The online racing simulator
Irrational Fears
(74 posts, started )
I always reward my dog with attention and jerky when she chases ... certain people away. Especially those people who want me to change my phone company and understand every word of English except "no" or "I'll stab you".
My irrational phobia?

Having my mitten stolen by a jackass (donkey, not Tristan ).... again.
Bugs? I don't have an actual irrational fear... but I can't stand those big flying cockroaches. I used to get in trouble for shooting them with the BB gun when they got in the house...
Once when I was first starting LFS & using a mouse, one of the things got in and landed on my mouse pad & I didn't see it & run it over with the mouse... perfectly simulating hitting a small animal with an RB-4.
I actually like spiders. We have a big orb weaver named Rupert that hangs out on the back porch and I try to keep a small nest of red wasps around. They don't bother you if you don't bother them and they attack other wasps and
yellow jackets that would seem go out of their way to sting you.
Nice one! I'm all for letting bugs help around the house

My last place back in Adelaide had a huge, Kipling-like jungle of a backyard and there were plenty of orb-weavers around during the warm months. Coupla times I saw two of them having a wrestle over a good web-building spot. The loser would literally get hurled backwards over the winner's head and slink away ... my favourite was the lady Dr Octagon, whose giant perfect webs looked like the grooves on a vinyl record. She built close to the house and nailed quite a few mozzies and other annoying insects. She was better than a bug-zapper!
I never kill daddy long-legs or huntsman spiders (my favourites) inside either, they're good for keeping the poisonous spiders outside where they should be and they're better than mothballs :up: In Oz there's always something around that can kill you so it pays to know who your friends are
Quote from Bergade :He's also deathly afraid of moths.

I wasn't afraid, I was looking for it to kill it, and when I went to bed I forgot about it already! It might still be on my back...
Quote :In Oz there's always something around that can kill you

And living in Istanbul now, there's nothing! The most dangerous thing is maybe stepping on a hedgehog (there are hardly any around anyway). The contrast is very weird. And quite refreshing I have to say!

I don't get New Zealand. It's like a fairytale land compared to Australia, no dangerous snakes, nothing.. and it's right next door. ?
Honeymooned in NZ (or Aotearoa - Land of the Long White Cloud) in Feb. My favourite country so far (apart from the one next door ). I plan on retiring there one day (a mate's parents already did and I'm extremely jealous). The thing I loved most about NZ is that it's even more chilled out than home. They really know how to kuck beck and take ut easy. Kiwis rule! Except at cricket
Ar guv mey fufty sux bucks of fush und chups
I heven't sed thet sence nineteen suxty sux
thet's a bit rich, when ya kess mi on tha lups
I'll het ya with my fust if you guv me the shuts!

Aaaaaa min.

Scared weird little guys...
*looks the other way*
Spiders (largish ones anyway)

Programmed into me from a young age when my mum used to scream and stress and I thought they must be proper nasty to make my poor mum act that scared.

even though I know they're harmless, still freak me out. 27 years old now... pathetic haha
I don't have any irrational fears except claustrophobia. Which some people already have experienced... can be pretty hurtful for others
Lol, for everyone in this thread who's scared of spiders, I saw this out on a walk today.

That's Bergade's hand next to it, for a size comparison. You can tell she's not afraid of spiders
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KodakPicture 1358.jpg
Aw, cute ...
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I understand people who are scared of spiders when forced to touch, but i dont get people when they cant even look at a photo of a spider. I know a friend who is terrified of spiders and she cant even look at a picture, if i was to show her a spider she would go all histeric and start panicing. illepall

I find spiders vry interesting! LINK << Warning its a HUGE spider
also found this.. LINK Another spider but not as big. CRUELTY TO SPIDERS!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Yeah i know what you mean, the smaller it is with loads of legs the more creepy it is...

The only small thing that kinda creeps me out is a tick, i hate those little b***ards, and i get very paranoid walking through very long grass (their ideal habitat) I have had a few over the years that have bitten into me and sucked my blood, just seeing them crawl on my skin brrrrrrr, burn the little *beep*
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
lol, i don't have a fear of bugs. But i fell watched when at te computer.

edit: infact, i can pick up spiders by there legs, and then throw them on people.
I have mild belonofobia (fear of syringes/needles). It's not the needles itself that I am afraid of, but the sight of seeing one piercing through the skin makes me sick and it sends shivers up and down my spine :yikes:

Quote from frokki :Then she has the worlds wierdest phobia, A fear of water plants. That's correct.

