The online racing simulator
I'm having a really bad day
(28 posts, started )
I'm having a really bad day
got into work today and booted up my dev PC, then my Harddisk's got wiped due to a dodgy CD in the drive that automaticaly boots from CD, and formats the disk.

The CD was to be used on a NAS disk to upgrade the firmware ,I had he cd in the drive to read the PDF, and now my hard disks have been formatted, or at least the partition table.

The bad thing is I haven't done any backups for 6 months, so basically I have lost all that work :'(

Trying sme disk recovery software, the typicall thing is I am starting to recover some files, bu tnot he stuff I realy need, sods bloody law.

So people remember to back up, life deals a crappy hand once in a while.
#2 - psy00
try software , i managed to wipe out my partition table of my old HD 80gb of downloads and with that software i bring it back to life! so there is hope try it
Sorry to hear that Pabs, had a similar misfortune at home 6 weeks ago, had to build up again from scratch. Gutted. Don't let it stress you too much

its so annoying, everything I can rebuild except this one folder, that I cant find yet.....not giving up hope......not yet.

If this software doesn't work I'll try the one from winternals
Yeah, had a headcrash too once on my Laptop... so basically the work of one semester was gone. And, even more griefing, the only backups I had were of my er... video collection...
#6 - avih
In hebrew there's a saying "The shoemaker walks barefeet". Kinda funny that most computer literated guys that (i'm sure) preach "common" ppl to backup their stuff on a regular basis find themselves without a recent backup when such things happen.

Also, due to Murphy's laws, the system will never fail if you've just made a backup (the corrolary holds here, eventhough it did crash on me once the day after i backed up ). With most of the HD failures i've had though, i didn't have a proper backup.

a shame really, but shit happens. hope you'll manage to save the important stuff. but hey, it's a good oppurtunity to "clean up your desk"... not that you ever wanted to though
Quote from ColeusRattus :the only backups I had were of my er... video collection...

Well I didn't get the stuff I needed :'(
Shit I've been there, but it happens dude

My only suggestion would be to invest in a little box, which you can attach a tape drive to, and backup to that. Or at least mirror to that box
You wanna talk about a bad day? I was in that exodus from Houston for Hurricane Rita...... I know y'all seen that traffic jam. My wife is in Oz and she seen it. it took 23 hours to go from Houston to Dallas. It's normally a four hour drive.. and I had to do that with two kids, a dog, a Macaw (big bird), two parakeets. The damn dog slobbered and farted the whole way there. he
got sick cause of the heat. I caused a three car wreck (they all three deserved it) and drew a pistol to make sure some idiot behind me kept his temper tantrum to himself.... THAT was a bad day. But hey, it coulda been worse right?

On the plus side. I didn't lose anything from the hurricane, and only have to
clean up a bunch a branches and remove the boards from my windows.
Quote from Pabs(Sco) :got into work today and booted up my dev PC, then my Harddisk's got wiped due to a dodgy CD in the drive that automaticaly boots from CD, and formats the disk..

In my company we got a test PC's for something like that.

But how can something like this happen and who forgot that CD in there?

Don't you changed the BIOS on your dev PC (sounds like you are a dev and devs should know such simple things) to boot only from HDD instead of checking for Boot-CDs or other Bootsectors or Boot-Devices? If not hmm sry Pabs but to be honest just your personal fault :rolleyes:
don't think he's denying that it was his fault. Think he's just a little pi$$ed off :-(
well bro atleast youre S2 licensed ahaha jk jk.

hope you get it back
Quote from BBO@BSR :In my company we got a test PC's for something like that.

But how can something like this happen and who forgot that CD in there?

Don't you changed the BIOS on your dev PC (sounds like you are a dev and devs should know such simple things) to boot only from HDD instead of checking for Boot-CDs or other Bootsectors or Boot-Devices? If not hmm sry Pabs but to be honest just your personal fault :rolleyes:

True, I do know better. Another good saying is "Practice what you preech"I tell people to backup and I didn't do it myself, I am a fool

Quote from snewham :don't think he's denying that it was his fault. Think he's just a little pi$$ed off :-(

Yip another true statement.

Oh well my boss is going to send the drive away to get it professionally looked at.

From now on I will have a backup stratagey.

