hmmm, £12 was a bit off then :S

Guessing game - how rich am I?
(82 posts, started )