The online racing simulator
How offten to you wee?
(61 posts, closed, started )

Poll : How offten do you wee?

More than 3 Hours
Every 2 Hours
Every 3 Hours
Under every hour! :o
Every Hour
Less than every day! :o
Once a day!
Quote from jamesrowe :oooooo what a good idea lmao!
im to much of a joker and piss taker to leave these things . i dont see why ppl are so discusted by things like that. oh NO its a natural thing, it aint disgusting. they take a poo/wee and go, ewwwwwwwww yuk rofl

Look!! I like to have fun a be a joker too but seriously this has gone beyond being funny. We had our fun with the other thread!! enough is enough now stop wasting forum space!

edit to the post above: i have sense of humour and if you knew me you would find out, infact if you read some of my post in the poo thread you will see. I just dont think we need another thread which is totaly pointless, distasteful, it doesnt add anything to the community, discussing it can be quite unpleasant, and reading it too.. Dont forget its not just you who uses this forum!!! and some people may not share your and mine sense of humour!
Dont close my baby down
Hmmmm close the thread if we get S3! , actualy no! i like my thread... so start weeing
i tihnk i dropped my humour down the loe haha get it down the loe, nah ddidnt think so ROFL
Quote from Madman_CZ :Look!! I like to have fun a be a joker too but seriously this has gone beyond being funny. We had our fun with the other thread!! enough is enough now stop wasting forum space!

So the stupid "we want more demo content, and stupid skidding and too gay stuff" crap isn't a waste of forum space , then.
lmao, yeah, "I done my first skid! wow, i just pulled a wheeley in my XRT. look guys"
So how much you wee? shame about the poo one
haha what type of skid james hope it wasnt a skiddy mark
"hey I Got Banned!!"
Quote from duke_toaster :What happened to your senses of humour?

it doesn't exist when you know that a few thousand people visit this website and can see what people say publicly, i mean.. honestly, you can deal with this stuff on your own.. if you cant take a piss, then .. you have some troubles and should probably talk to your doctor

plus.. its turning out to be another thread to be home of spam..
damn, we better stop, im out i give up:P
Quote from 1James1 :damn, we better stop, im out i give up:P

is this a cops and robbers thread now?
shame you give up, i still got some left
gees, perhaps there should be a off the forum bit so people that are not smoking the pipe and in the slippers can have a joke
Quote :gees, perhaps there should be a off the forum bit so people that are not smoking the pipe and in the slippers can have a joke

yea, wat are those huys guna be like when their all in there sixteis, if they have no humour now.

although, i will make this thread usefull, some info about urine/wee/piss;

Quote :Some animals, such as cats and dogs, spray urine on objects to mark their territory or property.

Taking advantage of the scents of those animals' urine, some companies sell animal urine, usually coyote or fox to cities and other organizations to prevent their trees from being stolen for use as Christmas trees.

Many drug tests are done on urine.

In more rural times, urine was collected and used in the manufacture of gunpowder. Stale urine was filtered through a barrel full of straw and allowed to continue to sour for a year or more. After this period of time, water was used to wash the resulting chemical salts from the straw. This slurry was filtered through wood ashes and allowed to dry in the sun. Saltpeter (potassium nitrate) crystals were then collected and added to brimstone (sulphur) and charcoal (carbon) to create black powder. This practice was documented in the Foxfire series of books.

Premarin is a hormone replacement product produced from the urine of a pregnant horse and is one of the most widely used hormone therapies.

Retrieved from ""

thanks for that info, was really helpfull, now if i get bombed im gonna smell of wee
rofl, lmao!!!! nice one!
When you wake up in the morning, after having tea or drinks (you lot will know about the tea as some of you are drinking it now with your pipe and slippers!)
Well when you wake up, geees it takes half the morning to get it all out! :o
ahh, wikipedia wont let me see the page on humour. the pipe smokers obviously run wikipedia aswell
I'm sure a Scotish person would get confused by this thread.

"How often do you little"
Google defines humour as:
  • temper: a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time"; "he was in a bad humor"
  • wit: a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
  • humor: (Middle Ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state; "the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile"
  • liquid body substance: the liquid parts of the body
  • humor: the quality of being funny; "I fail to see the humor in it"
  • humor: the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; "she didn't appreciate my humor"; "you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor"
  • humor: put into a good mood[/SIZE][/SIZE]
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I'm sure a Scotish person would get confused by this thread.