You should feel lucky, you've found a lass who doesn't like plants!
Quote from Bergade :That's not cute. He was willing to sacrifice my hand to get the picture!

Bugs are okay. The only thing I have a strong dislike for is water. Mainly a swimming pool.

#69 - Jakg
this little chappie just hung over the door so as i left i got it in the face

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Hi, my name is Eddie, and I have an irrational fear of escalators.
lol, i acctually have to work near wasps and bee's!!
ok, i'm 14 but i work with my dad...
and his job is to pick up glass bottles in small container and bring them to a big container on his park...
bee's and wasps love suger and such...
all those bottle contain a little bit of what was in it...
when we empty the containers, litterly more than 10 of there buggers come fly around me, and i try not to move or keep it away from my face...
i learned to joke a bit about em, but they still scare the sh*t outa me...
the "jokes":
i ask them to leave
i treathen(right word?) them that i will chase em!(will never happen)

well, thats all
else i run away like hell!!!

my other fear, is elevators...
i'm scared that they will get stuck and that i will be trapped ...

my 3 fear:
from when i was a little kid(lol, couldnt be that long ago) i allways thought that a skeleton or so would come and crawl outa my toilet!!!
so when i go to the toilet(number 2) i flush, and go to the tv

my 4th feard*mn i'm a wus )
in my living room, we have a big "closet" wich covers a whole wall...and its high... and once i dreamed that "ghosts" came from behind it and were trying to get me...
now i aint getting near that closet anymore!!

i'm reading other peoples posts, and they remember me of other things i'm scared of...

a couple of years ago i had meningitis and they had to take some "bonemarrow"(right word?) to see what i had... i swear to god, that was one hell of a long needle!!!! and i screamed like hell, my parents werent allowed te stand with me cuz i was screaming to much... i had feavers of 41°c and sometimes i couldnt move my body of the pain...
the first conclusion was an earinfection(stupid doctors)

ticks and deep water...

i dont like ticks because they can kill me my dog had 1 once and i was happy we removed it in time...
once me and my brother were playing in water, and my brother was putting my head under water, and i couldnt breath! i nearly died true...


put me in a small place in the dark or even with light, and ill go crazy

i lolso hate bugs, all kinds of em... dont like to see em nor think of em...

a very stupid fear:
buttons, i dont like to talk about em, dont wanna see em and deffently not wear em!!!i dunno how i got afraid of them, but i am... iron or steel buttons like on a pants i dont mind, but normal buttons give me the creeps...

well i'm scared of pretty much everything
Once I went with an aquaintance to one of their friend's apartments. There
was this dude there that was about 6'-something (2+m) Any ways this stray black kitten sneaks in the fron door from the courtyard. This big guy was sitting on the sofa when the kitten came in. His eyes bulged and he tucked himself into a ball/fetal position and started making this low volume. high pitched whimper. they threw the cat out and gave the guy a glass of water.
and I learned that this guy had one of those irrational fears of cats.
LOL I at first thought the guy was having some sort of seizure and the cat coming in was just a coincidence. I dunno, seeing that scared the S*** outta me.

Another time, I went with my friend to get is his wife in Orlando, Fla. We
have to cross this really long bridge in Louisianna getting to there and back.
On the way back, I was driving, my friend's wife was in the passenger seat and my friend was asleep in the back seat. She asks me in what seemed like passing conversation if we were going to drive over the big bridge. Well we just happened to be on this bridge (it's 26 miles long and at night you can't really tell you're on it. So I tell her, yeah we smack in the middle of that bridge.....Man she starts screaming and really freaking out - I almost wreck the car, My friend wakes up during all this, helps get her calmed down and then THEN tells me that his wife is afraid of bridges.
She was asleep most of the way so she didn't even realize all the other big bridges we crossed over, but what really sucked was we still had about four more big bridges to go.
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
Rofl, thats hardcore! Should have maybe placed a warning next to that link that it contains high gore for those who have the fear of seeing blood and insides being ripped out...Big grin


Irrational Fears
(74 posts, started )