The online racing simulator
Toribash a hardcore strategy fighting game
(63 posts, started )
I seem to hurt myself more than my enemy in SP :O
Quote from herki :I seem to hurt myself more than my enemy in SP :O

It is indeed quite embarassing when you lose to non-moving opponent

EDIT: the controls could be lot better...
I'm quite happy: I managed to deal more than 300 damage points
I think I'm starting to understand this game... Now I have to learn to rip off heads
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :all practise..all practise..

i suggest you to go to singleplayer and watch what each bodypart does with different conditions (relax, contract, extend) Then you start try doing tricks and over time faster and faster. You just cant do those moves when you have only played 1 day. I had same problem, i didnt have enough time, i lost very many times, but i just looked other fighters and some teached me too something. Forums on that website is pretty helpful place.

Ok i put some replays from myself too: these are all made in singleplayer

Blah, I'd rather have a game where you can "pull" or "drag" the limbs with the mouse, rather than have to click on each little joint and figure out where to contract or relax. Even though I could probably figure this out... I am not wasting my time, it gets kind of annoying after a while.

And playing online is kind of sad... I suppose this game is popular now for CS kiddies, because all I see is swearing and racist remarks left and right, and that is just not the game I want to be around.... and Singleplayer is boring if you are fighting a "dummy" model.

Quote from Hyperactive :EDIT: the controls could be lot better...

I agree.
Trained alot for this move.
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Drunken bar dance, pink hippo vol. I
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Here's my firts head cut off weee


Edit: Bloody hell Hyper, you're pretty agressive
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HeadCutOff.rar - 6.2 KB - 168 views
Offcourse, not everyone must like this game, but i like it and im just fine.
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :Offcourse, not everyone must like this game, but i like it and im just fine.

Well here is the progress and the result of my labor.... I got kicked in the nuts online

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kicked in the nuts.rar - 27.2 KB - 199 views
I watched your replay and i can only say happen to play against pros too much? well that multi-leg-kick was pretty cool move from that other player, but about this replay i cant very much say anything, which would help you. He just blasted you but i could try to give you tip to go judo servers where disemberment is OFF. For example Judo Asia 2 (if i remember correct) , so there you can fight without your joints coming off, so its easier to learn. I remember that i only played in those judo servers where disemberment was off so i learned pretty fast there. I cant imagine that i could be new to game and go to some DISEMBERMENT ON server. I would be same frustrated as you, i think. So, if you see any players in Judo servers and where disemberment is off, go there, and im sure you learn more quickly there.

wow that was the longest post i've done
Man, this is addicting. Goodbye any serious work for tomorrow...
Drunken bar dance, pink hippo vol. II (cucumber edition h4X!)


I'm starting to learn some moves, like kicking limbs off and fast decapitations lol
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Surely this should do more damage
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Quote from VALE 46 ::cry:
Surely this should do more damage


(Probably just spam post by the definition of Jakq, but this is offtopic forum, right?)
On the mental side - yes

Why was I disqualified? Anyways, went a bit over in the flips. Throws are the best.
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It seems that Toribash 2.0 is going to be released today...

What I know is that it will have some limits, but you should be able to do play it, not sure if it has a timelimit or something...

EDIT: and it just got released!
uhm... second thought: this seems kinda sick
(first decapitation )
Attached files - 16.7 KB - 189 views
Quote from :Join the Toribash community today!

Purchase by clicking one of the logos below, either using PayPal or our Share-It webstore.

A single key is $19.95. We also offer volume discount prices, two keys is $14.95 each
and three keys is only $11.95 each, so get your friends and family to join too!

I've bought three keys. Send me a PM if you'd like to chip in on this bundle ($12).

PS, I will accept money transfers via PayPal only.

PPS, I haven't recieved the registration keys yet.
I really need to have a try at this, because it sounds weird I got on well with Rag Doll Kung Fu as long as I wasn't trying to actually do anything, so with a little practice I could do this.

Demo is on my To Get list
There, finally recieved the keys.

If you've been looking for an opportunity to buy this game at a reduced price here's your chance.

Edit: All gone!
Quote from Julppu :Why was I disqualified? Anyways, went a bit over in the flips. Throws are the best.

Er, uhm, you got disqualified because a body part besides your hands or feet touched the ground

And this game sounds interesting to buy too
Fel, I will trade you all of my IKEA furniture for a key... :P
i will trade you all my kids named after the ikea furniture they were conceived on for a key
As long as the kids/furniture can be sent via PayPal it's OK.

Edit: All gone!

Toribash a hardcore strategy fighting game
(63 posts, started )