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Toribash a hardcore strategy fighting game
(63 posts, started )
Toribash a hardcore strategy fighting game

The game named TORIBASH , is a game where you control character. You can make this character do uber super punches and kicks or judo or whatever. The game isnt very easy at start, I suggest you to look all tutorials at forums and the tutorial videos too, they become handy. I have played that for 2 weeks now, and keep playing it, becouse 95% you play the game, every match is different and fun and the important thing: the strategy. Sometimes you may win just by luck, but most of the times you need to think , how to win, what to do etc etc. Well, here is the site: and NB: at some servers, body parts can be ripped off during fight, (if you hit someone hard etc.etc) and blood is too in game, so prepare!
Thats pretty damn cool, thanks for the link.

This is great fun, nice find. Thanks

Yeah, glad you like it
err i cant even manage a kick in the single player.
Woohoo, lovely game. And those replays :O I wonder if Trinity's kick from the first matrix can be done :P
too bad i cant remeber that kick
This is just hard
at first it is hard, but when you have learned it...oh then the crazy fights come! i know one kick which can hit other players arm off at start, but not always.

and i suggest you all press C at start, it tightens all your body and a easier to do tricks, but the downside of that is, that it can be ripped off more easily (in those servers, where body part ripping off is enabled).
After few moves it seems just impossible to keep the fighter even standing. Usually my moves just ends up looking like a drunken bar dance type of wrestling (which is fun but not very effective, lol)
well yes, basically its impossible to just leave fighter normally standing but usually stading isnt the goal of the game I concertrate more on getting enemy down.
This game rocks!
I have trouble keeping fighters on their feet too but at least they're doing saltos and whatnot
I love it, great find, Eleanor
I couldn't hit an elefant in this game but i can brake, yo !!
I'm starting to learn how and what everything does, pretty hc stuff I'm getting done though
Is it possible to host servers? Am I blind or...?
Maybe only if you pay or something...
I think i read somewhere that in the 2.00 version you'll be able to host servers and stuff, but that will cost you 24 dollars . :P
Playing online is so damn fun !!! Just played the game for 2 hours ! (Greetings GERG_PL and weakest !! )
this game got me so addicted, I'll probably buy it if I find a way to do so.
Good fight, good night
Really weird, but fun.
my name is Blizz in that game. Yes, when 2.00 comes out, you can host your own servers and there will be so much more stuff at 2.00, but you have to pay.
This game is screaming about for us to post replays!!!!.

Ok, my best move so far in single player (just messing about) I ripped his body in two!!!!!!.

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I agree with some people that this game has a VERY steep learning curve.

It actually isn't quite fun because you don't exactly get to have your fighter doing what you want. It's just a cheezy ragdoll game with crazy flailing body parts trying to hit each other.

Kind of like a spinoff of Ragdoll Kung-Fu or something. I'd really like someone to tell me how to at least do basic moves, AND how they do it so quick. Because I went online in some servers and people were doing tricks one after another so quickly, I had no idea how someone executes them......
Yeah, I am having a lot of trouble with it, but I think that makes the decent replays even more impressive. Bye bye is my fav...
all practise..all practise..

i suggest you to go to singleplayer and watch what each bodypart does with different conditions (relax, contract, extend) Then you start try doing tricks and over time faster and faster. You just cant do those moves when you have only played 1 day. I had same problem, i didnt have enough time, i lost very many times, but i just looked other fighters and some teached me too something. Forums on that website is pretty helpful place.

Ok i put some replays from myself too: these are all made in singleplayer
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Those replays are hillarious, I couldn't seem to do much other than fall over though

Toribash a hardcore strategy fighting game
(63 posts, started )