The online racing simulator
#1 - Scope
Any news about the final release of s2?
I wonder: Any news on the release of s2 (date) - and will there be new things or will it just be a bugfixed version?
#2 - OPK
No news so far, sorry
And, as we now play the S2 Alpha, I highly doubt that there will be groundbreaking new features.

I would be dissapointed (only slightly though), if there are not one or two little surprises in the release, but don't expect DX9 shaders, realtime weather processing or friggin sharks with friggin laserbeams attached to their heads.
#4 - Vain
No sharks with laserbeams?
OH NO!!!! I only licensed S2 because of the laser-sharks!!

dont get to excited, i doubt we'll see anything huge between now and christmas
Quote from XCNuse :dont get to excited, i doubt we'll see anything huge between now and christmas

Got to agree with you there mate. Devs will get round to S2:Final when they are ready
Quote from ColeusRattus :sharks with friggin laserbeams attached to their heads.

Ill-tempered Sea Bass?

And why is this on improvement section...
Why at all? Any news would be on the LFS site, you'd think ...
Quote from tristancliffe :Ill-tempered Sea Bass?

Mutated ill-tempered seabass! Muahahahaha! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!