The online racing simulator
#1 - Cawwa
Team points
I don't know how important the team points are for you. Prolly it's not a big deal and it isn't for us either. Never the less it should be some kind of understandable system.
Eblio in Team XFR is a very fast and good driver. Unfortunatly he didn't have the oportunity to race in OLFSL untill now. Automaticly his points was counted for us and here are some strange things I don't understand.

When two of our members didn't race any more, I asked Sirocco to take them away from the team points. He did and sudenly we were in top at the team standings with quite a good margin. Now when Eblio raced he got 116 points for his 4th place in pool 1. In the teamstandings he got 18.
Can someone who understand this system explain that to me? illepall
#2 - Cawwa
Really ... no one understands the team points? ...

Oki ... seems as I'm not the only one then ...
That would be our new system. The more you participate, the more you get rewarded and vice versa.
We came up with this new system because you guys wanted it

Basically it means that Eblio is taking a hit because he has only been in one event and our reward system is penalising him for it to make sure mid-season joiners can't win the whole season. His points will change if he participates more.

Any clearer?
Attached images
#4 - Cawwa
Quote from Mrs FienDi :That would be our new system. The more you participate, the more you get rewarded and vice versa.
We came up with this new system because you guys wanted it

Basically it means that Eblio is taking a hit because he has only been in one event and our reward system is penalising him for it to make sure mid-season joiners can't win the whole season. His points will change if he participates more.

Any clearer?

Thx for your answer ...

Not really clearer. Eblio would be able help us to gain more points to the team, for each race. Of course he can't compete for the championship individually, three races would never, in any system, be enough.
What I recall from the discusions about teams it was about the same as for nations standings. Now a team gets penalty for bad results instead of getting a reward for good results.
Imo the team calculations would be about the same princip as for the nations.
Even easier would be to only calculate the 3 or 4 best results for each team at each race.

Hmm ... I should bring that up in the Sugestion thread instead ... this season is as it is ...
Quote from Cawwa :Imo the team calculations would be about the same princip as for the nations.Even easier would be to only calculate the 3 or 4 best results for each team at each race.

I'll talk to the staff about this in our next staff meeting.
#6 - Cawwa
#7 - Cawwa
And the results of the staff meating was .... ?
No meeting yet..