The online racing simulator
Problems trying to host an internet game
Hi Guys,

I'm having trouble trying to host an internet game through the normal client LFS. When I host a game it does not display on the server list. Also, if my friend tries to connect using join specific name, he gets through the downloading tracks etc but it won't join the race lobby, instead he gets a host disconnect message.

My setup is:

Win XPProSP2 PC running wireless network card to Linksys WRT54G router to DSL2 modem.

The default LFS port is forwarded both TCP/UDP for the host PC.

Windows firewall is off and the firewall service is disabled on the host machine.

I have several other windows services for network awareness etc disabled as well as WiFi security set to WEP, dunno if that will affect this.

I can log on to public LFS servers through this current setup without any problems...

Any thoughts?

Try hosting it using the Dedicated Host? Might solve something.
no, i had this problem, it says clientconnect: connection faild

i used a dedi host