The online racing simulator
Skin Templates
(119 posts, started )
Can someone make Fernando Alonsos Racing suit and helmet for me?
Edit: Ops! maybe the wrong section
u can also use corel draw/photopaint, done that @ work, u gotta get used 2 it...
using photoshop @ home, iz much more comfortable 2 me ("learned" photoshop some years ago)

team skinz of [Iam] >>>
wat do i download to skin cars ????????
Gimp, Paint Shop Pro or other image software.

Also, get the CMX Viewer from - it's a quick car viewer for loading your skins whilst you make them so you can see the 'fit' of the skin.
umm...isnt this topic supposed 2 have the skin templates in somewhere?
Quote from Super Adam :umm...isnt this topic supposed 2 have the skin templates in somewhere?

I agree, I've just come to this section looking for the templates as I have decided to start and learn how to skin and theres nothing here

Can we clean it up and someone add the templates?
#33 - Smax ... lay&thread=1120022687

Link to Master Skinnerz thread containing download links for the 2048 templates and an explanation of how to use them.

Link to Master Skinnerz forum section with usueful tips and tutorials for anyone who's never made a skin before. THE place to pick up brand logos for using as decals.

If you really struggle then get registered at Master Skinnerz

As long as your question is clear and concsise and doesn't read as "please do this for me" you'll quickly get an answer

Alternatively P.M me I'll see if I can answer your question.
Thanks Smax mate, helps that

Luckily I've got some good guys within vMax who know their stuff, so hopefully I'll be able to use them for reference. But I won't hesitate to PM you
#35 - Gunn
Here's a convenient html link to the Master Skinnerz kits.
Just cooked this up over the last couple days. All graphics scratch made by myself, except for the OWL Helmets logo.

Template is at 2048x2048 resolution. You can re-size it to 512 once youre done if you wish :P

Special thanks to Bunta for the origional skin kit, and the OWL Helmets logo (came with the skin kit )

Please let me know what you think,
Attached images
Attached files
MAGGOT_HEL_Temp.rar - 1.8 MB - 988 views
challenge for hard core skinners (bundyroy) DELETED by bundyroy
#37 - Gunn
Quote from bundyroy :i'd love for someone to skin me a fox with the richmond football club logo's and tiger stripes,i'd do it myself but i havent got a clue what i'm maybe someone would make my year cause i love my mighty tigers,maybe could find logo's at GOOD LUCK FELLAS

I'm not sure why you posted your request in this topic. Perhaps you should make a new topic for that so that this one doesn't go astray?
Arai helmet template
I made a template for the helmet. It's based on an Arai helmet.

Two preview's and a .psd file in a zip attached. Enjoy!
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Attached files - 636.9 KB - 1578 views
Nice work Darkone.
Good Lord, I just went to the Gimp page and was overwhelmed with something along these lines:


Um, I think I'll stick with MS PAINT!
Quote from Soper :Hey Victor to get all what you are searching for:

Create an Account @ Master Skinnerz

>>> All you need in high quality! <<<

This was sweet
Player sending a link for dev tools to the developer. I wonder if Victor passes this to Eric.
#42 - Gunn
Dev tools? Lol.
Quote from Gunn :Dev tools? Lol.

So Eric is not a developer anymore? Or Photoshop templates for skins, like we know them from Master Skinnerz, are not something Eric simply must have and have been 1st man to create them? For 1st LFS car skins ever? I'm new to the community, so maybe I'm missing something. What always bothered me is why Eric never comes to forums (skinning topics for example, or textures edits), why all those "templates" are coming from the community and not from himself? I believe that he must be able to elegantly generate as perfect wires as anybody needs, while other guys have to spend their childhood in Corel Draw or similiar funny softwares to come with something decent for skinning purposes, for example...

#44 - Gunn
Quote from RAYfighter :So Eric is not a developer anymore? Or Photoshop templates for skins, like we know them from Master Skinnerz, are not something Eric simply must have and have been 1st man to create them? For 1st LFS car skins ever? I'm new to the community, so maybe I'm missing something. What always bothered me is why Eric never comes to forums (skinning topics for example, or textures edits), why all those "templates" are coming from the community and not from himself? I believe that he must be able to elegantly generate as perfect wires as anybody needs, while other guys have to spend their childhood in Corel Draw or similiar funny softwares to come with something decent for skinning purposes, for example...

Eric uses Paint Shop Pro BTW.
Thank you for your comprehensive answer.
#46 - Gunn
Quote from RAYfighter :Thank you for your comprehensive answer.

It is a raster program, incapable of vector-quality results. You can fill in the blanks for yourself.
how do you skin suits ?? thank you
#49 - Gunn
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :how do you skin suits ?? thank you

If you look in your LFS/data/pic folder you will find the suit skins, eg: SUITB.jpg, SUITG.jpg etc.

These work just like the car skins work. At this time there is no accurate template or wireframe, but a bit of trial and error will get you there. I recommend looking at other people's custom suit skins to help know where everything goes and how the texture is wrapped around the model.
thanks very much m8 !!

Skin Templates
(119 posts, started )