The online racing simulator
New Release 1.0 Live for Stats and LFS Report inkl Source Code
Hi, my Insim Tool is a third or so stats saving tool.
Some of you maybe thinking no new tool is needed, but I make it to train my programming skills and its for me cause I think I can make some things better.

Cause Im in the end from the main features I have some questions to you, wich information you want to get.

Thats a part of the current "db" with information from 2 player with one lap

Version 1.0

//<length playername>;<playername>;<ID (in LFS)>;<fastest speed><number of laps>
4;AI 1;1;27601;1
//<lap number>;<time m:s:h:t>;<lap-line-speed>
//<time m:s:h:t>;<split-line-speed>

//second player
4;AI 2;2;27294;1

The track information will be saved too, I didnt know exactly what but I will do it the next day(s).
Then I thought to save the overhaul event but I dont know if thats interesting enough?!?

You can think of more things...

I know that isnt a nice thing to get informations out of the splits and so on
So I want to make a dynamic website with it cause the main bad thing on beckys stats part of the tool for me are that there are so much websites...
I dont know excactly how that will work but I dont think it will be to hard with PHP ...
I'm actually quite flattered you identified mine as your 'rival', LFS Stats is by far the accepted standard , and it's all on one page as you are wanting.
No problem I didint use this tool ever

And I have no rivals, if my tool is better then good the useres will use it.
If no one will use it Iam not to sad cause the work wasnt for nothing *gg*

But we will see...
#4 - filur
If you're designing it to be parsed for display on a website, why not go for an established format such as XML?
Yes sure, the selection was between xml and a csv file.
But because I have good experiences with parsing these files I used this, but yes maybe I will switch to xml or use both but this won´t be a good way I think

I wrote a XML-programm with VB in my programming beginnings and the structure of my XML-File was so bad that everything that should go in under 1 second needs nearly one minute I think since there I dont like this format :P

Nice page and thanks for it in german
I think I will change to XML cause everywhere XML is used 0o so I have to know how to handle with.
But ok now I think I have to build a nice XML class/libary for me
Before I will implement the XML Part I made a structure how I would do it

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<STATS version="1.0">

probably a position field will comes to laps but thats not the point here

please give me a note if this can be good handled for parsing.
I made a small website for the tool Link

EDIT: Update
Hi, back with the third Update of the page, added a lot stuff and have began a documentation of the output file format I use
I follow your thread now for quite a while, because I have also created a new stats tool, because lfsstats does not enough for me.
I have postet it in our austrian forum, because it is also work in progress.
You can check it out here: (note: the posts here are in german)

For all guys that cannot read german here is a short summary:
My stats tool create a csv like file with all the stats. You can use it with replays, and I also have it running on our lfs server to generate the stats directly during the races.
I'm writing on a module for our website, so that I have an upload form and this data from the stats file is inserted into a mysql database. The stats, standings etc. are than generated live on the server with this php written module.
Quote from Brilwing :I follow your thread now for quite a while, because I have also created a new stats tool, because lfsstats does not enough for me.
I have postet it in our austrian forum, because it is also work in progress.
You can check it out here: (note: the posts here are in german)

For all guys that cannot read german here is a short summary:
My stats tool create a csv like file with all the stats. You can use it with replays, and I also have it running on our lfs server to generate the stats directly during the races.
I'm writing on a module for our website, so that I have an upload form and this data from the stats file is inserted into a mysql database. The stats, standings etc. are than generated live on the server with this php written module.

Hi there, exelent work, i would like to have a example of the file youre inserting into mysql databases because atm im learning sql and i think it would be another good example and its lfs related Or is it just somekind of unreadable temporary stuff?

Here is an example file my stats tool generates: ... O5_qual_0608271639.gstats

I upload this via a web form, an php parses this file an generates the proper SQL-Insert statmements.

Here is a code snipped that inserts a driver into the DB:

$db = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass);

function executeStatement($query) {
global $db;

mysql_query($query, $db);
if (mysql_errno($db) != 0) {
echo mysql_errno($db) . ": " . mysql_error($db). "\n";
return mysql_insert_id();

function insertDriver($line = "") {

global $raceId;
global $drivers;
global $db_table_drivers;

$token = explode(";", $line);

$query = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s VALUES('',%d, %d, '%s','%s', %d, '%s', '%s')",

$driverId = executeStatement($query);
$drivers[$token[0]] = $driverId;

Hi all,

Today CLRS530 and I released the tool.

CLRS530 created the 'Live for stats' part (the program that generates result files) while I created the 'LFS-report' part (a website that converts the result files into a webpage).

Live for stats can be found here :
LFS-Report can be found here

If you find any problems please let us know so we can fix those.

We are sorry but the first version was pretty buggy. So yesterday we did a major debugging session and fixed lot's of bugs.

Now everything is looking good. So please go grab the latest version at

An example report:
Today we released V1.0 of 'Live for Stats'.

The php website lfs-report also had lot's of bugfixes and you can also download the source of lfs-report now.

We had debug sessions every almost every night since the initial release and we tested a lot so it should be stable.

We are very pleased with the 'ease of use' of our solution. Now you can have stats of a race within seconds after the race finishes