"How often do you little"

lol. good one.

not fair. wikipedia is dead. can anyone else get on it and get results for a search, then ill know if its just me. cheers anyone who does this.
I couldn't vote for this one cos my weeing patterns vary so much. For years I used to pee all the time, every hour. But then I found a purer lifestyle. One where I did not have to pee so frequently. One without wheat or grains. Now I pee as regularly as the next bloke. It's great, when I commute to work I'm not busting when I arrive

Aahh, the joys of a wheat free existence.

I'm sorry for the ridiculous response but this IS a ridiculous thread ... but at least not quite as distasteful as its forefather "how often do you poo?" which kinda disturbed me slightly.
wikipedia has gone down, looks like people on LFS thought, i will take it down and spoil some of their fun!
Shameful!, now how about that masturbate thread? haha
Quote from jamesrowe : now how about that masturbate thread? haha

i would but im frightened ill get banned. that thread would be disturbing i think. and then i would have to look up some usefull info on masturbation, and if my dad walked in when i was looking for it then id go really red. and also it would be bad if therer was jpeg attachments *me crys*
Quote from jamesrowe :wikipedia has gone down, looks like people on LFS thought, i will take it down and spoil some of their fun!
Shameful!, now how about that masturbate thread? haha

Quote from Gentlefoot :I couldn't vote for this one cos my weeing patterns vary so much. For years I used to pee all the time, every hour. But then I found a purer lifestyle. One where I did not have to pee so frequently. One without wheat or grains. Now I pee as regularly as the next bloke. It's great, when I commute to work I'm not busting when I arrive

Aahh, the joys of a wheat free existence.

lmao great, some people should use nappies for the ones that wee under an hour, use new durable Nappies, the new huggable friendly nappies
Quote :
A diaper (in North America) or nappy (in the British Isles and many Commonwealth countries) is an absorbent garment worn by individuals who are incontinent, that is, lack control over bladder or bowel movements, or who are unable to reach the toilet when needed. This group primarily includes infants and young children, as well as some elderly people and some with a physical or mental disability.

Diapers are occasionally worn by adults who are unable or not allowed to reach a toilet for longer than their bladders can hold out. They may be referred to as incontinence pads. Examples are :
  • People suffering from incontinence.
  • People who suffer from heavy sleeping.
  • Women who are pregnant and must urinate very frequently, and urgently.
  • People who are bedridden or recovering from surgery.
  • People who are disabled and sometimes confined to a wheelchair or paralyzed
  • Sometimes elderly people use diapers for lack of bladder control
When to change a diaper is the decision of the caregiver. Some people believe that diapers should be changed at fixed times of the day for a routine, such as after naps and after meals. Other people believe that diapers should be changed when they feel a change is needed regardless of timing. Still others people believe a diaper should be changed immediately upon wetting or soiling. And, some believe that a diaper should be changed only when the wearer is uncomfortable, the diaper is full, the diaper is leaking, or the wearer has a bowel movement.
To avoid skin irritation, commonly referred to as diaper rash, the diaper of those prone to it should be changed as soon as possible after it is soiled (especially by fecal matter). The combination of urine and feces creates ammonia. Ammonia irritates skin and can cause painful redness. During the change, after the buttocks are cleaned and dried, some people use baby oil, barrier creme or baby powder to reduce the possibility of irritation. The most effective means to prevent and treat diaper rash is to expose the buttocks to air and sunshine as often as possible. There are also drying creams based on such ingredients as zinc oxide which can be used to treat diaper rash. Before disposing of a diaper, either in a diaper pail for washing or the garbage, fecal matter should be removed as much as possible and placed in a toilet to avoid landfill and ground water contamination.

hehe, wikipedia is back up and running. hands up who can tell.
Wikipedia says:
Humour (also spelled humor) is the ability or quality of people, objects, or situations to evoke feelings of amusement in other people. The term encompasses a form of entertainment or human communication which evokes such feelings, or which makes people laugh or feel happy. The origin of the term derives from the humoral medicine of the ancient Greeks, which stated that a mix of fluids known as humours controlled human health and emotion.
A sense of humour is the ability to experience humour, a quality which all people share, although the extent to which an individual will personally find something humorous depends on a host of absolute and relative variables, including, but not limited to geographical location, culture, maturity, level of education and context. For example, young children (of any background) particularly favour slapstick, while satire tends to appeal to more mature audiences.

Perhaps some of you should read it and learn?
This thread is closed

How offten to you wee?
(61 posts, closed, started )