Quote from Racer Y :You wanna talk about a bad day? I was in that exodus from Houston for Hurricane Rita...... I know y'all seen that traffic jam. My wife is in Oz and she seen it. it took 23 hours to go from Houston to Dallas. It's normally a four hour drive.. and I had to do that with two kids, a dog, a Macaw (big bird), two parakeets. The damn dog slobbered and farted the whole way there. he
got sick cause of the heat. I caused a three car wreck (they all three deserved it) and drew a pistol to make sure some idiot behind me kept his temper tantrum to himself.... THAT was a bad day. But hey, it coulda been worse right?

On the plus side. I didn't lose anything from the hurricane, and only have to
clean up a bunch a branches and remove the boards from my windows.

Yip thats sounds just as bad as my day, doggy farts are the worst .

Glad that you didn;t loose anything
that sucks hope your day tomorrow isnt too bad.

but why would you have software that formats the drive on boot and not ask for confirmation?
#16 - OPK
Quote from Racer Y :drew a pistol to make sure some idiot behind me kept his temper tantrum to himself

Americans....I will never understand them...
Quote from OPK :

Americans....I will never understand them...

Niether can I... and I live here.

@ pabs... uh I think you got me beat. My problem was for 24 hours...
oops wait, the bank wouldn't put my deposit in my account until I finally
got a hold a someone by phone and threw a fit... had to run up my CC...
Oh well I'm glad you came out ok too.

To tell the truth, after I got back, I haven't hooked the wheel back up.
I'm sorry, but the LAST thing I wanna do for a few days
Oh god, one first turn wreck fest and I'll have flashbacks lol.

Oh and again at OPK. uh there was also good moments - if you can call them that.
People were out there helping people they never met, never knew and won't know again.
There was a whole lot of cooperation, courtesy, and friendliness. I seen people that just
out of the blue stopped and started running down the lines of traffic and giving out water,
sharing what they had to people that really needed it.
A friend of mine told me about this family convoy of about 4 cars that were in front of them,
getting out and making sandwiches and passing them out amongst the other people stuck out in traffic.

I gave all my food and most of my liquor (lol) to a friend that refused to leave.

Like I said, as far as Americans go, I don't understand them either and I am one.
#18 - OPK
Hm...weird stuff happening over there atm.
Nature gone wild...

Maybe a good point to sign Kyoto protocol, heh

But yeah, in hard times people get closer to each other.
Nice to see that
Quote from OPK :Maybe a good point to sign Kyoto protocol, heh

Would be too late anyway

That is, if you really believe in the theory of global warming caused by man (it is, concerning to a meteorologist friend of mine, not a "fact" as massmedia tend to publish it).
If you look back in earth's history, the temperature was always changing. We had Ice Ages, we had times of tropical climate in regions which have moderate climate now (taking also continental drift into considerartion). So it is just as (if not more) likely that the global warming has natural causes than articial causes.

Sure, these changes always had devastating cosequences for the contemporal flora and fauna. But, obviously, life went on. And as the human race can be regarded as quite versatile (and quickly reproducing due to the lack of a seasonal mating time), we (as a species, single specimen might be excluded) will very propably survive.

But now back to topic: Oh well... I have everything said already. Bad days suck. But lighten up, there will be better days to follow
Quote from dUmAsS :that sucks hope your day tomorrow isnt too bad.

but why would you have software that formats the drive on boot and not ask for confirmation?

My thoughts too, I am going to write an email to the company that supplied the disk.

Any the work is gone AFAIK, the disk is going to get looked at by some pro's there there is still hope.
#21 - OPK
Hmyeah, awful

I always make backups of my important stuff (Win partition and important work if there is some ).
I work in computer service and we often have ppl with shredded hard disks, but mainly due to technical problems.
The thing is, after such a thing happened they all want a very good backup concept.
There once was a lawyer who lost all his data on his HDD, consumer data and his whole accountancy stuff was on that one - with no backup...arf.

A boot disk that formats everything without confirmation is quite "special".
I have no idea who invented such a crap....
Incase anyone is interested, a professional company has managed to recover my stuff, thank **** for that I'll be able to sleep well from now on.
#23 - OPK

yip they must be real l33t

#25 - J.B.
Nice! What sort of money do you pay for that? And who on earth had the crazy idea to create a CD like that? That's just asking for it. You should be allowed to sue them for attempted data corruption or something.

I'm having a really bad day
(28 posts, started )